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Demetium 2 issues thread

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by frebels, May 7, 2010.

  1. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    This is the DS's answer to Left 4 Dead. But its actually quite scary.
  2. crei_clovis

    crei_clovis New Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    works perfectly in EDGE card graphics, etc.................. except when resuming the game again need to start all over again, hope the save patch is done... so waiting till it's out.
  3. jonairma

    jonairma Well-Known Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    use action replay:

    Game ID: BDEE 442BC94A

    HP Never Decrease
    222C2B50 00000000

    All Weapons Inf. Ammo
    022C2B54 FFFFFFFF
    022C2B58 FFFFFFFF

    Now you wont die
  4. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    He doesn't say anything about dying, jonairma, he says he gets stuck in the ground, and can't move. Read his post through. :p

    Anyways, I'm 1 hour, and 7 minutes into the game, so if I was to say Save the game, and then patch the game, would it let me load it (It saves the game, just it doesn't load it), and let me continue on from where I was?
  5. ultimania92

    ultimania92 Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    There's a temporary fix for this if you have a CycloDS or any other flashcard similar to it with a savestate function: I think savestates can be used. I'll add an update if it works.

    EDIT: Savestate functions work, so use them if you have them.
  6. soumojit

    soumojit Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    how can rom can be encrypted as meganova said above please someone can say
    Post Merge: [time]1273312133[/time]
  7. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    Nooo !!!! I've been playing for hours until I found this thread and found out if I reboot it my save file will be corrupted =.= crap I'm in chapter 3 already and now I have to start all over again?! HELL! !! ! !
  8. rico888

    rico888 New Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    Yes, I just have to unlock it in story mode and now I can play it...
    Better than nothing I guess.
  9. jacobzkelly666

    jacobzkelly666 New Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    I just found out it doesnt save and i was really far into the game aswell please SOMEONE find a way to fix thism i had a shotgun sledge hammer revolver and i was in the middle of a boss fight with this creepy harpie thing
  10. endarfluf

    endarfluf New Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    r4 has same problem with save
  11. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    guys people think its just because of the into thing that got put on there broke it so wate and for a re-upload and see if thats the problem because there might be nothing wrong with this game...
    (i no this guy whos bought it and hes going to try and re-upload it when it comes)
  12. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    Sorry for your luck but at least two people on GBAtemp said it isn't the intro they dumped and tried their own copy and it still had a saving fail.
  13. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    oh right
    i wasent shore i was just checking what you thort...
    oh well the iedge team will find a fix soon :)
  14. Twinblade242

    Twinblade242 Active Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    i don't know where you pulled that from but the game is absolutely nothing like L4D
  15. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    sent a bug report to AKAIO team.
  16. Jason5877

    Jason5877 Well-Known Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread


  17. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    Works on CycloDS with B.1. Now the intro screen is valid.
  18. romsrule99

    romsrule99 Well-Known Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    mirror link

  19. Re: Demetium 2 issues tread

    is this suppose to work? including the save?
  20. Jason5877

    Jason5877 Well-Known Member

    Re: Demetium 2 issues tread
