depends what drug you are on this is why people that have never been around them can't comment because your stupid weed = there is no chance your getting off your ass unless its to go to the fridge shrooms = when the walls are melting and your coffee table is talking to you rape is not the first thing that's on your mind ecstasy = your to busy dancing and telling people you love them too do anything mean coke = does make people horny but it makes you happy and your not likely to hurt anyone (unless you are already an aggressive person) actually the more i list the more i prove my point apart from pcp which is one of the ones i know of that does make people aggressive but anyway it makes no difference what the drug is the person is on ITS THE PERSON NOT THE DRUG so many people blame drugs and those people are stupid i have known many people that have done many drugs and non of them have murdered or raped anyone just because someone takes a drug does not mean they will commit a crime when "high" the person needs to be predispositioned to do it already the drug does not make you do it or put any ideas in your head, you already have to be the type of person to do that sort of thing. and here is something for you, more people in respectable jobs do drugs then criminals also you will know people that do drugs you just won't know that they do it or have done it.
So, let me ask this single question and i'll drop the "drugs" topic. Are you defending drug users, that using drugs not prescribe by doctors, are ok and should be allowed by society? Well, thats just my question. Its a simple yes or no. No need for a explanation for that answer.
QFT. If someone is strongly predisposed to rape and does not do it because of their social inhibitions, then there is a slight chance they might do it under the influence of certain drugs because of a reduced sense of social inhibitions. The drug does not cause them to do it. Again, depends on the drug. Not all illegal drugs are harmful, in a lot of cases prescribed drugs do more damage, but some illegal drugs are extremely dangerous.
Yeah, that's not first-hand experience in the very fucking slightest. I smoke marijuana daily and I can say from the experience of myself and my friends that it only acts as a suppressant for violent or morally subjective acts. If someone does something that endangers society while influenced by marijuana, they are significantly more likely to commit the same act sober. I can assure you of this. Equity hit the nail pretty much on the head. Although, I enjoy going for nature walks while high. It all depends whether you're smoking indica or sativa marijuana -- they produce different highs. Cocaine can make people more easily irritated but killing someone on shrooms would fucking destroy a trip. A drum set arranged to look like micky mouse's face can trigger bad vibes. Blood and guts is not something someone tripping on shrooms would even begin to approach mentally. And people on ecstasy are too busy rubbing against things, dancing, and masturbating to do anything else. Edit: "Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out the first story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve aphonic structures and culturally laid down novels of behavior and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong." - Terence McKenna, the legendary philosopher.
The death penalty is great. These people have no right to live after carrying out serious crimes like murder. Seriously, we could learn a thing or two from the corrupt Asian countries instituting the policies.
Is weed even bad for your health? I'd think that cigarretes would be worse because of the tar in them and stuff...
yes it is, smoking anything is bad for you but as to the affects of the drug not really, medicines your doctor will prescribe you are far more dangerous to your health then weed is
Just saying: weed has a medical use, cigarettes (AFAIK) don't. Anyways, why discriminate against weed while cigarettes get off scot free. Oh, I forget, the cigarette lobby is DEEP and well-funded in Indonesia.
its because its taxable same with alcohol the make money off of it, if weed was taxable it would become legal immediately its like in my country they complaining that alcohol costs the government something like 8 billion a year in damages and hospital costs, now they could just make it illegal and be done with it but what they don't tell you is they make 18 billion off of the tax.
More than that since the last UK budget (another 1p a pint beer tax added, wine and spirits go up by more than that).
Cigarettes are significantly worse for you than marijuana. Marijuana is one of the safest things you can smoke because of the lack of carcinogens (it's used in some chemotherapy, even) but smoke is smoke. It's much less dangerous being in the presence of a campfire, and luckily marijuana can be vaporized or consumed as an edible instead. But it's the drugs like cigarettes and alcohol that really do nothing for you but damage you and are addictive that are legal. Marijuana and mushrooms, which are totally natural, have no addictive properties, and open your mind to the idea that maybe the facade that is society and culture is a strange operating system on which we run life, are illegal. Coincidence? I think not. Killing people for nature is fucking retarded on every level. Also, this just may blow your fucking mind. Also this for the truthful but comical factor.
So say they have no addictive properties is misleading to say the least. They have officially diagnosed PS3 addiction, so you CAN get addicted to weed. In fact, I have a friend in a group home RIGHT NOW from it.
there is no physical addiction if you have an addiction its in your head same with the ps3 your body does not crave it you just want it.
THAT'S WHY I SAID IT HAD NO ADDICTIVE PROPERTIES. BECAUSE THAT MAKES IT TRUE. HOLY FUCK USE A DICTIONARY. You can be addicted to weed in the same way you can get addicted to Lucky Charms. That's all; there is no physical addiction whatsoever. CAFFEINE ON THE OTHER HAND IS A PHYSICAL ADDICTION WITH ACTUAL WITHDRAWALS. Edit: Actually, Lucky Charms are more physically addictive than marijuana because of the sugar in the marshmallows. Oh.
I only say for people who murder...If you take one life, you should give yours...especially serial killers
I agree-in aus it's too lenient towards crime... One death-cyclist ran down-drive got A FREAKING FINE! ...And prehaps 5 years... I say death for death-remove the scum from the world-if they have mental issues-more than a 10 year sentance AT LEAST in some metal home to fix them...or prehaps life thier... If accident-then 25 years-make them learn to be more carful...
We don't have the death pentalty here, in fact if I do recall, the only thing you can get the death penalty for is treason, and then you're hung. However, I'm 50-50 on this. Because our society isn't perfect, it never will be. I agree about the rapists, murderers, peophiles etc etc, they should get death But what if you've been wrongly convicted. What if one of you, found a guy dead when you walked past him lying on the floor, and you check to see if he's alright, blood on your clothes, and ta-da bang up, on death row.. It COULD happen. You're dead for checking on a guy, who was already dead. I know this isn't a valid scenario, but it could happen, and probably has many times. With the more advancing technology this wrong convictions are happening less and less. But there's no such thing as a perfect system. I wouldn't want to be the guy sitting in a cell for being a nice guy.
the UK quietly scrapped the death penalty for treason while blair was in power. While the political party I support advocate the death penalty as a potential sentence (judge's discretion) for traitors, rapists, child rapists and terrorists in situations where guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt (i.e perfect DNA match and/or eyewitness evidence) , I am not entirely sure I agree with it. As the previous poster stated, miscarriages of justice can and do happen, and in some cases the punishment will have been administered long before the miscarriage comes to light. I am also unsure about sentencing terrorists to death. Such people often wish to die for their cause, and I do not believe that martyring them by imposing the death sentence is a good idea.