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Do you lie?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NintendoLover64, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

  2. vsio

    vsio Active Member

    X Sometimes I lie...depend on situation... X
  3. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    I use white lies ^_^
  4. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Do I lie? No... of course not...~ ::)
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Quite often I lie to save someone else's hide...like this.

    "Oh I speed around a corner and nearly killed someone"

    Where's I'd be lucky to go 20km's over the limit...the most I hit is a seagull.

    Mostly saving mates from their own stupidity/saving my own hide/finding out information with information from a friend and claiming it as my own (so they don't get bashed for it).
  6. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    sometimes lol, hiding my ass is same as protecting myself
  7. sorcees

    sorcees Member

    like all people who use internet and forums, i do lie!
  8. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    I lie in almost every conversation, not a very big lie, but the small ones like ''Have you watched x movie'' or ''Have you played y game''. I just say yes but mostly I did not watched/played it.
  9. yaaaaaaaaaay for the liars, I lie quite alot to be fair, like I once told my little brother there is a religion for pokemon with light sabres, and he went around dressed as pikachu with a light sabre for a whole week, no not really that was a lie :D
    Post Merge: [time]1261423350[/time]
    I dont even have a little brother really :)
  10. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    no. i can't lie...
  11. vsio

    vsio Active Member


    Yes sometimes...
    At the first time, there was a hard feeling doing it...

  12. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I sometimes lie, or... Fabricate the truth. For instance, if I am a guest at someone's house, and they ask if I like the food, when I do not. I will say it is nice.

    I never lie to increase my social status, or to 'fit in'. I used to lie, when I was younger, to save my skin. But now I see little point, as all my friends know who I am and accept me as such.
  13. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    I get lied to a whole lot more than I lie.
  14. plasmacannon

    plasmacannon Member

    i almost always lie.
  15. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

  16. abiyo

    abiyo Well-Known Member

    i have also lies many times..
  17. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    I lie for jokes.
  18. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I see what you did there. Adianoeta fun.
  19. Sabri23

    Sabri23 Guest

    Yup i lie sometimes , i'l think everyboddy lies ;)

    Sometimes you have parts in live where YOU MUST LIE .
  20. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    i lie in the bed.