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Deep thought about the universe

Discussion in 'Debates' started by stirgo1212, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    That's just great. More war-causing assholes? GEH! My family alone contains more than enough "humanoids," thank you very much...

    Every time I take the time to think about life, reality, and existence as we know it, it always makes me go crazy. At first, it was little things, like the time I actually started understanding that I only have one consciousness out of many. And then when I realised what it really meant for my brain to be able to say, make my hands clench into a fist. And then it grew, and then I fell down the spiral of stairs leading to existential despair. 'Cos you know, I was looking up at the few stars I could see, and then realised how small I was compared to the planet, how small the planet was compared to the galaxy, how small the galaxy was compared to the universe, that compared to time... And sometime after that, I realised that should I ever die my consciousness, all that's made me up, would just blow out like a little, insignificant candle among other insignificant candles. I would cease to feel, think, and even be.

    I've stopped reading philosophy books since. (x_x) It's just too depressing. Also, have you ever been in a sanatorium before? It's terrible! They won't let you have pencils, so can't draw anything... And all the books they have are crappy. And everyone's always fighting for the TV! You can't get flowers from friends outside... Also, you can't go to the bathroom at night without triggering an alarm! And they take your blood every so often, and...
  2. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    Well now that you realize your existence in this world maybe you can do Alchemy like Edward.

    But Black holes always fascinated me. What exactly is on the other side of the black hole? Such dense gravity wouldn't it rip through space? Space it's self but be pretty strong to withstand the forces of black holes. Unless the center of a black hole is really a hole in space. Then what's on the other side? hmmm....
  3. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Does it even matter? We'll never see them, they'll never see us, unless of course you're alive some 300years+ in the future.
  4. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    We are not real. God is us, we are imagining ourselves and created ourselves as a god, thus god is us and we are not real.

    Also, frogs are weird and should never have been part of our collective imagination.
  5. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

  6. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member


    Something like this?