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Do you lie?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NintendoLover64, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    I try not to, but i always end up lying to make a story better or to get away with something.
    I'm great at pulling sickies!!!
  2. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    "Me? I aways tell the truth, even when I lie!" (scarface film script)

    I lie sometimes, but nothin' serious to f**k somebody.

    but you know when someone are liein' "The eyes chico, they never lie"
  3. jadster 1996

    jadster 1996 Well-Known Member

    I lie too but only if the situation pushed me to do so or if I was in a lot of trouble
    But I never lie if the lie can hurt someone else and I try to be truthful MOST of the time.
    Though I doubt there is someone in the world who hasn't lied yet...
  4. KM05malice

    KM05malice New Member

    You can add me to the list of believers on that quote.
    The only problem I have is my inability to lie well. You can imagine the trouble I have when played poker. XD
  5. zero hero

    zero hero Member

    i dont lie i simply mis-lead with my information
    an i rock at poker
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    small white lies like talking about Santa to my son but if it has any impact on anything i like to think that i'm always honest even if it may hurt someones feelings and i hate with passion people that lie or keep secrets
  7. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    I lie a lot i find it hard but just little lies
  8. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    NEVER! Because i made an oath as a Fleet Admiral of the Galactic Empire to not tell lies!
  9. kirbyscool

    kirbyscool New Member

    i shouldn't but i do sometimes (i try not to).
  10. caleb124

    caleb124 Member

    Tony Blair =P
    My sister would be 5 id be a 2... if you believe that...
  11. I lie quite a bit even if I can't recall it.
    I omit the truth more often though...
  12. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    It is a most common thing in people... ommiting the truth i mean. Lying is also quite frequent even for somebody who despises this habbit.It is part of human psychology.
  13. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

  14. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    :eek:TO lie is TO survive.
  15. I remember hearing that "the average person lies 3 times every ten minutes in a casual conversation.
  16. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I'm bluntly honest, what's the point in lieing? The only person you're lieing to at the end of the day is yourself. I don't put it bluntly in a nasty way though I do it in a way that I show compassion and respect. So I don't hurt their feelings you know.
  17. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's pointless but the world today is shaped by countless of lies from the past.
  18. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    True... I guess that makes me different from everyone else... Not that, that is a bad thing because I quite like it..
  19. eneru112

    eneru112 Member

    All the time. lol.
  20. angelic_kratos

    angelic_kratos Active Member

    I think you just created a paradox o_O

    I lie on occasion, just depends on who I'm talking to I guess :p