"♪everyones a little bit racist sometiiiiiiiiimes! doesnt mean we go around commiting hate criiii-i-iiiiimes. look around and you will find, no one is really color blind..♫"
Official NASA videos are always fun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0jpUPLqLhA The Vatican doing a 360 in their beliefs is always interesting --- http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2010/sep/17/pope-astronomer-baptise-aliens http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7399661.stm --- Hubble Deep Field will always be win http://walkaboutblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/hubble_ultra_deep_field1.jpg 8)
Possibly the only proof is the Roswell incident.Even then the government covered it up to avoid unneeded chaos between people
They do exist if you want to be all literal, but they are really small organisms (still alien) discovered to be living on the moon. In my opinion, alien do exist...maybe they are not as smart as us, but seeing as how we are alive & there are other galaxies (and planets), I don't see why not...
If the Roswell incident was fake then you would need some more solid proof.The alien autopsy was a hoax announced by Ray Santill a.k.a the video maker for the autospy and if that's a fake.But the roswell could have been anything.You shouldn't really jump to conclusions though.
Is that solid proof or a bunch of lies tied together. Post Merge: [time]1297570014[/time] I rest my case. 8)
first, how did the word "alien" come to this world?? nah, maybe, someone saw something that never exist in this world and called it alien.. well, I believe alien is exist, but it's not in the milky way.. (maybe)
That doesn't really count because those bacteria were taken from Earth to the moon. So they are Earth bacteria that were able to survive on the moon, but not alien. Roswell is evidence that balloons can fall. Post Merge: [time]1297692819[/time] How did the word gremlin come to this world? How did the word cyclops come to this world? How did the word elf come to this world? Etc... It could be. The Milky Way is pretty big.We have no idea of what is going on in most of it's planets. It is very possible that many planets on the Milky Way have life in them.