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DeSmuMe with WiFi on Laptop with Wireless

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by 1234aaron, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. Hisoka23

    Hisoka23 New Member

    Can anyone link me an in depth tut on how to do this? <3
  2. avengerr

    avengerr Member

    video,pics,tut anything plz
    i did so on my laptop but it didn't work,if you can provide a video then please do
  3. shinjiteru

    shinjiteru New Member

    i bridged my wireless adapter and my hamachi adapter, hamachi is active but when i go to the WiFi setting on my emulator, there is no new adapter for me to choose from. any idea?

    FYI, i am connected to the bridging connection and is able to access internet.
  4. donedoknow

    donedoknow New Member

    I actually thought of this and installed hamachi (i was trying to find a way to give my wifi internet to my empty ethernet port) and I thought of hamachi (thanks to DOTA and wC3 haha)

    anyhow How do you actually get internet onto hamachi? because It needs a server, and 2 people connect to that server to be connected... how do you actually use hamachi to gain access to the general internet?