I maintain that De ja vu is you experiencing something you already foresaw in a dream. I base this on my own experiences, and the fact that scientists say you rarely consciously remember your dreams. To me this seems more likely than your brain glitching and committing something to memory twice and then getting confused.
Trust me, Believe what you want but the it commits the memory twice in a nanosecond or less. The dream thing is impossible...That would be illogical, thats seeing into the future...
future is made by a branched action that we do in the present... so there are very wide range of what may happen in the future based on what we do in the present... in the other hand, seeing into the future is impossible is like watching only a single branch from the action... so, it is possible to have different future from the future you see(in case you can see the future) unless you have the power like Nicholas Cage in the movie NEXT.
Am I the only one who sees the futility of debating such fields of theoretical science? You can throw around your "facts" all you want, it won't change a thing.
Debates aren't always to find proof, quite often they are to present your views and to try and show people why they are valid. That's all assuming that fate doesn't exist.
No...for me..that is fate... for me, the branched actions are in a fixed range....it is like there will be many branches of what will happen after some action...and the branches is already been decided by God...the only thing is which path will we choose... that is my understanding of fate...hope you understand my explaination...thats the best i can do...
i understand it....... because ive been in that position when i use to think like that but right now i think there is no such thing as faith, no such thing as karma...... what ever happens because of what you did in the past and what you are doing in the present and what you're saying about the branches already being decided by God then tehcnically your life is all planned out, doesnt matter which path you take it will end up to the same thing in the end.....
deja vu :'( is a french word.... it is broken down as deja meaning already and vu meaning seen deriving from the verb voir. it simplys means already seen.. its is jus like u have seen or immaginged sumthing happens and then l8r on it really duz, then u say, i jus had a deja vu.. remember the old class deja vu when ur fren asked to to borrow a pencil and u thought u did. ;D .. but u really didnt.. that is a from of deja vu because in your head u have already seen ur self gavin ur frienfd the pencil.
yeah...my thinking is our life have already been decided by God...but He gave us branches of path to make our life more interesting.....and for me, i think the branches are hundreds, or may be thousands... only God know...and again, atheists can ignore this post...
4 the pple who say there is no such thing as faith.. if u say so that mean that u are ignorant of waht faith really is... faith is not sum magical thing that u can debate about if it is a myth nor fact. according to the bibble. faith is the substannce of thing hoped for, the evidence of thing unseen.. now if u understand that u will have a different perspective about faith.. eg, the pastors sa have faith in god.... which siply means dont have up, have hope,,, faith is symnonim of hope and i sure u know what hope is so fiath is jus sumthing that u hoping 4.. i have faith that god will gave me a new care, or my sister will be healed, or uncle thiom will be released from jail etc. remember ,, faith is the substance of things hope for the evidence of things unseen
im not an atheists i do believe in God but there is somethings that i understand differently...... and fate is something i find not appealing..... and royj i said watch your language refrain from using SMS and spell properly
how can u understand faith differently, there is one meanin to it.(beside from denotative and conotative) and how can u find faith appealing. its not a girl nor a desert. its jus a sort of feeling that what u are hpoping for will come through..thats simply faith. like you hope ( have faith) that you get to be with this girl. Post Merge: [time]1250298017[/time] what the hell is fate, are we talking about faith? what is the difference