I thought the topic was "Do you believe with your religion?" Not "lets point out the flaws in everyone elses."
i wasn't necessarily pointing out flaws, i have said my opinion on them. if you see flaws from anything i have said does that not say anything to you?
Eeep I was half joking.. Half Serious. I didn't see a flaw with what you were saying, I have accepted what you said. >_< Umm...?
Yes. The theory of evolution has evidence to fight its corner, and yes, we didn't evolve from chimps, but share a common ancestor. Yes evolution, for the most part, has been proven scientifically. Let's just say I'm faithless and be done with it. : 3 I still say you can have faith in things you know to be present, to which I do.
not to keep it off topic but it's more then the most part it is now complete, there is no denying it what so ever. also we are still classed as ape we are just another species of ape. now back on topic sort of. why do people think that religion deserves respect, especially if at it's fundamentals have ideologies i disagree with. pedoes believe kids are great sex partners shall we respect them for there belief? belief in something does not automatically equal anything that deserves respect.
To quote Tim Minchin: "We're just fucking monkeys in shoes". And yes I agree. Belief doesn't = respect by default. Respect is earned.
I can say someone is narrow-minded when he/she is one-sided. we should see both sides, after all we're individuals with different beliefs & opinions. just like this one: you don't need to generalize. it's like in our society, there are law abiders and law breakers.
only an idiot would be fully agree with my ex-religion, any religion in fact since they are nothing more then bedtime story design to control people with the fear of the unknow. Want me to fully agree on any religion, sure, ask your "god" to show its self.
the problem is allot of people on the side of no religion are open minded and that's why they don't believe, it may seem like they are not but they are, if you where to give any real evidence or even a half decent debate to the table it may be a different case. and even if someone is narrow minded enough that they don't want to abandon all logic and allow the discussion of god like it is real, it's not half as narrow minded as someone that is so adamant that some text (that has been basically entirely debunked) is the "truth" and closes their eyes to facts.
the cool thing about a religion is that you are supposed to ask questions. with any philosophy you ask questions to learn more. its when people start telling me to stop asking questions that i start pushing that philosophy away. christianity isn't a bad religion or philosophy its just REALLY weird when everyone starts telling me don't ask questions just believe it.
Yeah, with reasoning we can solve arguements with out things getting out of hand I haven't really studied it in full. But I love it.
With philosophy though, you're likely to ask a lot of questions... In turn you start to ask questions about your actual beliefs.. It's also seen as being critical, which is a negative way of putting it.
well then it's a shame no body seems to use that in our discussions as normally anything critical tends to offend.