Thanks everyone, sorry I didn't respond sooner but I've been pretty busy over the last couple of days. Its nice to know that I wasn't acting strange in this situation. I tryed to explain it to them, but they wouldn't have any of it. They don't particuarly like me =p
My husband has just passed away and I cry every day. I miss him so much and I'll never get over my loss. he was my soul mate and now I have no meaning in my life. I pray that i will be with him soon.
I'm sorry for your loss, but.... I don't know, I just don't think you should pray for your own death. D:
I'm sorry for your loss, but one time someone has to die, nobody lives for 1000 years! In a fdew years we will die, so enjoy live man!
I think that crying is not necessary. Everyone mourns in their own way. I've never lost a relative, that I could remember. In my close family no-one close related has died in 12years or longer. However, now my great-grandma is over 95 years old. She is still in good health considering her age and she is able to walk with no problems. I fear for her death as she is dear to me, but I know I can't change anything that is going to happen eventually. I just try to spend as much time with her as I'm allowed. Only once (4years ago) has someone dear to me died. She was one year older than me, a friend for 4 years. I really looked up to her and her carefree way of living. Then she suddenly discontinued to answer her phone. As I had no other connection to her than e-mail and phone (she lived kinda far away), I could not get a contact in a whole month. Then I found the number of a friend of hers in my notebook. (We had been together on a scouting camp.) I called and she told me that my dear friend had committed a suicide over a month ago. My first reaction was "are you sure?", kinda stupid, now that I think about it... I never really cried for her. I cannot even say if I've come to terms with it, because I didn't ever really mourn her. Even now I act like she had just moved overseas and I had lost contact with her. I act like she is still happy and alive. But sometimes I think about her and think that maybe she is a spirit/angel/ghost/soul that is still in this world. One, who I can talk to. It is kinda funny. Instead of praying to any god, I sometimes talk to her in my mind. I tell about my worries, ask for advice and so on, knowing that she wont answer, but still I imagine her listening to me, laughing at my petty worries. I don't know if this is normal, but it does not really affect my normal life. Am I weird? XD