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Do Aliens Exist?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by unqiueninja, May 24, 2010.

  1. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    OTHER proof?
    Roswell is no proof at all.
    It was a balloon, no spaceships involved.
    I can't really tell if you are agreeing that it was just a balloon, or if you think there was actually a spaceship there.
  2. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    It was balloon boy playing tricks with us.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there is alien life on earth. Scientists have discovered arsenic based lifeforms living in subaquatic volcanic vents, and since all other life on this planet is carbon based, those lifeforms are alien by definition.
  4. nation

    nation Active Member

    ^ Yeah I remember watching that announcement live. Definitely a neat discovery.

    I haven't done my research on Roswell but it seems the events rising up to Roswell is just as significant if not more important

    C+P, happy reading...
    The Day Before Roswell
    Originally posted by A51Watcher

    A while back Stanton Friedman told me that Roswell was not the beginning, but actually the end of a period when Flying Discs (as they were called back then) were buzzing the entire United States continuously for an entire 2 weeks BEFORE Roswell. He suggested I should go have a look through the newspaper microfiche archives in my area because the majority of these sightings were right in my area. I did so and... he turned out to be 100% correct. Every day front page headlines. I am attaching scans and text of those 2 weeks. Also our top brass were being grilled by reporters as to what the deal was. They denied any knowledge and thus were being made to look bad since these things ripped through our skies with impunity and basically laughed at any chase craft. As time has passed and I have done some traveling, I always make it a point to stop by the local library wherever I am and go through the microfiche archives for the summer/fall of 1947. Reason being, it has been a jackpot every time without fail, and the stories vary from state to state, town to town, paper to paper. Many stories are one of a kind not reprinted in other papers. One of THE most interesting facts to emerge from all of this is:
    The vast majority of locations the Discs came to and "visited" were top secret military installations. The public did not know that at the time, but presently it is quite obvious why they would be visiting Hanford, WA (Kenneth Arnold and more) and of course Roswell, being the only nuclear air wing. Also White Sands, Los Alamos and more. So as I traced their movements during this 2 weeks leading up to "the crash", I noted all the TS and black project areas they went straight for, as I'm sure the generals at the time did too. They traveled in a pack, ranging from as small as 3 up to as large as 9 usually, 11 on one occasion. They cut corners on a dime without slowing down. They were silver sports models, and could emit intense bright light even during the day but usually did not do so. The pattern of movement reminded me of a rock band on tour, day by day going to a different city, then moving on. The East Coast had a few days of big activity also.
    The biggest surprise was when I went to Hong Kong for a friends wedding, and of course went to their library. He came along with great interest and I started as usual a full month before Roswell to make sure I didn't miss anything. Day by day the film rolls by and... nothing! I can't believe my eyes because I had never come up empty before. The entire critical 2 weeks and -nada-. I keep going, and surprisingly not even the famous AAF captures flying disc story or the follow up balloon story was not run. But yet I keep going on sort of in stunned disbelief, then finally, a full 2 weeks AFTER Roswell, jackpot! The shiny fleet of 9 arrives during mid day as 100's of Chinese dock workers, and various townspeople watch in amazement at their speed and sharp movements.

    Here are the excerpts from what I found that first trip:

    06/25/47 Kenneth Arnold reports his sighting

    06/26/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Flying Disk Mystery Grows
    -2 Midwest Men Support Boise Flier
    -Descriptions tally On Fast - Flying Pie Pan Objects
    -Nine mysterious objects hurtling through the air

    06/26/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Oklahoman Sees Strange Objects

    06/26/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Carpenter Reports 'Discs' in Midwest
    -...Nine shiny objects flying at a high rate of speed

    06/27/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Arnold Insists Tale Of Flying Objects O.K.
    -..."It's God's truth - I will swear it on a Bible."

    -...sighting the mysterious silvery disks sailing along in the sky...

    06/27/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Picture of '7 dots' proves latest in flying disk case

    06/27/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Objects Seen Several Times
    -...traveling at an unbelievable speed

    06/30/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Lads Declare They Saw "Flying Disks"

    07/01/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Pastor Fears Confrere Errs in Air Mystery
    -"the millennium is neigh because of the appearance of the "flying saucers."

    07/02/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Flying Disk Reported Above Fort Stevens
    -..."There is a flying disk right now over Fort Stevens. It was dazzling bright and saucer- shaped. Everybody in the annex saw it." ...Mrs. Seado was asked to call another of the witnesses, preferably a man, to the phone...

    (editors note: lmao)

    07/02/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Spokane Jailer Says He Saw It
    -jet planes "are very slow in comparison with what I saw."

    07/02/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Rankin Report Adds Credence to 'Disks'
    -...New reports meanwhile came in from 3 Oregon cities...

    07/03/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Army Looks Into Flying Disk Stories
    -...At first, Army officers laughed off the reports. Now..."it is our responsibility to know about it and take action."

    (editors note: mm hmm)

    07/03/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - More Report 'Disks"; Platter-Shaped Now
    -...compared the "saucers" speed to that of a "shooting star."

    07/03/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Woman Reports Flying Saucers

    07/04/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Tell It to Admiral!
    -...Two Navy chief petty officers today reported seeing flying disks...

    07/04/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Richland Man Saw Arnold's Formation
    -..."these disks certainly were traveling faster than ANY P-28."

    -...8 Portland area policeman and deputy sheriff's...numerous private citizens, the crew of a United Airlines plane, and a Coastguardsman who claims to have photographed one... the alert was sounded over police radio... a score of calls that the disks were overhead... Flashes Seen, Noise Lacking - OBJECT UNIDENTIFIED - ...the disk could change at a 90- degree angle without difficulty... terrific speed. "The disks would oscillate and sometimes we would see a full disk,then a half-moon shape, then nothing at all."

    07/05/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Airlines Crew Confirms Reports Of Flying Disks: Five Spotted

    07/05/47 - OREGONIAN - Air Liner Crew Confirms flying Discs Over State
    -Many Seen During Day Over City
    -Three Sight Objects-Police Cars Alerted-Veterans Spy Objects-Deputies Report Streaks-Flashes Seen, Noise Lacking-OBJECT UNIDENTIFIED...nine in all..terrific speed... described the sight as a "wobbling hubcap"...

    07/06/47 - OREGONIAN - Flying Saucers Everywhere: New Tales Convert Skeptics
    -Puzzle Alerts Entire Nation To Scan Sky
    -Pilot Sees Objects First - Reports Come in From East
    -Former skeptics joined the ranks of believers as the flashing objects glimmered before their eyes...

    (editors note: heh heh heh)

    -...said he had seen a similarly shaped object some weeks earlier, but fear of ridicule kept him quiet
    -...And for the first time, the eastern states had their reports...
    -...saw a silvery object fly southward, halt abruptly and then retrace it's course

    07/06/47 - OREGONIAN - 'Flying Disc' Reports Come From Hundreds, in 28 States
    -Reports Come in From All Over Nation Telling of Sighting Mysterious Discs
    -...came from all points of the continent
    -...Science Fails To Give Facts
    -Public Advised Discs Harmless

    07/07/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Disc Floats to Earth, Flies On, Paper Told
    -...he saw a flying disk float to the ground in front of him, stop a few seconds, then take off again...
    -...Six persons reported seeing the discs in flight...

    -Ashland Picknickers Spot Flying Saucers
    -...it flew south, occasionally "jumping sideways"

    07/07/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Tacoma Cops Spy Discs Around 'Mother'
    -..."6 or 7" flying saucers...said "a central saucer appeared to act as a sort of flagship... terrific speed."

    07/07/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Saucers in Sydney
    -...disc shaped objects shooting across the sky...

    07/07/47 - OREGONIAN - Eight 'Flying Saucers' Reported Down on Idaho Mountain"
    -Air Search Scheduled For Region
    -Flights continue To Be Observed Over Wide Area
    -Extreme Speed Reported

    07/07/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Guard Planes Patrol "Flying Saucer" Routes
    -Land and Air Search for Discs in Idaho Fails

    07/07/47 - OREGONIAN - Air Forces Deny Discs U.S. Made
    -Air Force Investigation
    -Aluminum Discs Seen

    07/07/47 - The New York Times - Military Planes Hunt Sky Discs With Cameras in Vain on Coast
    -Missile Theory Discounted
    -"Washtubs" Fall and Vanish
    -Two Visitations in Jersey

    07/08/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Air Enigma Baffles U.S.
    -The Army Air forces disclaimed any knowledge of where the flying saucers originate...



    07/08/47 - The New York Times - 'Disks' Soar Over New York, Now Seen Aloft in All colors

    when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Airfield was fortunate enough to gain possesion of a disc

    07/09/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Friends Back Disc Spotter in Portland
    -...started moving at a terrific speed

    07/09/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Army Says New Mexico 'Disc' Wind Balloon
    -Reports Fewer

    07/09/47 - The New York Times - 'Disk' Near bomb Test Site Is Just a Weather Balloon
    -`Flying Saucer' tales pour in from round the world

    07/10/47 - OREGONIAN - Saucer story slows speed
    -The furore over flying saucers seems to have abated considerably...

    07/10/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Flying Discs All But Gone, Few Reported

    07/10/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Practical Jokers Carry Ball for Flying Discs

    07/10/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Roseburg Priest Reports Discs
    -"...seemed to be jiggling and darting about",... "the flashes were awfully bright and were obviously from a metallic object."

    07/11/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Wisconsin 'Discs' rigged for Power

    07/11/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - 'Genuine Saucer' Looks Like Gag

    -Flight Seen As 2 Planes Follow Path ...the object was larger than two planes which they said were "following" it
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I heard about that a few months ago. Pretty neat how other organisms on earth live.
    Just goes to show how little people know about the earth.

    And as for the space ship Roswell thing...nope.
  6. shadowhawk95

    shadowhawk95 Well-Known Member

    Well that's A LOT of proof nation.I say that aliens exist with all THAT proof.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    just about all that proof is from oregonian newspapers, suggesting that either nothing ever happens there so the journalists are bored, or its the most gullible state in the US. Or both.
  8. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    This misconception can be blamed on the media, and on their inadequacy on scientific matters.
    The lifeforms in questions are still carbon based.
    What they do is that they use arsenic instead of phosphorus in it's biochemistry.
    Still an impressive feat, since arsenic is toxic to most organisms.
    But these lifeforms still share our ancestry.
    You can read more about it here.
    Roswell was indeed a government cover up.
    But not for UFO's.
    And those "flying disks" people were seeing all the time were probably nothing more then weather balloons with microphones attached to them.
    This was a top secret government program called "Project Mogul".
    And please, could you put that in a spoiler?
    I still can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
  9. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Just thought I'd put this here
    I haven't and won't go through that, but if anyone is interested, these are a bunch of official UFO documents about various incidents and studies. Some are unavailable, though.
  10. shadowhawk95

    shadowhawk95 Well-Known Member

    Ever heard of majestic 12.
  11. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    Emphasis mine...
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    majestic 12 were the bad guys in deus ex.
  13. shadowhawk95

    shadowhawk95 Well-Known Member

    Yeah those too.But MJ-12 was a so-called alien research group.A lot of people criticized them because of there poor grammar skill.Most simply said they were fakes.
  14. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Just came across this, I dont know which site it refers to so I cant check it out and I cant be bothered to look. Sounds interesting though.
  15. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    IIRC all they did was evolve the ability to optionally use arsenic in place of another element in their biology so they're not actually arsenic-based. And even if they were, since they're native to Earth I wouldn't class them as alien.
  16. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Haven't you guys watched Paul, he'll probe your anus.
  17. Rat.2

    Rat.2 Well-Known Member

    well i know this has probably been posted but its obvious really that is such intelligent life can form on earth than of course there will be at least some kinda of life elsewhere in the universe and probably in our own galaxy it would be stupid if their wasnt life anywhere else
  18. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Agree :D But most human would prefer to think there are no other life form around in space. This is just like how people think in the past when "the earth is square shape" XD
  19. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    No one really believed the earth was flat.
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    actually prior to Elizabethan times they did. It took Sir Francis Drake circumnavigating the globe in a ship to prove it isn't flat.