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Diablo 3... CONFIRMED!?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Reemr, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    That's awesome, I'm so going to get it.
  2. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna buy:Spore, SC2, Diablo III :D
  3. aquaboy123

    aquaboy123 Active Member

    cant wait for this game to come out cuz diablo 2 was really successful
  4. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    this is gonna be good
  5. yuri102007

    yuri102007 Member

    i think the people who work on diablo 3 and started another company but once they heard that blizzard is making another diablo they probly came back to blizzard and closed down the shop...i mean it suxz..><:;
  6. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    i had Diablo 2, with the expansion thingy.

    i played online on it and everything, i loved it. then my PC went hospital for a good few days then i had 2 find my disks cuz i was using a NO-CD patch and stuff that it lasted longer than 2months, then relized when i had it back up and running, that my characters were Deleted by Battle.net.


    I was loving my Poison Arrows and Ice Lance
  7. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    Well, seeing as no one has posted this yet...

  8. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    holy crap, diablo 3? Im definitely getting this one!
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    its out on pre-order now
  10. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    How is it out for pre-ordering? Theres no official release date. =/
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

  12. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    thanks for the link equity!
  13. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't count on it to much, Blizzard hasn't given an official release date. Even when they do, they push back the release date for a long time until they get all the kinks worked out =p

    Hell, World of Warcraft was about 5 years late...
  14. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    oh well looks like you won't ordering it then but a shit load of sites have it for pre-order and the advertising is being pushed for it now so it can't be that long
  15. wolfshark

    wolfshark Active Member

    i estimate another year or so they are gonna release it when they know they can get the most money (like a holiday or something) like around Christmas 09?? sounds reasonable
  16. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    Just saying, Blizzard is infamous for there release date push backs. I hope it comes out around then, My birthday is aorund then, would be the most awesome present ever =p