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Do people really care about their LIVES anymore?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by mds64, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    Humans never feel truly alive unless there's some kind of chemical racing through their veins. Whether they get it from their brain in response to doing something dangerous/exciting or whether they get it by injecting it into their bodies. That's basically why anyone does anything what you have branded "stupid" or "not living".
  2. haxi

    haxi New Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    Well...the thing in live that you enjoy more are "feelings"

    if they come from drugs, adrenaline, by drinking........... or even from games, that's why people spent life doing this or that
    I don't judge those nerd chineses that died because they spent 3 days playing WOW and didn't even drank water meanwhile....
    (or at least I shouldn't judge them...I don't know....)

    I think I kinda judge them, just like I judge people who live a boring life worrying about bills and furniture and those indoors-fucked-up things... But uh, that's just me, and I realize how confortable is that, and confort is welcome sometimes, especifically when you're so fucked up w/ drugs or a nightlife or a promiscuous life that won't come w/ rules and w/ a manual for you to be happy

    well... that absolutely won't come from a "normal life" either...
    But confort sounds good
  3. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    I have smoked for almost 6 years, now I am considering to quit , people don't care about their life when they think what is not dangerous or what is safe in the near future.
  4. seriaku

    seriaku Well-Known Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    Define life for me.
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    "living your life" only apply to rich people, average people dont really live their life as their spend most of their life working for rich people and when they are finally retired, its already too late to live your life.

    as my saying goes, life sucks unless you are rich.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    Heart beating, that kind of life...

    Hrm...adreneline...guess someone shut mine off a long time ago, I pull away from anything the least bit dangerous, I can sit in a plane, sure, but not a roller coaster.

    Sure I accelerate quick and push my car, and span out as a result, but I always kept 5km's under the speed limit despite the rapid acceleration.

    I'm Rich (for my age bracket), money saved and being an utter tight arse has helped...though it all goes towards games, what's required (food, bills, clothing) and the odd shout for mates (see-once in a life time event and I always ask for it back anyway because I'm tight).

    Most people around here don't even have more than $1000 in their bank accounts, least from the many I met and know.

    All I want is just to see life as it goes, in life I'm like a passing leaf, i just drift by...before a life changing experience I was more like a broken vaccum cleaner, sucking in what I can, not well (ie fear held me back) but still taking it in.

    I'm not the most interesting guy though, that i admit, I'm not even planning on leaving my country like the rest of my 40+plus aussie cousin's are, heck i said to my parents "No, I don't want a 21st, no party, no NOTHING", where's it's almost being a tradition to rent out some big ass place and invite all the extended family to the venue of choice.

    Maybe japan, once I find someone that can speak on my behalf, otherwise I'm not going anywhere.

    Still, must be something interesting about me, considering how anti social I am these days and the fact I still have friends after the hell I put them thru in the past.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    Pessimistic and broad stuff that does not apply to everyone.
  8. seriaku

    seriaku Well-Known Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    I've already seen Europe and im 17, only so much more of the world left to travel.
  9. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    you couldn't be any more wrong

    im not rich but ive done pretty much everything
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    also you are going to be more anti-social once you start working, you will barely have anytime for your self.

    pessimistic or not thats how the world works.

    pretty much everything isnt the same as done everything. plus if you can afford to skip work to "done something", you are hardly poor.

    i worked for 40 hours a week include holidays and i been working for 5 years (going 6) without a vacation. there is just no time to do anything like travel, plus i dont have what it take to travel in the 1st place.
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    he does work

    get a better job.
    ive been to about 40 countries, i dont have any money, i have to save up
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    No, you may work for someone more wealthy than you but that doesn't mean that you're not happy or you're in pain. I'm able to have vacations and lead a full life awith a lot of crap to do, including work.

    Your original post is a mere reflection of your sad life, if you're not happy, find something that does.
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    easier said then done. so far i have found no work that have a better paid the my current work. other that i have found, it either require some education cert that i do not have nor capable of getting or going overseas which i'm not capable of doing either.
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    What exactly are you doing with the money that you attain from this shitty job? If you make so much money from this shitty job of yours, what are you doing with it? If you save it up you're able to go to college or go overseas.
  15. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    so go to college so you can have a better life in the future, i did after working for 9 years.
    you just make excuses, stop being a pessimist and do something about it
  16. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    bills, meal, retirement plan, life insurance (which double as retirement saving if i'm not death after age of 85), and my college loan. The loan take a make hole in my salary as the result of my mom put me into college despite we dont have what it take and i'm not capable of getting a scholarship... not that i blame her or anything because my life could be worse without that college.

    do you have any idea how much college cost now days? plus i'm still playing for my old college loan (still left 23k). also not to mention my mom will retire in 5 years which i have to do my best to support her.

    so unless some of my rich and wealthy relative suddenly drop death and name me as their successor, me going back to college isnt going to happen.
  17. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    i think this thread is about you. your just letting life go past and doing nothing but moan and make excuses, you have zero ambition, there is always options.
    you should prioritize things, if you can afford internet and a computer you should have paid that money off your loan instead so you can get your life in order.
    help yourself because nobody else will
  18. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    my mom is the one who paid the internet bill, i paid the electricity, water and gas. also my computer is a 5 years old machine. plus my sister monopolize that machine. anyway i'm posting this from my office, not home.

    you keep saying i'm keep making excuses, but you arent the one who living my life. i am, and i know my life better then you. i'm still looking for that infamous "options" that people keep saying when discussing my life.
  19. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    There's always options, the thing is, is that most people aren't willing to venture into those options or aren't looking hard enough.
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Do people really care about "life" anymore?

    a few years ago i was homeless living in my car, i was unemployed and owed over £30k. Do you know what i did? I stopped moaning about unfair things were and got off my arse and did something about it. i call it "growing up".
    now i dont owe anybody a penny, Im going on 3 holidays this year(my 2nd one is in 5 weeks, WHOOO HOO!!! cant wait) and i have my own business.
    i could have just carried on as i was, im happy i didn't.