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dbz or naruto

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by dhanash, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    I loved DBZ as a lil' Asian, But when I think back the story kinda seemed the same: Strong Bad Guy, Get Stronger, Win. And Repeat. But the adventures and trials to succeed proved to become a great story. (Sorry to get off-topic but any way). AHEM, Let's say Goku and Naruto were trapped in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber Together. Naruto Will Go Demon, But Goku could go S.S. 1, 2, 3, 4, And even 5. So yeah, DBZ wins! >:d
  2. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    DRAGON BALL Z, i would rather watch people fire a huge beam out of thier hands then watch strange ninjas run and fight
    Post Merge: [time]1262418999[/time]
    uh im sorry to say but there is no such thing as a Super Sayian 5
  3. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    well, as for the story i choose dbz... its simple....

    as for the characters, techniques, picture, etc, i choose naruto

    overall i choose naruto better than dbz...

    but if naruto characters vs dbz characters, there's no doubt dbz character will win that battle easily.... songoku [only songoku] can wipe out all naruto's worlds....

    super saiyan 5 is beast mode for goku... he transform to beast thet he do super saiyan mode in that beast form... CMIIW...
  4. mouse05k12

    mouse05k12 New Member

    Well... DBZ is what I used to watch when I was a kid. I never saw Naruto and actually am not compelled to see it either so I'd have to say DBZ. :)
  5. darkphire

    darkphire Active Member

    Dragon ball z because naruto is just a bunch of regular kids they dont have that SUPER SAIYAN POWER MAN
  6. zhouthien7

    zhouthien7 Member

    I'D pick NARUTO mainly cuzz it has more story to it where as DBZ has constant action (i love it tho) and u could predict wats next most of the time, but yae i still go with naruto partially cuzz the series isnt done yet..and its getting interesting :D

    its a hard decision, but yae Naruto has some gay fillup episodes where as DBZ has none..and it has little flash backs, almost none lol DBZ is epic during its time and not much anime is like it...

    so i'd say i give both 10
  7. elephantred

    elephantred Member

    The only fictional character than even outclasses DBZ would be Superman. He's beyond broken. You know you're overpowered when you can tank black holes and supernovas.
  8. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    i bet goku could kill superman
  9. cloudhero

    cloudhero New Member

    Although DBZ lacks a good storyline , the fighting scenes make up for it. Naruto on the other hand, doesnt have great fighting scenes till later on. Im leaning towards DBZ
  10. bri777

    bri777 New Member

    DBZ would win easy cause their way faster(They can move as Sonic the Hedgehog and Goku moves at the speed of light with instant transmition) and WAAY stronger(Able to blow up planets when there not even tryin and able to send opponents flying for miles and able to stand gravities of 400X earth's gravity which makes your own body feel like 8 tons). And they don't need to power up against Naruto characters cause their that weak compared to DBZ characters and even if a Naruto character lands a hit their bone would break. And don't say tsukuyomi or amaterasu cause they wouldnt even b able to land the move on the DBZ characters cause of how fast they move.