To all of you who love racing games, DiRT 3: Complete Edition is free for a limited time (less than 2 days to be exact)! Link: NB. A Humble Bundle- and a STEAM-account is required.
Cool yo~! However since this is a Steam Key freebie thing, you should have posted here instead: Or here: Unfortunately for me, I forgot about the first thread and had only remembered it AFTER i posted the second one Also about your poll, my two choices aren't listed which are the original Need for Speed 4 High Stakes and the Burn Out franchise with their "cause a massive pileup" mode which is absolutely fantastic!
Glad that you like it, Cahos. However, I wasn't thinking of Steam in the beginning so I forgot there was an actual Steam giveaway-thread. My mind was only on Humble Bundle. (I'm not an IT-kind of guy, remember?) But I'll do my best to remember to post in the correct thread(s) the next time I find some other Steam-related giveaway. That's because I usually am not into racing games, so my knowledge of them is quite limited. But I would list "Need for Speed 4" and the "Burn Out" franchise as "realistic racing games", since we have "real" cars as opposed to the cartoony karts from the Mushroom Kingdom. But now that you've mentioned it Cahos, I've forgotten about the SEGA All Star Racing as well. Or Micro Machines. I'll add them to the poll now... Done! I've put "Need for Speed" and "Burn Out" among the "realistic" racing games.