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Do you believe in ghosts?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by msg2009, Mar 9, 2010.


do you believe in ghosts?

  1. yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  3. im open minded

    0 vote(s)
  1. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    That was just Mick Hucknall!
  2. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I neither believe nor do I disbelieve, only my own personal experience will sway me, I've been to some "haunted spots", but felt nothing abnormal. To me ghosts are as believable as the concept of a god.
  3. nitemarezero147

    nitemarezero147 Well-Known Member

    well Bigfoot resides somewhere in america unless the abominable snowman is also bigfoot.
    but when it comes to ghost idk what to think.
    ive had an experence with some weird force though.
  4. Awec

    Awec Active Member

    I don't believe in ghosts, UFOs, or any other paranormal mass-spread species such as demons or fairies that we cannot see due to a lack of something that we have, or some power they have over. I also do not believe in magic and for all of these I use the reason because logic, reason and science or technology has proven that they can not, or in a logical Universe (which we almost certainly live in) exist, at least without our knowledge.

    I believe in the possibility of Extra-terrestrial life-forms and of Yetis, Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster, as humans can't be everywhere at once and there is a possibility that a species which is almost extinct could (and especially with the Loch Ness monster, as we generally know more about above than below water) evade scientific proof or at any rate, evade us enough for any proof to be passed off as fake. As for Aliens, they probably exist, and perhaps even as intelligent (like us) or semi-intelligent life-forms on other planets. I do not believe that these Aliens have the technology to contact us in any way, and even if they did, that they had the knowledge of us or even then if they would bother. I certainly do not believe that they would appear in flashing ships, descending and abducting one of us for 'testing' and then flying away after releasing the captive, or any other of the bogus stories.

    Back to ghosts, firstly what logical reason could there be for a person's soul, assuming souls exist, to stay or be trapped in the living world. Secondly, if ghosts did exist then why would only certain, and almost always well-known (since most 'ghosts' have been identified) people stay. Even more, ghosts apparently have the ability to contact us and even manipulate physical objects which could harm us. If this is true, why haven't ghosts overrun the living world by now, as if they were malign they would presumably kill someone and since tragic deaths always produce ghosts, those people would become more ghosts. Even as I attempt to think about any possibility that they could exist, and indeed attempt to write this, I find myself befuddled and entirely unable to see and possible reason why they should exist. Even being an atheist, I believe in the possibility of Gods more than I believe in ghosts (or demons).

    There are even plenty of logical explanations for 'sightings' or 'experiences'. Felt a weird force? Perhaps it was just magnetism. Seen a light? It's called a damn burglar, call the police. Heard voices? They can be carried down pipes an awful long way.
    People even try to make evidence by purposefully screwing up photoshoots in the attempt that it will be seen as credible evidence. And even when the explanations aren't very believable; after all, what if there were no magnets, no iron nearby - what if a wooden chair moved for no reason? I find any explanation more credible than any possibility of ghosts, let alone their ability to move a chair.
  5. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    atheists have overrun romU lol. anyway, I see your point. souls are believed to be ghosts, and why would they be trapped in the living world. I don't believe it that way. I haven't seen a ghost in real life, and I don't want to see one. I saw some in my dreams, or what you call nightmares, but when I woke up it's gone and they probably don't exist. mostly are demons than ghosts on my dreams, but i'm used to it. has anyone heard of incubus or succubus lol. i wouldn't lie just to sound brave but i still feel scared at times. i just kept on thinking this is normal and just part of my sleep paralysis, since it's associated with narcolepsy. i'm not sure if science is right this time. Well not being an atheist, I believe it's demons' strategy to create ghosts that will frighten people and unless you believe they exist, you'll probably be consumed.
  6. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    i saw a ghost
    Post Merge: [time]1268351441[/time]
    and therefore seeing is believing
  7. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    I do believe. But my belief is real ghost doesn't scare the people unless they disrupt them.
    And i also believe that ghosts usually aren't from humans' soul. Except if the human has a big sin, they will be awoken as a ghost.
    Ghosts are the other creature that exist differently in our world.
    I also believe that when people see a ghost, there are 3 explanations:
    1. Disrupted ghost.
    2. Unaccepted human soul.
    3. A devil that pretend to be one.
  8. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    No, don't be fucking retarded.

    Also, minor hallucinations happen more often than you'd think. You can't trust your senses all of the time. Lack of sleep is enough to cause the appearance of shadow people, which could easily be perceived as a ghostly entity. I've had sensory hallucinations of my own, but you can't necessarily jump to conclusions about the cause or content.

    I was once in a deep state of meditation when indistinguishable whispers filled the room. Then a sharp angry tone caught my attention, the only way I can describe it is someone angrily whispering at me with words I couldn't understand. It scared the fuck out of me, but rational thought took over in a matter of seconds after I snapped out of it and sat up. It obviously was not a spirit of any sort talking to me.

    I once had a fever and had vivid closed-eye visuals for about 15 minutes. I was not teleported to some extraterrestrial realm. I was sick.

    I once was washing my face in a bathroom when I looked up and couldn't remember where the fuck I was. It took me about 20 seconds to remember what building I was in. I do not credit this to being possessed.

    I once saw a giant diamond object lit dimly at the vertices hovering over a lake until it floated south and out of view. I was admittedly not exactly sober when this happened, but this does not happen regularly at all.

    You have to take discrepancies in your sensory perception in stride. Then again, I might be teetering on the brink of mental insanity.

    tl;dr: Sensory hallucinations happen to various degrees. People credit them to aliens and ghosts. People are fucking stupid.
  9. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    hello mr void. sorry, this sort of words bothers me in ways i couldn't explain, but would you please watch your language! ???
  10. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Hello Ms crimson089!

    I apologize dearly for my dickery. It won't happen again.

    With infinite love,
  11. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Haha, 'language' on here is usually worse than this, be glad Void isn't littlekill; the thread would be deleted and him banned (again) should he comment in here. XD
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    He's so polite. <3
  13. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

  14. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    lol i guess you never trespassed the far side of romulation
  15. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    im open minded.
    My dad had an accident 12 years ago and had to be resuscited a few times on the way to hospital and he swears there is something there after death.
    this is a guy who has never been to church, dont believe in god, ghosts or anything
  16. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    I love Void instantly.

    Anyway. No, I do not believe in ghosts.
  17. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    As of yet, no. I'd need go solid proof, then, I would indeed believe in ghosts.
  18. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    It would be worse if you could meet some of us in true life. I can guarantee you that.

    And back to topic, during vacations, on countryside, I and my friends went for a walk to the forest at night. There is very old cemetery quite deep in the woods, and we decided to go there as for the most interesting place we could think of. Many of the people who were buried there are WW2 victims, and it makes this place great for "ghost hunting". There was surely dark and spooky there, but we've seen and felt absolutely nothing. No ghost or demons, just some old graves. Disappointing.
    Some time later, in the lakeside, we went to even older Jewish cemetery. Once again, nothing. That proves that either Jews have no souls, or rather that there is no such a thing as ghosts.
    If we were in american movie, we would probably be possessed, scared to death and cursed for like a hundred times, but no...
    In my life, I have never experienced any paranormal activity at all... I like ghost stories, but sadly, they are bunch of lies.

    So you who said you have seen a ghost, please tell us more details, cause a sentence "I've seen a ghost!" isn't very informative.
  19. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    I seem to have this effect on people.
  20. PuffyChain

    PuffyChain Well-Known Member

    i still remember when i play hide n seek with my friends in a empty house around 10 years ago... when i try enter in a room, i see a 'thing' come out from back door, but i ignore it then enter the room... after finish play, i got a horrible dream (can't imagined how scare my dream)... then, I no longer play at that empty house...

    that's my experience see a ghost...