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Do not buy these flashcarts, avoid at all costs.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Kiekoes, May 18, 2010.

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  1. Nikki!

    Nikki! Well-Known Member

    I don't think there's anything wrong with the m3 ds real or the m3i zero. Maybe it takes a little longer than other cards before they update the firmware, but I don't think that's a reason not to buy a card.
    I didn't even know that the guy who made it, didn't get paid, so I guess that also isn't a reason not to buy it.
    These cards are also fake: www.m3isdhc.com, http://www.m3iupgrade.com and www.m3adaptador.com.
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Nothing so far has been able to make properly sized saves past the 1MB save used by Pokemon for awhile now. Every time a game with a 32MB save has come out so far, pretty much everything has needed a firmware update to make that save work. Even the SCDS2 required a firmware update to make Jam with the Band work.

    My R4 can do everything your Acekard2i can minus holding a memory card larger then 2GB. Really, I'm not overly distraught about that. Lets not forget which cart got the firmware upgrade first to make all the recent stuff work. :) (SCDS2 doesn't count here since it is still doing good minus the above incident)
  3. streetrage86

    streetrage86 New Member

    I have the R4SDHC and haven't had a single problem with it. I currently have two running in two separate DS Lites with no issues. So, tell me why would I avoid it??
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    because its very difficult to distinguish between that and a fake before buying. the vast majority of 'R4' cards are fakes so you're taking a risk in buying one. If you already have a genuine one then it may well work fine, but if you're buying a new flashcart the chances of getting a fake are too high to make it a risk worth taking.
  5. james50a

    james50a New Member

    this post is aload of crap. the original r4 plays everything never glitchy and rules with decent menues. terrible list.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    You're a terrible judge.

    The R4 is out of date.
    It is only still alive due to WoodR4.
    That's the only reason why it is any good.
    It can't even use SDHC cards at all, so it's not really worth to buy unless you are short on cash.

    I bought one and the only reason why I like it is because of WoodR4. And I was short on cash.
  7. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    Huh, let's analyze this post.

    -Wood R4 makes it work, so its a working cart.
    -You didn't say it didn't work. You said Wood is the only reason its any good.
    Since using Wood makes it work well, the R4 is still in top shape.
    -Wood R4 is fan made. Meaning there are still people who support the R4.
    It has life in its users and many people still use it.
    -You were short on cash. Makes the R4 sound inexpensive.
    Which is never a bad thing.
    -SDHC card compatibility isn't making your argument that much stronger.
    MicroSD works fine for the R4.

    Face it, the R4 isn't shit.
    The R4 works and is still breathing.
    There is no reason it should be on this list.

    I've used mine for a long time now.
    It works well and I have no need to go get another one with Wood R4 around.

    Remember one thing.
    This is a flashcart.

    No matter which one you get (excluding clones), they save you a shitload of money in the long run and the R4 is one that helps you do so.

    Look at the R4.
    We got Ysmenu when they stopped continuing the official firmware.
    We got a TTmenu of Ysmenu when normal Ysmenu couldn't keep up.
    We got WoodR4 when that couldn't keep up.

    The R4 isn't going anywhere for a long time and you should acknowledge it's presence correctly.
  8. you sir have a way with words. IMO, i only have experience with the R4S and they are still the best flash carts imo, he pretty much summed up why too.but yeah i have no experience with the others LOL
  9. saddamsdevil

    saddamsdevil Well-Known Member

    That's not a good thing, that's like putting a coma patient on life support until it dies of natural causes.
  10. Chdonga

    Chdonga Well-Known Member

    I thought this was legit, but this thread seems kinda bias. The R4i SDHC 1.4 works fine for me. I'm not sure what firmware it uses, but it can play even the most recent games, and isn't that what it was made to do?
  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    This thread is pretty crap to be fair. It doesn't give any reasons why to avoid any of the carts "at all costs". The admins actively supporting this is pretty garbage too, even if it is just a little. Honestly, this thread needs to be refined or deleted.

    Summed up: This thread sucks ass.

    Except for a lot of the R4 clones (especially the N5), nothing needs to be avoided "at all costs". Plenty of people have original R4 which has great compatibility and has equal or even better support then the Acekard2i. Even if they aren't wonderful, a lot of the R4 clones can actually run most everything too.

    As stated above, this thread is biased.
    Refine and give reasons, or trash it. The thing is absolute garbage anyways, especially since the person who made the topic is probably one of the most biased people on the forums towards anything but the Acekard2i and the SCDS2.
  12. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    They make all of these carts sound like they don't even turn on.
    Avoid at all costs?
    That's a tad overboard.

    They all work, just some work better than others.

    This should be a thread about Clones you should avoid.
    Because a lot of them are scams and should be avoided.
    But not all. And that should be a reason this thread.
  13. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    You'll have to excuse me.
    I was in a rush and didn't have time to explain myself.

    The R4 has lived its legacy.
    What they are selling now is an almost perfect clone that is very cheap and durable and is the most basic of flashcarts.
    It is good, yes, but I won't be buying another one anytime in the future or ever again.
    It does have good compatibility, but only with Wood firmware. The file size limitation of the R4 is only 8MBs. It is unable to make a larger save file without extra commands or a manual save.

    Ever since the firmware was cracked and later on the R4 was stopped in production in late 2008, it had basically died. Now with the Wood Firmware, it is "resurrected". But still. It is no reason to go and buy an R4 unless you can't afford anything else.

    Yes, I know it serves it's purpose, but for me, it is not the flashcart.
    Especially since I have a DSi XL and the R4 won't cut it there.
    And I already had a shit experience with the R4-III.

    It's not bias. Do you even know what happened to the R4?
    It was once a glorious flashcart. It's firmware was later cracked and sold to other groups who made mock cards in order to fool people into buying cheap imitations of the R4.
    These imitation R4s are just basically the R4, but not worth a dime.
    If you see how many R4s there are, then you will understand why they can't be trusted.

    The R4 from ShopTemp is not an original R4. It is a clone card from questionable origins that is almost identical to the original R4.

    It seems that people don't see why these cards are all horrible. They have poor compatibility and some groups just release the card with the initial firmware and never update it at all. :p
  14. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Once again, R4-III is not an original R4. The only reason you compare them is if you have a complete inability to tell the difference due to some mental deficiency.

    And yes, this thread is horribly biased, you would have to be ignorant to not see it. Regardless of how many people come in and say their cart is fine, there is no reason "to avoid it at all costs", people just bash it to no end regardless of the fact that they have zero first hand experience. All because it isn't the Acekard or Supercard or CycloDS doesn't mean it is a shit cart that nobody should ever use. By the way, if you read through the pages, you won't find anything else in terms of carts supported by supporters of this poorly thought out thread.

    R4 clones exist, obviously. Not all of them are actually that bad. There are tons that I would say to avoid at all costs, but that is purely the obviously garbage R4 clones. The R4i Ultra SDHC 3D (made the name up, but it might as well exist) will be garbage, guaranteed, but tons have just a regular R4 SDHC and are very satisfied and it works well. The original R4, true, there is no longer any real reason to buy it, but people who view this thread an see the poor shitty ass reasons given are gonna wonder when their original R4, M3, etc. became a danger to the life of their DS.

    The M3, although it was originally an R4 clone, has grown into its own beast that many people use and have no issues with. Even carts that can actively support YSMenu at this point are good, as there are people actively updating the YSMenu files to make it work with the latest games. The current YSMenu has AP issues still with maybe one or two games, tops.

    Quit going back to the 8mb save. Nothing has been able to properly make the 32mb saves yet right away which are the only saves in existence that are actively used that aren't 1mb (Pokemon), or the normal size (I forget what it is right now). It is probably the most irrelevant point brought up and is poor support for an already poor argument.

    Honestly, take a step back and actually look at things. Don't be a lemming and actually form a self opinion.
  15. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I know there is a difference between the R4-III and the R4DS. But the R4 I have is definitely a clone.
  16. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    My R4 original may or may not be a very well made clone, but regardless of that, there is no actual proof. It also works exactly like an original R4 and can run Wood R4 perfectly. If the production value is perfect, then the clone argument that already can't be proven is irrelevant.

    By the way, I only mention that they are different carts, as you constantly compare your experience with the poor clone to the original. It is like comparing apples to oranges, there isn't much the same.
  17. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Hmm... I see what you mean.
    But calling me an idiot is far from your point, which kind of irritates me...T_T...

    This thread was originally carts that you shouldn't buy because they were ridiculous.
    It was designed to help people who are new to the scene, and the original R4 wasn't listed in the beginning either.

    Perhaps my arguments are invalid, but I'll just say fuck it all.

    This thread is shit now...T_T
  18. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    No, this thread was made by a biased idiot who got people to interpret the thread differently then how they had intended it. Sorry for calling you an idiot, but the same arguments over and over again were really starting to get on my nerves, especially considering how opinionated the subject as a whole is. Unless the poster has used every cart personally, this thread shouldn't exist. Especially considering many have come in stating to the contrary on many listed carts.

    Listing 97% of the flash card market was probably a terrible idea from the get go. Pile on shit ideas with poor support and you get one hell of a messed up thread.
  19. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I'll admit I was wrong. :p

    Mmmm...I was seeing this from one side...

    Thanks! ;D

    You just helped me change perspective and see another side. :)
    [me=ace1o1]has changed a lot since posting in the forums.[/me]

    And I do see now that this thread is biased...I just didn't see it before due to my blinded perspective.
  20. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Kinda funny, seeing how you as arguing with me that even a Original R4 is crap, and that for 3 pages long ::)
    YES, LuckyTrouble77, you finally made him stop with saying the same thing for ages!!!
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