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Did the forum die?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DeGladiator, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. NintyRaccoon

    NintyRaccoon Passive member since March 13, 2017

    Right, I've just clicked on that big, green button. :)
  2. scribe

    scribe New Member

    you're a relic
  3. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.


    I haven't been on here in months because i got tired of downloading emulators and such. Besides i tried keeping up with my goals of becoming something useful for my own good.

    I used to download a ton of nintendo games and post in the spam section quite often. But since i have been working as an indentured apprentice (still am by the way), the world has not been the same for me.

    Making money is tough especially if you lack the emotional support at times. And now i am laid off thinking of how to go about things on my end. I am glad to still go here once in a while (rarely do i go here but i think that is about to change?)

    I am mainly mobile now. I am not glued to a monitor as i once was. Hope my fellow peeps are doing okay. Anyways.........
    Seph and Dark Infernape like this.
  4. Mizari

    Mizari Member

    Oh my
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
  5. Hygrave

    Hygrave Active Member

    Hate to bump, or necro an old thread. But forum traffic comes and goes like waves in the ocean.
    It crests and then eventually low tide sets in.
    However, in time more users will sign up, and old friends will find there way back.
    Have faith and patience. For as it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end.
  6. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    I don't go here as often anymore due to the fact that i am working. I used to (a lot when i was studying randomly) in school. But a lot of the mature audiences probably moved out as well. I can't say...maybe their spouses keep them busy, they moved to another planet, or summoned a demon to grant them 3 wishes.

    What i am trying to say is this... everyone got bored of the forums. I don't care if old threads get bumped as long as i breathe it stays with me....like pneaumonia...JK.

    Anyways save those pandas yah!
  7. Hygrave

    Hygrave Active Member

    How have you been 2Dam? Haven't caught up with you in a minute?
    Also on topic, the forum will return to its former glory in about six months.
    Watch and marvel at the changing of the seasons.
    2DamCerius likes this.
  8. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    All is well with me. Nice to see you too? I don't remember you TBH. Haha.

    I would like this forum to become active again. It is cool and has a ton to offer
    Hygrave likes this.
  9. Hygrave

    Hygrave Active Member

    You may not even remember that. But I do wish you well, cool siggy btw.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
    2DamCerius likes this.
  10. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    actually i do remember you now you brought that up. LOL.

    I know i still like making siggys
    Hygrave likes this.
  11. Hygrave

    Hygrave Active Member

    Well good memory, or bad one, you DO remember me.
    Hopefully it's a famous memory, and not a infamous one.
    Anytime someone says all is well with them, it actually sets my heart at ease.
    So thank you for doing just that Dam Dam :)
    I'll be working on my profile a little bit, at least a good avatar and siggy.
    Any suggestions Dam Dam?
    2DamCerius likes this.
  12. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    I remember you leaving but not sure about the details. I don't want to dig up old skeletons and remind you of the horrors.

    I respect others foremost, so yeah good to hear from you. And i was playing Dark Souls recently so i recommend doing a siggy on that.
    Hygrave likes this.
  13. Hygrave

    Hygrave Active Member

    Dude, I did a SL1 run not too long ago. And used the Zweihander to boot. That overhead smash(R2) on the PS3 is brutal.
    But my PS3 has the YLOD :''''(
    So I need the PC version.
    I have the disk for the PC, the prepare to die one, but it's scratched in the worst possible spot.
    I miss my modded PS3 and Multiman..
    You know of a good repairman??
  14. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    i have a difficult time using the zweihander...i like the curved sword better. I like playing on the xbox 360 so i am not familiar with PS3 mods or repairs. Maybe some dusting can clear clogged fans?

    Wish i could help, sorry
  15. Hygrave

    Hygrave Active Member

    No worries, I actually just need some artic paste to repair my PS3.
    Curved swords rock, the murakumo(SP?) I think it's called is a beast.
    If I buy a Xbox 360, can I get your gamertag to add?

    Edit- This forum will once again phoenix up, I feel it in my brittle bones.
    Have faith, ye all of little faith.
    2DamCerius likes this.
  16. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    Nah don't worry, i am thinking of buying a PS3 since my friend wants to play DS2 with me. And i don't really play online right now because my schedule is booked.

    I will let u know if the chance occurs.
    Hygrave likes this.
  17. Hygrave

    Hygrave Active Member

    My modded PS3 with multiman and Dark Souls PTD on it, has the dreaded YLOD :'{
    I suppose if I wasn't a clumsy bastard, I could fix it myself.
    I know you need some Artic Paste to reseal the heat sink. If you know anything that could help, let me know.
    Aside from the stuff I can already look up.

    I gravely miss my modded PS3
    It's like a family member died...
    Imma go cry like a woman now..

    If you do get a PS3, my PSID is- Hygrave
    Go figure.
    2DamCerius likes this.
  18. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    This sounds very familiar with a xbox 360 console I bought used. except it is called ROD. The power button flashes red and it can't read any discs. I tried fixing it myself but the thermal paste doesn't work. i might as well junk it.

    And i try to research things as well before asking others. I wish i can offer advice on the subject, but my knowledge on electronics only exist from smartphones to millenium vehicles. I am still trying to understand how these things work.

    And i hate how technology (in general) forces me to actually do work. Sooner or later some expensive piece of equipment fails and i have to try and find some cure-all remedy to help my situation.
  19. MohsinMVP

    MohsinMVP Well-Known Member

    I think I joined 2009 or 2010... it's been years since I went online. I use to love this site because I would download games and the forums were active. Unfortunately, after the DS, I moved on to PS3 then Xbox one, and went to college and completely forgot about this site! The only forum I go on nowadays is xdadevelopers