EPP! ...I won't subject my brother to any more physical punishment, for a start I'm easily capable of breaking his arms off (and I have issues restraining myself) and a few other horrible incidents... Let's say dragging him out of the room is the most I can do. As for the army thing...well...what can I say...I'm speechless.
no you have to get it into their heads whilst their young that they cannot mess with you and it will stay forever, my brother still wouldnt dare do anything because its ingrained and it wouldnt enter his head to do anything.
My father used to hit whe I was young.... Let's get one thing straight, that didn't help-I do as i please, the only time I cower is when I realise he's right about something.
I don't think Revenge is the best idea but based on what I have read, perhaps you can get even with him? Does he has anything dear to him to say the least? You know what I mean..right? You sure got a lot of dvds, I feel for you, darn, that's why here in Asia, when you have more than one kid, you gotta get another PSP or NDS for that kid, otherwise the older one will have to suffer many unhappy events of damaged and missing items. I have one friend and he has like 3 kids, all aged from 10 to the youngest 5 and all of them got their own PSP. Otherwise it will be war! I don't know what to say regarding your bro, have you tried using the soft approach and explaining to him? If he doesn't know how to respect you and your stuff, get him something that he likes and then do your magic...that's the last resort but maybe when he knows the meaning of respecting people's stuff, that's your best bet? I don't know, it does sound horrible to have your possesion being wrecked. I never shared my consoles with anyone because I am the only child but nor did I dare touch my folks' stuff. Call it immaturity, does he do that with other people's stuff too? If that happened, ummm...it has to be corrected.
Take what you're getting like a man, and hold up for a few more years. Soon enough, he'll be your bestfriend. He'll come to his senses, remembering all the shit he's done to you as a kid, and hopefully, if he's that good of a brother, he'll do you good.
My baby brother keeps on scratching my New supe rmario bros Wii disc.... he plays fine on it but almost cries when he loses his yoshi.
my little brother cost me a lot, I replaced my DS touchscreen for a very deep crack courtesy of him and also I have to always replace the screenprotector for the deep scracthes on my DS touchscreen, sometimes I really said to myself that I wouldn't let him burrow my DS anymore but somehow I couldn't do it and always end up letting him burrow my handheld, its tough being the eldest....*sigh