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Damn americans mutating our language !

Discussion in 'Rants' started by Girogex, Mar 6, 2009.

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  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Jeez, I didn't say anything bad.

    Anyways, dialect is different from country to country. In Canada we probably have different slang words than Americans (not a lot though, AND IT'S NOT EH), Newfound Landers especially.

    Almost every country falls under "own form of the English language". The UK has their own slang, as do America, and Canada, and other countries do too. Even countries that don't complete English have English slang or have slang in their own language (I know slang in french).

    I'm moreso on the government, I don't know many Americans, so I can't properly judge. But still comparing a people and dialects saying one is the greatest is pretty bleh.

    Databank switched to countries in one of his posts so I probably got lost.

    I think it's pretty hard to hate the country you live in, but it's easy to hate the government, like I hate the Canadian government, but I love Canada.

    A lot of people don't like America, I think it has something to do with that they have such a strong hold on almost everything, if their economy goes down, so does the world's. 'super puissance' 's (I don't remember the english words) suck.

    Also Canadians hating on Americans is part of what differs from Canadians and Americans, always was, and always will be.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    And what about Australians-if it weren't for the people who loved the queen still after all these years-we would be like america-independant...

    Now that I think about it-I just want Australia to be it's own nation instead of hanging about with off-shoots of an overcrowded nation (is UK like that still-no more land for it but...well yeah)
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Go through the posts, I already answered it.

    Aussies have their own dialect too (THE BARBIEEEEEE, not really) but it's not as stereotyped as we think.

    Canada is in a weird place for sovereignty, YAY GOVERNMENT GENERAL YOU RULE.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...you know what's ironic?

    I lived here all my life-and apparently I sound like a southern american...


    (sure my mum learnt the american way of speech-that's how fillo's learnt it-but how can a woman's voice who's still has hints of past heritage-mutate into a southern american accent?)

    And thus-I'm angry with my own voice y'all :(
  5. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Australia doesn't have anything to gain from independence. We're self-governing as it is.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It's nice to have a title though :(

    And while many a reason may pop up-we can ditch the pm's and have a president...

    Wait-maybe that's why america is the way it is :(
  7. GideonB

    GideonB Well-Known Member

    What does that mean? because that is pretty ambigious what your saying there...
    Either way Everyone has their own way to speak English, like my way is telling grammar to fuck off unless it's needed and say Americans changing everything away from what it should be for their country alone. At least we know what they mean through TV. It's just normal life happening all around.
  8. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    *excuse the foul language but i have to prove a point*

    english has many forms that is really indifferent but what i don't understand is slang... or these (wtf, brb, etc) it's what the fuck?, be right back, and Et Cetera (which is latin for "and of other things") some of then are confusing, the hell? i remember i was playing WoW (yes i lost the game) and one day i was talking and i stole a kill from this one dude and the screen filled with "OMGWTFIGKYAYMFGYAHIGKYA!!!!!!" (oh my god that the fuck i'm going to kick your ass, you mother fucker, get your ass back here, i'm gonna kick your ass) i quit playing the next month (had to get my money's worth)

    it just amazes me that we run on acronyms
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