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Do you nerds have a sex life?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Roshi, Mar 25, 2008.

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  1. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    no, its like anything, if you use it enough it gets stronger :p

    and tripple posting..? come on patton... lol
  2. I'm 17 and still a virgin, but I've had the opportunities...
    The reason I've chosen not to is because the girl I could've had sex with turned out to be bisexual :O, which I didn't find out until actually just recently, and I am very conservative (Strong Anti-Gay Advocate) and my beliefs will always be stronger than any short term gain and most long term -_-
    Isn't there anyone left in this world thats normal....and apparently now I have to define normal...-_-
    to me normal is being straight i.e. man with woman
    its why god made man AND woman, not just man and not just woman, sorry got off topic and a tad preachy
  3. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    What's the big deal ?
    I have sex with myself 5 times a day ;D

    You walked away from a possible threeway ?
    You sir, are not normal....
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    you sir are not normal, you is ignorant. who gives a crap if other people have a bit of bum love here and there and as for gay girls and bisexuals whats the problem there, there is non and if you are going to be ignorant toward gays then i might as well be ignorant to your god that made you, your faith is a shame it was made to make people like you, gay fearing, war fighting, ignorant, non question asking idiots. and if you start to bash gays again i'm sure you won't be welcome here anymore.

    ha aha hahahahah ahaha ahah a hhahah
    Miss Palm and her five wonderfull daughters

    and bisexuals doesn't mean a three way, i went out with one for 3 years never got one but it is cool cause she liked porn and i never got in trouble for looking at other women as they went by she just joined in ;D
  5. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Did she admit she was bi... or did you find that out by yourself... XD

    Damn, I wish I was Almo right about now....
  6. she admitted after I found out
    I'm athiest -_-
    Don't call me ignorant because there are many things I can call you, but
    fortunately I'm mature enough to show restraint >.>
    I'm straight to the core, ok, kinda like stephen colbert...kinda
  7. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Wait, what the hell... Don't the two statements contradict each other ...
    Cool, I'm straight too... :p
  8. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    I'm straight too, but I'm not going to pass up the chance for man with women with women ;D

    Yeah, you're atheist, but you believe god made men and women for a reason...... haha......... hahahaha.
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    what, what could you call me, nothing thats right nothing and if you where mature you'd grow up and realize there is nothing wrong with gays, bi's and all the other odditys out there
  10. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    People being gay isn't a personnal insult, nor a threat. Like not all girls love you, neither do gay people. Let them be... They're still people after all!

    But I'll continue to have sex with my girlfriend though :p (i'm kinda hardcore straight, but I hate people who judge based on sexual interest)
  11. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    lol too true, one of my best mates is gay, and shit hes pretty hot i must say (though im not gay nor bi). Its surprising but even strait people can get a kick outta going to a gay bar :p (the missus didnt like it much though lol).
  12. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    ^ There's nothing gay about pointing out if a guy looks attractive, it's just making a statement, though you couldn't spot me in a gay bar in a thousand years (no offense to anyone) ;D
  13. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    Don't turn this into a religious flame war please.
    No sex life for me, at the moment.
  14. Roshi

    Roshi Well-Known Member

    Let's not flame eachother. He has a right to his beliefs, even though they may seem ignorant.

    T__T cummon you guys. Peace and love ;____;
  15. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Like Brad Pitt....I'd ****ing do Brad Pitt.....
  16. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...loony you homo ;D sorry

    how about we all have a lovely big gay hug right now

    equitypetey extends his e-arms to start big gay e-hug, the best type of hug
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    what? I never posted anything on this page. Try reading the names in future
  18. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    sorry i'm being stupid i ment legend (his lion sig confuses me) but now your here how about a hug
  19. martinnewton

    martinnewton Active Member

    Once, about 5 month ago, i guess it was just a one off, i had to live with her nagging me at school for months after that, was embarrasing :p and i dont see how one can be a geek by playing games, aslong as they dont mass play like 20 hours a day or something and have some sort of a social life.

    i dont have a problem with gays, i just couldent be gay, finding another man attractive is just not normal. period
  20. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    screw brad pit, hes not even that hot.

    Though everyone will admit that they would do Curt Cobain <3
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