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Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Canoso777, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    I think that I'll buy the 3DS, although I'll probably wait a month or so to see whether viewing its type of 3D for extended periods of time really causes health problems (or maybe longer if there are no good games for it upon release).
  2. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    I bought my ds lite about 2 years ago, and it's almost broken, I'll probably grab one of these when It comes out.
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    You'll be able to turn off the 3D by will.
  4. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    Yeah, i read that the other day on Joystiq; I'd still like to know whether it causes health problems though. I can't imagine it being vulnerable to causing the same type of nausea that happens when a viewer tries to focus their eyes on an out-of-focus image in 3D cinema (and probably 3D television in the future); as the 3D graphics probably won't suffer depth of field problems given that everything can be focused (as opposed to film, where images that are focused upon in the foreground during filming causes the background to lose focus and vice versa).
    Although I'm no expert in these things, so i may be wrong.

    It would be good to know about the possible side affects, I'd gladly settle for a new DS with improved graphics; but if Nintendo's console is to live up to its name, it needs to have games that use the 3D in a way that is beneficial to gameplay; and as much as i love computer games, I'm not going to play them at the cost of a splitting migraine after an hour or so, or weird dizziness : /
  5. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    Watch how everyone that currently hates the idea of 3DS is gonna change their opinion when it's shown at this years E3.
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    Which opinions?
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    the haters.
  8. TaylorWho

    TaylorWho Active Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

  9. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    @TaylorWho Are you trying to say that Kotaku is slow at reporting news?, I think that they're one of the best blogs for gaming news and stuff, they're generally very reliable.

    I'm a little concerned that the 3DS being revealed sooner than Nintendo intended and possibly being released before they originally planned may lead to a lack of good games at launch...
    I think that Nintendo will do what they did with the original DS; release a remake of a popular game with additional content that takes advantage of the new hardware capabilities, like M64DS (I have my fingers crossed for Wind Waker, and if Natewlie is right about the graphics power; it could be possible. Tegra FTW). They may also make a new game in a popular series that appeals to the "casual" audience as well as regular gamers (Mario Kart, Animal Crossing et al).
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    Nintendo was probably going to reveal the 3DS at E3 like they did with the Wii ('Revolution'). Also launch games are generally, meh. Unless it's Mario/Zelda/Kirby/whatever first party Nintendo game, it's a meh.

    IMO Kirby Canvas Curse was the first killer app on the DS, loved that game.
  11. Kresn1k

    Kresn1k Active Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    I´m gonna get a 3Ds, that´s for sure, i´m allways been nintendo (still, I do have other consoles, like psone and xbox 360) but nintendo have never let me down, I loved the gamecube, I still love the wii (i´ll get a black one a soon as I can) and I love all nintendo´s handhelds since the gameboy, so, nintendo´s hanheld are allways a win.
    definetely I´ll get the 3Ds (even if come with a crappy release game, hope not ._.)
    also, more cpu means that we´ll have at last (hopefully) a N64 emulator!!!! for "ds". xD
  12. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    Damn...the only problem that it would overshadow the other DS's...and maybe they would stop making DS games!
    Ooohh! I hope not!
  13. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    That's most likely the case.
    Maybe they will just make 3DS games and for Original Ds's
  14. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    We can't tell if its hackable yet until its released. I may not buy it, I don't care for 3D stuff. I don't need crazy technology. All I need is a good game.
  15. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?


    They should spend more times and effort in their games then in the consoles.
  16. TSEWANG99

    TSEWANG99 New Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    I'll buy it mainly because it is the Next Gen Nintendo Handheld. But on a sad note this most likely will slowly signal an end to DS's life span??? :-[ :'(
  17. link064

    link064 Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    I buyed a DSLite a couple of months ago,so i dont think i will buy the 3DS son(i guess ill buy it when its hacked)
  18. kalak

    kalak Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    hahaha i will laugh at people who buyed first DS, DS lite, DS i,Ds i Xl and soon 3DS... nintendo keeps selling the same console but with lil changes... XD
  19. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    Actually, the 3D capability is optional. You can turn it on and off.

    This is a brand new console. Nintendo made a big mistake branding it with the 'ds' name. Also, it's 'bought'. If you're going to bash an eighth generation console that you've never seen before (or understand, for that matter), try to use some proper English.
  20. gadifer

    gadifer Well-Known Member

    Re: DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and Now 3DS!? Will you buy it?

    Its the only thing you could do I guess.

    Anyways if I was that person. I would give my first DS to the youngest child in my family, because he tends to break things easily. My DS lite to my second youngest family, because he's practical. My DS i to my female family, because she love gadgets with cameras on them. My DS i XL to my parents, for obvious reasons. And I would keep the 3DS for myself.