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Digimon Or Pokemon

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by mc_vampz, Aug 21, 2007.


which game is better

  1. Digimon

    0 vote(s)
  2. Pokemon

    0 vote(s)
  1. lathief

    lathief New Member

    digimon hmmmmm i like digimon cartoon n game.....
    but my favorite is pokemon game....
  2. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    poemon just sounds better
  3. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    i like pokemon more than digimon
  4. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    Digmon. Always. FOREVER.
  5. pinkypatwik143

    pinkypatwik143 Well-Known Member

    i lik the old episodes of both.(the new ones made the show worse)
  6. exiavalanche

    exiavalanche Well-Known Member

    Games pokemon > digimon
    Animes pokemon < digimon
  7. smashbrosmk

    smashbrosmk Well-Known Member

    digimon sucks *** right now. pokemon is on my side.
  8. Lukinator007

    Lukinator007 Well-Known Member

    Pokemon. Nothing more to say.
  9. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    you should really put a neither button on the poll and that would be my answer
  10. amuletneko

    amuletneko Well-Known Member

  11. _luigi_

    _luigi_ Well-Known Member

    pokemon i give 9.5/10
    digimon 9/10
  12. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    pokemon is over-rated...only enjoyed fire-red...played the others but it's like the same...and also too childish for my age

    Digimon has some faults and i hope they clear that up with the new Digimon story: lost evolution that's coming out this year

    There is also a possibility for a season 6 this year ;D

    BKWarGreymon FTW!
  13. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I... I... I can't decide!

    God, you people are horrible! How can anyone even think to make a guy choose between Renamon and Lopunny?! GAH!

    OK, alright, I've made my decision. Because if you think about it, Renamon and Rika slash is really cute.
  14. A-Team

    A-Team Well-Known Member

    used to watch digimon when i was younger, favourite was that flying angel guy
    however, pokemon is without a doubt the best. and its more well know
  15. karnous

    karnous Member

    Digimon has a much better Anime, I think the character development just destroys that of pokemon
    still pokemon have better games, and even though the pokemon have become more bizarre you still can't but help but like it's style, digimon games are good but not as good

    bottom line Digimon wins on T.V but in Video games, Pokemon
  16. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Digimon (the monsters) are infinitely cooler than Poke'mon in my opinion due to the chaotic vibe of their design (chains, stitches and machinery melded with flesh, vibrant colours mixed with a grungier pallet, et cetera).
    Also; series: 1 and 3 of the anime were better than the Poke'mon anime ever was, and certainly better than it is now.
    The Poke'mon main entries in the Poke'mon series are generally better than those in the Digimon series; but i think that whomever designs Poke'mon characters doesn't take much pride in their work because a lot of the designs are horrible.

    Wargreymon rawks!
  17. boykidlat

    boykidlat Member

    I think Digimon appeals to a much mature audience while pokemon is for the relax type of audience...

    they are just two different concepts specially in their story and gameplay.

    but I have to say I prefer Digimon... storywise...

    Ash just cant seem to get enough of Gym Battles, to redundant reappearance of the team rocket is predictable, and the phrase gotta catch em all is impossible...they just keep on adding...and adding more pokemon. ^^
  18. Omega00

    Omega00 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure I like either, both are rather childish to me, but I suppose Pokemon because I never even tried to pick up a Digimon game...
  19. inuyasha6269

    inuyasha6269 Guest

    I ike both but this is wat i think about it...(game)
    Digimon:too many choices...
    Pokemon:U can get the pokemon al over again which is pro

    Getting them
    Digimon:fucken hell i have to look at the same digimon about 3-20 times then digi convert them or sumthin
    Pokemon:Catch that muther fucker...Yes caught it!!!!

    Digimon:.....short storyline
    Pokemon:....WOW amazing lolz :D

    Digimon:Why the hell do they always end up in the digital world!!!...Wont their perants be like this "Where da fuck is my son" to the cops and the cops prob like "I dunno anything u bastard!!!!"
    Pokemon:At least they stay on their world and meet a whole buch of pokemon!

    Digimon:Theres not that much Drama lol
    Pokemon:For some reason theres always drama in it like in the 12th movie how Arceus was gonna give up and all but then...uhh i forgot but u ppl who watched it will remember.

    So in other words I like Pokemon better than Digimon
    Soz digi fans
  20. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    Such a biased decision....