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Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else playing it?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by DragonQuester, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. taylorphan

    taylorphan Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    how do u equip ropes and stuff?
    they said u go to settings but then i cant find settings
  2. Sonica

    Sonica Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    taylorphan, to equip Hunt items, you need to go to the Hunt section (where you can go anywhere on the globe for Digimon), at the bottom is [SETTINGS] and [RETURN]. Click the first one and go to the third option.
  3. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    Bleh, My digimon reverted back... Now I have to train htem more T_T

    I miss my Metal greymon, W-Garuru (Or whatever), That big armor thing, my mamoth thing, and birdsomething

    I have a horrible memory with Digimon :S
  4. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    Darn it my ToyAgumon digivolved to Sukamon.... aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg....

    I only hope it digivolves to SuperStarmon or Etemon or I'm screeeeeeeeeewwwwwweeeeeeeeeddddddddd...
  5. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    So how can you tell what your digimon turns into?? do they give you a digivolve tree like last time or what??
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    I'm a big Digimon fan, but this game doesn't seem to catch my fancy. I rather they stuck with the format they used on the other three games. Sorry guys :'(
  7. taylorphan

    taylorphan Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    my angemon turned back into an egg
    so did my renamon,kyuubimon,airdramon,meramon,clockmon.
  8. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    well basically support when you are using it in a team battle the digimon with support wont attack the enemies directly mostly attacking after team mate does targeting the same enemy and in a one on one battle situation i dont really get it either lol
  9. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    Darn it, when i got it on Wednesday, I didnt have time to play it.. On Thursday, i played it for the full day, and then my memory got corrupted... Then on Friday, I redid everything and did better than the first time.. And now my digmon that are MEGA keep turning into digieggs, right before the championship tournament...
  10. Sonica

    Sonica Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    There's a Digipedia in the game that shows each Digimon's possible Digivolution, their profiles and available Special Attacks.

    The game's cute, but I think the training could be better (I need better attack, but don't want to compromise my defence!). Also, I don't know how, but my ToyAgumon disappeared. Boo. At least I got a good Kyuubimon (and no, I don't want to sell it, random Rich Kid).
  11. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    I can only get one mega... and that was Agumon's thing..Shinegreymon...

    And then, I get so mad everytime it says:(Insert name here) is about to turn mega! Turn it into a digiegg, and train Iplant!

    I ca never understand that thing...
  12. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: Digimon Championship for US - Anyone else wanna play it?

    Yep, it says stuff like that for me.. You gotta buy those rooms for your cages that increase i.plant or whatever you need... My main digimon (the agumon: i named him eddie) keeps turning into digiegg... He turned into it 5 times so far... and he never digivovled above ultimate... it didnt even mention shine greymon for me.... I wonder why he keeps turning into a friggin' garbagemon or toyagumon.. I only got greymon once and then he died because i didnt have enough space in my cage
  13. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    How many pokemons do you guyd have?? I only keep 3 and nothing bad has happened.
    BTW I have Wargraymon, Crowmon, Piximon

    EDIT: if your still wondering why your digimon turned back into digiegg look at this

  14. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Well I officially beat the game (championship/president) yesterday... I had the team of

    Apollomon VictoryGreymon BlackWarGreymon
    Atk 269 Atk 309 Atk 269
    Def 216 Def 252 Def 216
    Wis 203 Wis 208 Wis 193
    Spd 234 Spd 287 Spd 227

    DAMNIT, it took me a very LONG time to have all of them being MEGA at the same time.... After I won the championship, the president challenged me, and I demolished him to the next planet... :p Wow, finished the game in less than a week... Bleh, whatever... It was fun while it lasted, and I may start another new game if im in the mood ;D

    P.S: I used this site to help me get my digivolutions:


    Hope that helps, because it did for me! ;D
  15. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    3ed year day 2 spring

    MachGaogamon Flaremon Lillymon
    Attack 140 148 112
    Defense 112 147 132
    Wisdom 140 136 148
    Speed 171 127 142
  16. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Crud and I only have one mega, SkullMamothmon, I'm severely screwed...
  17. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    All my digimon reverted twice each already.
  18. BouncinBrad

    BouncinBrad Member

    Hmm... I thought this game was quite addicting(don't ask), except the fact that your digimon turns back into a digi egg really makes its boring because you have to go through raising it again.
    I managed to get the highest digi evolution which was gryphonmon i think thats how you spell it. I must say though... As soon as my MagnaAngemon turned into an egg i got frustrated and deleted the game ::) all that time wasted :-\
  19. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    I only had mine revert once except for Mamothmon who digivolve to SkullMamothmon.... Luck I guess...
  20. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    * Sigh *

    Because you guys are so into this, I re tried playing this, the only thing I really hate is there's no plot.

    I've played like 4 hours now, my Digimon are now in Ultimate form (one is though MetalGreymon), they only reverted to Digi egg status once, when I failed to train properly at rookie stage.