You, databank. It should've been obvious enough that my post was responding to the post directly above mine, else I would've used quotes.
I have it about 1 time a month. But I usually dream things that will happen in my future, but I don't remember that I had them when I wake up. Until it happens of course.
If you don't understand someone, you should ask them what they mean, or to explain themselves better. Just saying "Okay" leaves everyone confused. I thought you were agreeing with dhanash! If people give out to you for asking the question, just ignore them.
^^^ well thats true yea, but i like experiencing it and trying to figure whether it happened before or if something is wrong with me
oooo i get it.... well at one point in time i thought it was something wrong with me, thats when i never knew about "deja vu" or the other "vus"
maybe its affected by what we do everyday..... maybe our lives are just like a circle.... and we just dont know it
yes. de-ja-vu sucks, i had it in my dreams... and it was a maze dream mixed with half-life, it was cool holycrap a crowbar?
i experienced it sometimes on random places... like youve been there but cant remember and also with the same people on the same spots, something like that. Also one of my mentors told me that deja vu is something like what you already dreamt of and then few minutes you forgot what you were dreaming, then when you see certain things or whatever you suddenly feel familiar with it.