YEA. I DID! and alotta oda people, the most simpliest form is the pen or pencil deja vu, your friend ask you to borrow it and u noticed taht he ask you and aging and you thought you did and when u look its still in your hannd or on your desk. that a form of deja vu ( translated as already seen in french) meaning in your head you already seen that u lent him/ her the pen/pencil but it didnt really happen
ok you are hanging out with your friends when suddenly you think you did it before when in fact you did but with others
This is getting off topic, but I believe fate is a series of events brought about by the choices that have been/will be made by people, etc. Is it déja vu if you can remember where you experienced the exact same event before (ie. in a dream)?
yea, its french, translated .....deja = already...... + vu= seen....... deja vu = already seen. i dont really get what i mean.. i am confused.. i cant really think of and example. i gato research it on the internet
that translation is not from the net, i do french in school and i came across the words seperately...... deja meanning alreadly and vu is the past tens of the verb voir to see.. so i just made a conclusive guess on its meaning. i research it after and found out that i had made a right guess. but i am jus having problem getting a perfect example. any one can help?
I had Deja-vu for almost an hour straight once... the creepy part was the fact I knew what she was gonna say before she said it... (I actually suspect it DID happen before...) As for an explanation of deja-vu Well basically it's when something happens, and you remember the exact same event... like reminiscing on the present. If you haven't had deja-vu before then it can't really be explained to you though...
so you people are saying that deja vu is when u see something before it happens, bad on that experiecne ?