Well hypothetically the universe is infinite... If that's true there must be another planet with at least some single cell organisms there. I remember reading somewhere that Titan( one of Saturn's moon ) could support life because in many ways it's similar to Earth.
so basically, we haven't found any aliens, but there is an infinite possibility. I guess the same goes for religions
Most likely there is life out there but the chances of it being complex is astronomical. The odds of it being inteligent life is even more improbable but most likely there is intelligent life out there.
I am a firm believer that intelligent life is out there. Not in a "i believe God is real" thing (which of course, he isn't real) but because of the evidence indirectly telling me that there's no reason for them NOT to exist. I do not, however, believe that aliens have already made contact with us, aliens have abducted people, crop circles, and UFOs
if you believe in aliens you CANT believe in God, both contradict each other. in the idea of creationism, it says that God made the world, only for us, and the universe is based only for humans, so saying there is other intelligent life forms doesnt go with this idea. I agree with you here there is this theory that the famous stephen Hwaking said. it mentions that there could be other life forms out there but we really will never know since they live in some other time/space. imagine if we found a planet inhabited by intelligent life forms. the probability is almost none because maybe they already existed, but it takes light years to get there. probably they already got extinct, or moved to other planets
You're an idiot. Had you actually read the Bible (or any other holy text) you'd know that it doesn't say a damn thing about life on other planets, or even the existence of other planets. God gives humanity domain over the Earth, not over the universe, and that's not surprising given that astronomy didn't even exist back then.
okk... you apparently are the idiot here, of course ive read the bible, what im taking about comes from the book of genesis. of course it doesnt say anything about life on other planets, but it doesnt say other things, it is implied, but maybe you dont know about this, aparently. earth was created for humans, people=god's alike. Jesus=Human. what else do you want. before the renaisance, it was thought that the earth was the center of the universe. the whole universe was created to create earth, and then create humans, therefore the creation of the universe was intended for humans, it is IMPLIED, not actually said, but if you actually read the bible you would know this. and of course there are other things. that is why these ideas of Religion and life on other worlds contradict each other Next time, dont go calling people idiots if you dont know what the f*** you are talking about, and give evidence, i already gave you some
Shut up you retarded human > Stop trying to create conflicts between the different religion. Do not say things that will harm one religion in one way or another. Post this stuff again and I'll be sure to report you and try to get you banned >
why, because its the truth? Post Merge: [time]1285892853[/time] i wasnt trying to hurt religion, i just said, if you believe in God, you cant believe in aliens
I believe in god, aliens, elder gods, outer gods, other things, the fourth dimension, otherworldly colours, non-euclidean superspace, grandfather paradoxes AND reincarnation. I split my time equally.
everyone is talking shit about me, but not really show something that proves me or other people's idea (since it is not just mine) that this is wrong this can be true, you can believe in all this, but you shouldn't it contradicts the ideas of each of them
not really Post Merge: [time]1285894749[/time] i respect your opinion, but aparently people dont respect mine since it goes against what they believe, and start calling me names without giving evidence that im wrong
That happens to me all the time, I brush off the butthurt by casual turning the conversation on its head with non-sequiturs and general silliness with says what I want to say when you read between the lines OR stealth insults people. FTR I don't really believe in Christian God (but I believe in Jesus, and Jesus was Mexican) but everything else I've listed (including moe Cthulhu) still stands. I don't really like arguing back anymore, I used to get fapping to flaming rows, now it's just a few light strokes and cupping the balls. I never cum. What was I talking about? I don't think I actually address what I quoted. OHA LUCKY!
Are you retarded? Don't go about making assumptions based on centuries-old translations of millennia-old texts. "Implications" are not evidence at all. Just stop now if you want to salvage what little pride you have left.
Fun little tid bit Scientists discovered a planet 20 light years away that most likely contains life, not only that, 2 years ago a scientist noticed a laserlike signal coming from this planet. Looks like there may actually be some life there. But with it being 20 light years away, It's gonna be a long ass time before we ever get to actually see them... unless we send a signal there with our faces and they send a signal back with theirs! but that would take 40 years... and ill be in my 60s then. How depressing, so much I will never see.
1. Bible is a book of fiction, and all the other books of fiction derive the same meanings from each other, yet insist theirs is the 'truest' and others invalid. 2. The universe is mine to bend, and break. You bipedal meatbags can keep your inefficient roundish ball of dirty dirt. (Also, why else is poptarts so hard to come by in Australia? I am clearly to blame for that. Sorry bro.) @Littlekill Excellent, this must be the rescue team I called for a few centuries back.