Nope, but I really don't think it's all that long until nukes do start flying. Don't forget that it takes years for our attempts at communication to reach any alien race outside of our solar system.
There is bound to be something out there and they being able to find us? Unlikely, sound travels at 1000 mph (somewhere in that speed) and the satellite/radiowaves are also slow and the closes solar system to us is Alpha Centori and it's like 4.3 light years away. The radio waves must have gotten there already (by now) but it's probably old, 1900s stuff.
Sound travels at 1,236 km/h and does not travel in space. Light travels at around 300,000 km/s. All light, from radio to cosmic rays, go at the same speed. If something travels 4.3 lightyears away, it will take 4.3 years for it to reach there. And light is the fastest thing in the known universe. See, I say known because we don't know everything now do we.
Not quite. it will take 4.3 years for light to reach there. Objects with mass will take much longer. Also, by 'all light' you mean 'all electromagnetic radiation'.of which light is a small part. To put things into perspective, it takes 8 minutes for the light from the sun to reach us.
There are evidence ;D Aliens does not mean "Alien". Even bacteria found in other planets can be consider aliens ;D
theres 1 planet in our solar system that has life thats 1 out of nine or maybe 1 in our galaxy but still the chances are so goddamn high
Stop writing one as 1, you look stupid. You're not even consistent, you managed to write nine in the correct manner. Also, there is only eight planets... I thought this was well documented, apparently not.
Indeed, Pluto got Eff'd in the ass. Also last I heard Scientists have been successful in locating planets outside our Solar system, it's just they're still unsure if any of 'em have life or a thriving civilization at best.
Show me bacteria found in other planets. Yep. But from what i understand they can only detect large planets, even though some of these are in the habitable zone. But there could be many other smaller, earth-like planets in the habitable zone that we cannot detect yet.
Hmm, the one on the moon was carried over from Earth, and the one on Mars was fossilized (AFAIK). The moon thing is still pretty impressive, but they are not alien bacteria. The Mars fossils have not been proven to be bacteria, although the evidence that it was is very strong. In any case, it is evidence that there once was alien lifeforms on Mars. As of now there is no evidence for existing alien lifeforms. Believe you me, i wish i could prove the Mars fossils were bacteria. That would shut up certain creationists i debate with, on their "special creation" ideas.