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Did you buy or download Pokemon Black and White?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by 3DS_FTW, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I've downloaded it. Ugly pokémon aren't worth my precious money.
  2. animelover524

    animelover524 New Member

    I definitely bought both Black and White since I pre-ordered both last year
  3. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Because I'm cheap.
  4. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member


    I must have this.
  5. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    I'd buy it, but I'm short some 15$, I'd say 5, but 10$ I can't count on ever seeing, so yeah, short 15$ XD
    I've resorted to using a 'getpaidto' site to try and make up the rest, it's sort of working..just need it to work fast enough >_>
  6. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I downloaded Pokemon Black because I preordered Okamiden and will have no money after paying for it.
  7. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    lol, u wud
  8. Sparks97

    Sparks97 Well-Known Member

    Downloaded White, regret not buying considering flashcarts don't have infrared. :[
  9. marcos13

    marcos13 Active Member

    Downloaded Black.
  10. Qurao

    Qurao Member

    I downloaded it, played it for a while and saw that it was worth my money. I then proceeded to buy it.
  11. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

  12. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    I bought White.

    It really does feel good to actually own a legit copy.
  13. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    Me too, except I'm just in the "planning on buying it" stage. Downloaded Black, found out the new Poke's=awesome, then this little voice (very determinedly) popped into the back of my head, saying (more of ordering) buy it!! I think Imma buy White though, cuz one of my friends bought Black, so together we can (legit) get all the Poke's. I still have the translated Jap rom so I can get Jap events!! I was nice and made 2 saves of Black so I could get each event 2x, one for him, one for me.
  14. shrekwilliam

    shrekwilliam Well-Known Member

    I downloaded pokemon black cus i dont have anoth monay only 10£ atm also my ddst works like a charm and u can cheat or download sum1s save.
  15. Skandranon

    Skandranon New Member

    I downloaded it.

    Pirating makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like I just did a good deed. But, but in reverse.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Use proper English on this forum, as per the rules. Shorthand such as 'cus' and 'u' and 'sum1s' is not permitted, and you have been here long enough to know that.
  17. dorkdude2

    dorkdude2 Member

    I downloaded both, played black

    I have the spare change to purchase 1 if I liked it enough, unfortunately I do not enjoy them enough to pay for them(if I like it, I buy it and store the game away so I can flash it to people and say, yes I own it so STFU)

    I guess pokemon can just get old, last one I really enjoyed was gold/silver
  18. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Downloaded Japanese White, and downloaded Spanish and European English Black. My nephew also has European Black and my niece will have USA Black. Go figure =/

    And I bought Black because of the infrared and the fact that I have not had a legit copy in so long
  19. kallico

    kallico New Member

    For now, I just downloaded it. But once I get some money in my pocket, I'll buy a legit copy.

    Why? Because I'm a nerd and I like to collect good games and yet I'll never open the box. ;3
  20. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    downloaded White, Buy Black.