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Dawn of Heroes (U) | DLinks & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by meganova, May 22, 2010.

  1. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    That character that is allergic to the ashes is a joke ;D It does things with stupidity ;D
  2. imp24

    imp24 Active Member

    I like the sense of humor in this game ;D "attacked by a children's storybook" "illegal parking" I am so playing this forever.
  3. kurtfryer

    kurtfryer Member

    i did not like this game as there is not enough customization in MY OPINON. i prefer each character with individual strength and levels.
  4. gzaxx

    gzaxx New Member

    Anyone found those hidden objectives? Do you have to found something on the map? Or to for example kill all within 2 turns?
  5. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Then don't play it ;D

    I have no idea. I tried running around the place looking for something, kill specific enemy, use specific skills, read the storyline and go according to it but I still can't find the hidden objectives. =.=
  6. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member


    What people have figured out so far.

    Get Helga (Valkyrie Hero) ASAP from the First Region she's hell of a fighter (She can buff up Damage for 2 Rounds,She hits Twice,She can dual wield Hammers)
  7. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    this game sucks.
  8. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing you also don't like Final Fantasy Tactics A2?
  9. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    I love the tactic battles. I hate the humor and the story.
  10. imp24

    imp24 Active Member

    sorry to interrupt. I like this game, but it's incomparable to ffta2. this probably had a low-budget development, but came with a very good output.
  11. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    They are in the same genre though. FFTA2 didn't have WiFi Battling though and it's still fun nonetheless.
  12. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    But the games are nothing like each other.
  13. kurtfryer

    kurtfryer Member


    what do you think i did doofus?
    i deleted it without your stupid advice on "not playing it"
    and i will comment with freedom of speech and none of your smart ass remarks.
  14. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    I haven't even posted in their Message Board yet. I've just been playing through the game and the Valkyrie Class was a big help in the Battles. And everybody has different tastes & preferences. I don't really care if you don't play it anyway. Just trying to help people to enjoy a game but since you didn't. Oh well,not my problem you don't like it. This game is just keeping me busy until I get my copy of Etrian Odyssey 3 anyway. :-\

    Heh, I just need another TBSRPG again and this game looks promising enough to be last for a while.
  15. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    XD what does that even have to do with not liking this game
  16. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    They're both TBSRPG's , just assumed he didn't like Games like that then. :-X
  17. metaco

    metaco Member

    Hello my nooblets!! I have found the secret objective... but I won't reveal whats for what, for I only found a few!! Anyways those secret objectives unlock a hidden chest where u can find rare items.. I've already found a rare that transforms your character into a snake, the one u fight in the desert/Jungle!

    To accomplish those hidden Objectives all you have to do is complete Secondary tasks to find Items that are written in ORANGE... You equip these items to your character, and it's mostly done by a "Hinter" riddle of some sort... For Example.. I'll give you guys one off the bat.. I found a Orange item labelled "Worm" And it had a discriptive writing.. so I thought of the dragon, but it was incorrect... I used the item when I was battling a Hawk/Falcon and It just ended the battle by saying "Hidden Event", then a new path to a chest unlocks, so go try it out everywhere!!!

    Also note that... the items you find... aren't for the same location... they are used in different levels, Happy hunting!
  18. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Isn't it better to post that in the Game Help section before it gets lost in this topic...?
  19. metaco

    metaco Member

    I guess? but the questions not up there... I'm just answering a question in here since it was put here =)
  20. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I mean you could better create a topic for that as if people post in here it will get lost.