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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Canoso777, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    That's not old, if you want older talk about their old classic cartoons.

    As said before, jealousy, generic and I think some people hate them because they're popular and usually in the spotlight.
  2. kme92

    kme92 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    This reminds me of something I watched on the Onion:

    Made me laugh :p
  3. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    Fake,cant act,anoying...enough said the only thing to look toward to is some of the chicks dont look half bad XD
  4. scottg1990

    scottg1990 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    Two words.. Pure jealousy. Most people hate the disney singers because they can earn more than you can in your life without lifting a finger lol
  5. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    Party In the USA was probably the only song I likd. I'm just being honest, I'm kind of a mainstream high school guy, so yeah. Demi Lovato can sing, but since she's with Disney, it's just bad. Everyone else sucks. Selena Gomez can't sing, but she is pretty damn good to look at.


    Also, I grew up watching Disney. The cartoons were great, the shows today are aimed for the younger kids, so I don't see how people 16+ are complaining about it, just don't watch it.
  6. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    Younger kids, damn good to look at, 16+. Pedophiles... like this kinda stuff...
  7. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    Because to me they didn't work for what they have. Unlike Aaron Fresh. check his songs out on youtube now! dirty girl and spending all my time... better than all those Disney people and coming straight from Trinidad boom so ya see someone not born in america can kick america's fat slow ass
  8. khairaj08

    khairaj08 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    I have to say I disagree because miley cyrus did get a number 1 and selena gomez is high in the charts aswell which means most people like their songs, although they are artificial :)
  9. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    Yea but success in music is based on two things, one hype and two promotion. Disney people got where they are from promotion because look at Jenifer Hudson and Corbin Blue they are good singers but without such promotion they would be nothing for someone like me I don't like it because other people have the skill but don't get the attention so they are left out, which is unfair because us the consumer spend our hard working dollars believing this is the best our world has to offer at times. False reality
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    charts are based on sales, not people liking their songs. Never underestimate the purchasing power of parents trying to shut their kids up. Or the effects of demanding kids, especially preteen girls.
  11. khairar08

    khairar08 Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    But kids wanting to get their songs is based on how disney advertises the singer, so kids want to get their songs based on the artist not the song.
  12. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    They're actually aliens from the planet Horrible. They only LOOK like people. Their singing is a way to distribute their images into the minds of today's youth and corrupt them, and then when their race invades Earth to conquer it there will be little to no resistance from the people.

    Thank god me and some people want them to drown in the Sahara Desert.
  13. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    They're mass consuptiom products, manufactured by a company that draw naked animals.

    What I don't get is that they THINK they can sing just because they CAN'T act. They're just David Hasselhof ripoffs.
  14. SpooferJahk

    SpooferJahk Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    This probably does not apply to everyone, but for me it is because they are manufactured and get more praise than bands that actually have talent and deserve, unlike the puppets for Disney that are clogging the airwaves.
  15. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    ... (Delete this)
  16. DECADE5

    DECADE5 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    Beacause every next generation of kids is more retarded than the other.

    Plus- Disney will soon own everything. Look they got Power Rangers and Marvel. Next comes every Anime company, EA Games, Activision, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai. I could go on but the thought about Hannah Montana and Justin Bieber as Marvel superheroes is just mind-degrading.
  17. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    Epic foreshadowing. It started with presidents being showed on comics.
  18. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    I think Jennete McCurdy sings better than Victoria Whats-Her-Face who sings better than Miranda Cosgrove who sings better than Miley Cyrus who sings better than the Jonas brothers. But I don't give a damn, since they all suck. The audio editors have to mix the shit out of their voices to make them sound even slightly good. Even then, they all suck.
  19. graindefense

    graindefense New Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    To me, the problem is that you don't even know most (if any) of these celebrities personally. Don't like their music? Fine, don't listen to it. Does the music make your ear bleed? No, it doesn't, exaggeration and sarcasm don't count. Is there any reason to hate Disney singers? Not really, even if they're "talentless" in the entertainment industry, that's not a reason to hate them.

    Really, I don't get it. If a person succeeds, wouldn't that be a good thing? For some reason, if a person doesn't like someone, they HAVE to hate them instead. There's something called "neutrality", which is not hating them, but not liking them either.

    What's that? Miley Cyrus has no talent, yet she's still famous? So? Good for her. If you like her stuff, buy it. If you don't like her stuff, don't buy it. That's about as much impact she'll have on your life unless you insist on being radically addicted to her or radically despise her. She's an entertainer, she's there to entertain you. If she doesn't entertain you, listen to someone who does entertain you. Sweet and simple.

    People get angry at this kind of stuff because they believe they don't deserve to have all that wealth and fame. I'd have to say it's jealousy. The problem with this jealousy is that only the gain is annoying you, your not actually losing anything from having a Disney pop-star becoming famous. Maybe in some long-winded, indirect way, could you argue that your actually losing something when a talentless person becomes famous, but that would be a weak argument because technically everything is costing you something in some kind of indirect manner.
  20. Internet

    Internet Member

    Re: Why Do Everyone Hates Pop Disney SIngers?

    Cause they are seen as cookie cutter products perfected in a studio and whored out with auto-tune.