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Decide, and write

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Qwaetl, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    (C) Nick wakes up in a clean bed. His first thought was that he had been having a horrible dream but as he opened his eyes and saw the decor in the room he realised that that thought was futile. Then:

    (A) A woman walks into the room bearing a tray with some dinner on it.
    (B) A man walks in bearing a tray with some dinner on it
    (C) A window breaks and a molotov cocktail flies in.
  2. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    (A) An attractive woman walks in and leaves a tray of food on a nightstand next to Nick's bed. He tries to speak but before he can get anything comprehensible out the woman turns around and walks out of the room. She closes the door behind her and Nick's heart sinks as he hears a key turn in the lock.

    (A) Nick tries the window
    (B) Nick tries to pick the lock on the door
    (C) Nick eats his dinner and waits to see what will happen next
  3. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    c. he eats his dinner; and waits patiently, then the woman comes back with a chainsaw.

    A. run

    B. fight

    C. call for help
  4. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    (C) He see's the chainsaw and panics. He yells in terror and calls for help.

    (A) The woman laughs and explains that she was just trying to scare him
    (B) The woman lays into him with the saw
    (C) The woman sighs and puts down the saw calling him a coward
  5. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    a.The woman laughs and explains that she was just trying to scare him, but Nick does not believe her.

    A. run

    B. fight

    c. pee pants
  6. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    (B) Nick prepares to fight, but his body is still weakened from the recent injuries and he can barely stand.

    (A) The woman attacks with the chainsaw
    (B) The woman puts the chainsaw down
    (C) A man comes in and takes the chainsaw from the woman
  7. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    (B) The woman puts the chainsaw down. And:

    (A) Takes Nick by the wrist and flips him onto his back
    (B) Starts laughing uncontrollably
    (C) Leaves the room and locks it again.
  8. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    (C) the woman Leaves the room and locks it again. Nick


    (B)tries to pick the lock

    (C)grabs the chainsaw
  9. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    (C) Nick staggers over and grabs the chainsaw. His injured back and arms scream in protest as he heaves it onto the bed. Panting heavily he tries starting it when...

    (A) He hears a key turning in the lock
    (B) He notices it's out of petrol
    (C) He blacks out from his injuries
  10. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    (C) He blacks out from his injuries and wakes up in a hospital, perhaps the lady WAS just joking!

    (A) the police killed the woman and brought him to a hospital.

    (B)the woman was innocent and brought him to a hospital.

    (C)Nick used magic teleportation powers and brought himself to a hospital.
  11. Qwaetl

    Qwaetl New Member

    (C) Nick thought he had magic powers, but that was only just imagination. Magic didn't really exist... Or did it?
    Nick tried to stand, but it was a too heavy movement to make, due is fatigue.
    Nick looked next to him, and noticed the flowers, with a name card on.
    It said, "I hope you get better... Pearl".
    "Who was Pearl again?", he thought.
    "Oh, right, it's my _____".

    A) Girlfriend
    B) Mom
    C) Neighbour
  12. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    (A) "Oh yeah" He thought "It's my neighbor" Nick was relieved. she wasn't killed by her husband after all. But how could her wounds have been healed already? He looked at the calender. Wait... WHAT???

    (A) How can it be two weeks since that incident allready?
    (B) How can it be two months since that incident already?
    (C) How can it be two years since that incident already?!
  13. Qwaetl

    Qwaetl New Member

    (B) "Oh my god!", Nick said to himself.
    "Two months have passed since the incident.", words keep repeating in his head.
    A nurse came in, and said, "Oh, good, you woke up.".
    "The doctor said you have struggled too much against your injuries.", the nurse confronted Nick with.
    Nick thought a few seconds about what she said, and shrugged.
    The nurse left, and someone Nick didn't know came in.
    "Oh, hello, I'm _________".

    A) the neighbour (man)
    B) the doctor
    C) from the army
  14. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    (C) "... Lieutenant Peters from the U.S. Marines. Good to see you back on your feet soldier." the man said in a gruff voice "You ship out to Iraq in one week, get your gear together and meet at the barracks at 0400 Monday." The man handed Nick some papers which he took in a daze before saluting and marching out. Nick sank to the bed and started reading the papers. The....

    (A) Nurse came in.
    (B) Doctor came in.
    (C) Lieutenant came back in.
  15. Qwaetl

    Qwaetl New Member

    A) As the door opened, the nurse came in.
    She asked who that was, and Nick replied that he didn't know.
    Nick thought roughly, "I think that was my boss, or something.".
    The nurse said, "Well, if you're ready, the doctor is waiting for you in his office.".
    The nurse left again, closing the door a bit hard.
    Nick thought she was a bit angry, but that was just his imagination.
    He stood, and saw something beside his bed.
    It was ____________.

    A) A chainsaw
    B) A Nintendo DSi
    C) A postcard
  16. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    C) A postcard from anonymous saying...

    A.Nick's mom is gonna die, if he doesn't prevent it.

    C.Nick's dad is going to die, if he doesn't prevent it.

    D.Nick is going to die, if he doesn't prevent it.
  17. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    A)Nick's mom is gonna die, if he doesn't prevent it.


    A)runs from the hospital

    B)stays in bed and laughs it off

    C) cries and does nothing about it.
  18. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    B) stays in bed and laughs it off

    After time this causes

    A) His Mum to die
    B) Another warnng
    C) Nick to realise it was all some stupid prank
  19. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    (A) His mom dies. Just then doctor octagonopus flies in and charges his lazor


    A) prepares for his consequence for leaving his mom to die
    B) tackles dr octagonopus
    C) jumps out the window
  20. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    B)Tackles Dr. Octagonopus.

    Dr Octagonopus...

    A) Dies
    B) Gets angry
    C) Transforms into a horrible being