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Deleted saves

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by archlvt, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    it also doesn't make since, because if you were using a fake, AKAIO wouldn't work at all....unless you got a newer version of a fake that is supported a little bit by AKAIO and is giving you issues....
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what the issue would be. Have you tried using AKAIO 1.6RC2? It's a step lower than 1.7, but might not have the save issue you are having with 1.7, but still work with Tales of Innocence?
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    AKAIO 1.7 is very unstable at this point. I wouldn't recommend it until a more stable version is released that irons out the bugs. AKAIO 1.6RC2 should be more then sufficient for your needs and works very well.
  4. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Well that's good to know. I haven't had a freeze in Tales of Innocence with the official firmware though in about 10 hours. So the only obstacle that remains is Bowser's inside story, which won't run on the official firmware, but that doesn't matter for now since I'm only a couple of hours into Partners in Time.

    Yet another day passes without any deleted saves. Chalk one up for the official firmware.

    I wasn't aware 1.2RC2 was more stable, I figured the later the version, the more stable and secure it would be.

    As far as a fake goes... does shoptemp sell fake carts? I was given to understand that they were a very reliable and trustworthy company. In any case, I'll trade bowser's inside story for stability any day. So until the official firmware craps out, or until I get a real craving for some bowser's inside story, I'll stick with this. I mean, why fix what isn't broken?

    Now I just have to send in my xbox360, and RMA my video card. Next thing you know, my bigscreen tv will break. My computer already broke a few months ago, and my $80 mouse died a couple weeks ago. Having the best luck lol. I love electronics... Maybe I'll live in the woods, and be a carpenter.
  5. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Well it finally happened, a save (DQ5) got deleted while using the official firmware. Lately I've been adding more roms. I wonder if I'm removing the SD reader from my usb when I'm not supposed to? I have no idea.

    I've already formatted this thing a few times, I've redownloaded the firmware. I don't know what else it could be besides a faulty or fake acekard. Shoptemp doesn't seem like the kind of site that would have fakes though.

    Although, I haven't played dragon quest 5 since before I switched firmwares, so perhaps it was already deleted all this time and I only just discovered it. There's so many variables.

    Guess it's karma.
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    To avoid potential corruption of data when removing your reader, always use the "Safely Remove Hardware" option on your computer. This will stop it and disconnect it before you take it out, ensuring that nothing is being written/read at the time.
  7. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    ..................I wasn't warned about this at all, I didn't even see the icon down there until you mentioned it. If it's so unsafe, then why isn't it widely spoken about? I'm almost positive that this was the problem then, as my saves tend to disappear when I'm doing a lot of adding and modifying to the card, like adding new games, UI, backing up saves, etc. And I always remove the reader as soon as it's finished doing what it's doing, without disconnecting it.

    After switching firmwares, I hadn't really added much aside from some UIs. I had just finished adding some games when I saw dq5 was overwritten. Luckily, I hadn't played this in ages and my backup save on my pc was in the same place.


    So I've been playing around with it, and (I've already disconnected it before), I went to disconnect the reader this time, and it said it can't disconnect because the folder is still open and the files are still being read/written or whatever, and then it dawned on me, I OFTEN pulled out the usb reader while the folder page was still open. I figured since the transferring/copying of files was finished, that it was safe to remove it.

    I'm almost certain now that this is the cause, and I may try going back to AKAIO now and wait to lose a save file. I'll back up my saves on a daily basis for a week and see how it goes.