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Depression? Bi-polar? What is wrong with me?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AcroneSF, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. Mario94

    Mario94 Well-Known Member

    Dont listen to porno*trash just try to make lots of friends and tell the police about the bullys
  2. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    I do have true friends. They defend me when they can and try to cheer me up when im down. The thing is we have a more pacifist nature. (Means me try to avoid conflict)
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I would not advise changing who you are...

    Change is only good if you feel (without conflict) that life sucks...

    Where possible, until the situation is dealt with, stick with them-safety in numbers-even if just a pair it will help...

    Oh-here's something else-avoid showing fear-but don't be agressive about it...

    Long time ago, mate of mine nearly got bashed on the street-what's he do-kick to the nuts-and walked off...

    To not show fear-now personally that's dumb because if he were equiped with a gun instead of a knife he would have been gone...

    But it's the meaning you need to take on-stick with your mates-but unless they hit you-pay no attention-they call you names, just remember-those who call you names are FAR worse off than you.

    Show fear-they enjoy it-show agression-you might get into more trouble than they would...

    ...except for the boxing your bullies part-taking up some excersise can help relive stress-plus it may turn your so-called fat into mucle-of course you relieve better in recreation than towards a goal...

    My tip-you like screaming and martial arts-try taekwondo-while I lacked a punch I had perfect form-and all the screaming during class helped release my primal side-I may just take it up again because it was also fun :)

    (Yes it does cost...so also keep in mind jogging or just really LONG walks to anywhere-7 hour walk around the city of melbourne just looking at game shops and music stores anyone?)
  4. daunte

    daunte New Member

    I empathise with the situation you find yourself in. I'm a half-baby like you and to be honest the aggressive ignorance you are seeing now will occasionally pop up in later life.

    Despite the advice from some corners, that life is a stage and there's no business like showbusiness, changing who you are to suit other people would only make you more angry, mostly with yourself. There's very little I've found that can quickly change people's notions of who you are. On the other hand, there's a great deal that you can do change how you feel about yourself! Be proud of who you are. Not to the point of being overbearing and obnoxious of course. Easier said than done I know, self-confidence and self-awareness wasn't high on my list of defining characterstics when I was in Year 10.

    The most simple example would have to be your weight. If you don't like being overweight, make the conscious decision to go to the gym or to run, or anything that appeals to you.

    BUT DO IT FOR YOURSELF! Not for the sake of appealing to everyone else's sensibilities.

    As a whole people will tell you anger is bad. Don't believe them, it's human. If you were pissed off and had a snarky moment with a friend, they may be upset for the moment but apologise politely, don't grovel or beg for forgiveness, and if they're worth their salt they'll forgive you.

    Taking up some form of physical activity as an outlet is a great idea. Talking to people here where you're more comfortable as an outlet is a good idea. I remember very clearly being alternatively agitated and depressed when I was your age too, and I admit sometimes I'm still the same way. My mother, who is a nurse, would tell me it's hormones and a teenagers natural want to rebel and find their limits in home/school/society. Probably quite true, all these things bother me far less now than they used to.

    On the topic of bullies, they love getting the reaction you're giving them, whatever it happens to be. I never found a good way to deal with it myself. You can't really avoid the people you go to school with, but once you've got it out of the way you'll rarely have to see the people you don't like again. Ever. Looking forward 2 years more of school seems hellishly long but looking back... well, seems instantaneous almost. In fact, my high school 10 year reunion came up recently and made me realise something. I did choose to be different and separate at school. I disliked the narrow minded children they were then, and they all just grew up to be narrow minded adults who I still have no time or patience for.

    All the teenage angst came rushing back in an instant.

    Most importantly, don't ham it up and "play the victim". Don't go talking it up to everyone who will listen and drumming up sympathy. It's tempting, and it makes you feel better in the short term but really only encourages people to bully you more since they know it's getting to you. Talking about it objectively and rationally with like-minded people who trust and get along with is vastly different to playing up "they hate me coz I'm asian/indian/albino/indiginous/red headed/gay/short ... " you get the idea I'm sure

    Cliques exist everywhere, there's going to be groups of people you'll never get along with. Ultimately I guess you can't please everyone so choose who you care about and please them. Don't forget to include yourself in the list of people you care about :)

    Apologies for the rambling nature of this post, but I hope you find something in it that will help or at least give a glimmer more clarity and purpose.
  5. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Why is everyone telling him to lose weight?
    Where did he say he was fat??

    Anyway, this was a primary school tactic and it's really changed who I am completely (so much for the better imo ^^) so it MIGHT be worth a shot:
    Agree with them (better yet turn their own words against thm but be warned, that might lead to a beating on the wrong person), you have NO idea how much it throws them off XD
    Cos bullies always want a reaction, but they want one of fear or anger, so give them one they'd never expect instead :p

    This one kid back in year 8 (typical *race deleted* bastard) thought I too was an "easy target" came up to me and said "oh I saw you f*ck a chicken" (or something, I can't remember what he did say), and I already knew he was an all-talk kinda person so I just replied something like "... WHAT THE F*CK? YOU BEEN STALKING ME!? you have nothing better to do with your time then follow me around and watch what im doin?" that was yelled, I then whispered "and her name's amy >.> she doesn't like being called "a chicken""
    He later had a second try, "your gay" (typical *race deleted* bastard, denouncing gays pissed me off more then him calling me one) easy reply, loudly said "No I don't want to go out with you, we're enemies remember?" then whispered "I never should have loved you" then laughed my ass off, I couldn't help it, the look on his face XD

    Anyway this short post turned into a short story XD better end it here
  6. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

  7. Mario94

    Mario94 Well-Known Member

    Yerr dont give them a reaction of anger or fear...

    And try to never look sad or they will pick on you more
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    He didn't-it was of the bullies taunts as he mentioned>wasn't sure how to react so I went with "excersise releives stress and helps keep you fit".

    And if he plays as much games as I do-well a little sunshine can't hurt in advice eh?

    I only mentioned my healthy change just so prehaps he could stand a better chance at a fight prehaps...plus excersise is good for anyone.

    But I will mention something, if ANYONE finds it offensive let me know so I can edit it.

    I know a dude 3 times the size of me (in weight) who could knock down just about anyone-one fist of his-instant car dent.

    The belly cover's the fact that his arms are about the same in mass-not flab pure mucle :)

    Some arm pumping excersises would prove to be useful...if those bullies get him into a corner outside of school-I seen it happen and wish no man that fate...
  9. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    Your profile says your in australia- so don't waorry, when you go into yr 11 all the stupid dumbass's will drop out :D
  10. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Sure, except that they're gonna raise the school leaving age limit to 17 or something. I dunno when, though.
  11. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    I really hope they leave it alone, because I don't want my year 11 ruined by idiots who don't even want to be at school, I know everyone says it but - Ignore the bully's all they want is a reaction!
    sorry for sounding so cliche :p
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Correct-I seen them leave about that age XD

    Why the hell will they change it?

    My farther left when he was 14 (back in the golden era...as they say...) and even HE was apposed to it-he just lacked money :(

    ...If that's happening in aus I'm definetly join those protest groups about it !
  13. Taufel

    Taufel New Member

    Definately not Bi-Polar disorder. Could possibly be depression, in my case, this isnt the same for everyone, my depression/anxiety manifests itself as anger. But I would go see a GP before you decide what you have, too many people instantly think they have depression because their life sucks.

    But like the other guys said, when you get to year 11, everything changes, everyone grows up a little bit and those who dont drop out.

    If its really bothering you though, Id see if there are any counciling services in your area, if you are in a fair sized city, there should be several free ones.

    If you feel stressed, go for a brisk walk, you'd be suprised how much it calms you down. Just plug yourself into some music and go.

    Next to all of that, just keep trying to get through. Like we said, everything changes soon. You might even become a better person at the other end.

    - Stay Calm.
