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Difficult and fun games are dying?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Luk7nk4, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    really! :eek:

    you missed out (i loved that final boss)
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I wasn't that impressed with twilight princess.
  3. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    it wasn't very difficult, but i think it still stayed true to the series unlike others
  4. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    I'm having trouble thinking of which one's your talking about. Do you mean the GC ones and Minish Cap? Those ones were a bit unfaithful, but the overall gameplay seemed intact, you know?
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    twilight princess was GC/wii.
  6. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    yeah those, they were still enjoyable but they had a bit of a weird and and annoying storyline going on with add on characters.

    yet saying that I thought Phantom hourglass was awsome ;D

    my fave the obscure Mojora's mask
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @Luk7nk4: Dude playing for almost a day non-stop IS Hardcore gaming.

    I know someone way worse, this guy WILL NOT stop playing & will not turn off his console or PC until he finishes a game he's playing.
  8. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    Wow! I think i would be able to do the same, if i was able to uninstall my "need for sleep.exe" file. :p

    So, does anybody know a lasting game? :)
    I'm currently hooked onto Cross racing Championship 2005 and Neverwinter Nights PE for the PC and i'm playing Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution on my PS2 :)

    @ calvin 0
    Simple games don't necessarily have to be dull :) Have you played Puzzle Quest or Sally's Salon/Spa? Those are simple games, but they are addictive.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Funny thing though, because the dude is used to getting little to no sleep he landed a job as a telemarketer who does graveyard shift, then he got a job as a Game Moderator for our country's leading MMO games host levelup! games.
  10. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    @ Cahos, wow i envy that guy. I always wanted a to be a mod for a game. Too bad our country doesn't have any cool MMO's who need mods. :(
  11. Wolfdemonpaw

    Wolfdemonpaw Well-Known Member

    i usta play populous 3: the beginning & undiscovered worlds a lot.. to me that game was werth every penny & more (pc game populous & exp pack)

    its an old game now but if you haveant played it id surjesting it. theres only one difaculty which can make some levels easy early on unless theres mods for it which i haveant found but the game can also be challangeing at times like the level solo where you only have your shammon & you got to destory all 3 enemory tribes whith just her alone & trying to keep her alive or attack on all sides (1 of my fravert levels) where your constantly being attacked by yellows from a land bridge they make & attacked by reds & greens by sea (on that level yellows will attack with there shammon + armie also sends spys to burn your builbens / reds casts tornato on your builbens - people & greens erode the land & if anuff ot it is erouded sinks your people/buildens into the water and there a lot more spells & worriors to use...
  12. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    I've learned that becomming a mod ruins most games...
    (No spellcheck on this computer. D: T_T )
  13. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    @ wolfdemonpaw
    I have Populous on PSX, pretty good :) But the PC one is hard to get by today.

    @ deathbreak911
    I don't like MMO's that much, so i wouldn't mind being a mod/tech support for the game.
  14. Wolfdemonpaw

    Wolfdemonpaw Well-Known Member

    it is posable to get online still... i cant find the site agane but i manged to get both populous 3 & undiscovered worlds as 1 full downlode but before anyone has a go at me... i did have & still got both psx & pc pop3 & UD but where i played them so much ive worn out all the disked lol which is why i went looking for a full verson with no cd pach.
    yes i burnt the install to disk as a back up & i do keep it in my store brought pop3 pc.
  15. nekosabre

    nekosabre Active Member

    I don't know, I think hard games still come out. I mean, part of the problem is that the player has more control in newer games. I also find games that I thought were hard back then are now cake. So, maybe you've just reached a higher plateau? I don't really play PC games much, I'm more of a console gamer, so my opinion may not be geared towards you.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    If you mean the original populous, I have it on pc :)
  17. Wolfdemonpaw

    Wolfdemonpaw Well-Known Member

    no not populous 1 or 2 but my store brort versons of populous 3 the beginning ( pc & ps1 ) & both undiscovered worlds expanction pack (pc & ps1) altho pop3 undiscovered worlds on ps1 some people class as anuther game rather than an expanction pack like it is for the pc

    altho i would like to try pop 1 & 2
  18. wessel1986

    wessel1986 New Member

    Me as console gamer share the point that there aren't any real challenging games any more.

    the game-industrie things where just a bunch of ravens that go for anything HD but its always a trashy ripoffs of a old game no new creative gameplay like ICO of shadow of the colossus ( i know not very difficult games but still ).

    where is the F***ing imagination people
  19. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    @ loony

    I envy you for not living in the Czech Republic. Games are extremely hard to get + the classics aren't available anywhere. I once asked a JRC employee (JRC is the only leading store that sells games here) if i could order a pack of older games and the guy told me straight, that i should just download the stuff on torrent. Talk about killing your employer :S

    @ wessel

    The imagination is dead. It died with the comming of the PS2 and other hardware. Companies just think if they take a game and slap tons of graphics and other flashy stuff on it, it will sell. Sadly they are right. Because the majority of people look at grahics and if the graphics aren't good enough, then they label it as a bad game. Oh and most of the un-hyped games(speaking about PC ones), those games that have potential are ruined with the StarForce protection.

    You should hear the kids that come to my work-place. One boy asked me what i was playing on PC and i said Diablo2. He didn't knew what it was so i googled a few pics and showed him. He automatically said: "It's not 3-D, it sucks". And then he said that all games that aren't 3D suck ass.

    Geez. It's because of people like that, that the games aren't what they used to be...
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I inherited several crates of old games from a distant family member (literally, my dad's brother's wife's brother :p) who felt he had outgrown them and at the time had no kids of his own. there was a large number of flight simulators, the original populous and sim city games, some racing games, a space shuttle simulator and a number of other games that I can't call to mind now.