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Cyber bullying caused suicide

Discussion in 'General News' started by mds64, Jul 22, 2009.

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  1. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Good thing i dont know some bullies' address, or else, there will be more serial killers out there.
  2. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    bullies aren't technically killers...
  3. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    oh, you misunderstood that, i mean me, the one killing the bullies.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    And that is how psyco-paths are born...

    A tortured soul becomes a violent beast!

    Here is somthing I JUST made up.

    Good side of bulling

    -You feel good

    -You make your self the "big one' of the bunch

    -You can have slaves

    -You don't have to do any school work-provided you have a slave

    -You don't need to have any remorse

    Bad side

    -The target's may commit suicide if it's severe

    -The target may get tramutised-meaning they become useless the rest of society

    -They may fight back-Ethier kill you-people they actually care about-the one's the bullies care about-or a school rampage

    -They may simply become a bully themselves...

    I've been on the bad side myself-I was a target-then one day I become the agressor-and saw what it did...

    I turned a relitivly happy dude into a emo-fashion sence and all!

    I hate because I was...

    I hate because I know what it can do (thankfully mine wasn't remour related-it was in thier face childish bs-but forgot who the person was-if any more they may have done what this poor girl had done)...

    If I offended anyone-I apoligise-I have been on both sides of the fence-and have thus learnt my lessons...never again shall i pick on those weaker than me, because I was once the one picked on...

    Yup-true story.
  5. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I was just joking, if you took my post seriously. i have been bullied to, called names and do stuff to the point i moved to a new college. and there, i was like calling the shots, that i was bad-ass in the Dean's office, faculty and administrator hated me.

    it sucked.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I was an ex-teachers pet-they never did a thing!

    I once started (not thru bulling..but influence) a "sticky ball" disaster-because of the massive age gap (we had prep kids mixed into the school) the toilets celings were covered in them!

    I confessed for "starting" it-all I got told was "thank you for coming forward" and was told of the cost...

    I got off scot free-but they knew I would regret...I grew up with the school, so they felt sorry for me as well :(

    But back to the subject-I take joking post seriously-I once took a threat of "a punch to the face" too casually...

    It wasn't a punch to the face-it was a full on brawl-with 4 guys beating my head in!

    All because 1 got pissed and threw a punch-then another who just loved to get into a fight made it real-next thing you know it was 4 on one-for the other 3 no freaking reason!
  7. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    sorry about that.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Don't stress-those guys are now my best mates...

    Why-they have no one else XD

    Once you go to our school-we stick together almost no matter what-unless you threaten to stab a fellow class member-in that case only the desperate will keep you.

    Which seems to happen alot in my circle...bunch of desperates I guess.

    But there is far worse tha cave men simple wanting a brawl-like with weapons-one guy felt so pushed about he brought a pocket knife to school-showed the bully-and the bully left him alone...

    They are on speaking terms-but the bully is annoying anyway-he's more a nerd than me (doesn't make sence doesn't it ???)
  9. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Haha! Bully got scared of a little pocket knife.

    Was the knife confiscated?
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If you never get caught doing it...

    He wasn
    t a really bully-he just thought he was a tad tougher than the guy who dressed like a gangsta-in reality they are both pussies-one's my best mate who can't hurt a fly...since he lacks the stregth to do so...

    The other is a short FAT asian fellow, he spends his time selling downloaded games (can't let him see this site XD) and making "money" in pyrimid schemes...and because he learnt a martial art and uses his full weight behind his punches he thinks he can take on the world even though a walk around the block wears him down...

    Other than that-we are almost simerlar-excpet while he has more pc knoledge I am smarter over all XD
  11. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    when people try to bully me in the real world..... i just keep my sad and depressed face on and walk
  12. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    If she's so weak minded to kill herself then good;
    don't baw at me and call the waaambulance, the thing is this is not the internet's fault, she was young and immature and should not have been on the internet, reminds me of some people but regardless it's the parent's faults for allowing and emotionally unstable person on the internet, people like this are noobs that ruin it in the first place, too many people on the internet nowadays anyway..
  13. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    even if, why are other people acting liek that and go telling the girl crap........ be real go pick on someone your own size
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Because there are stupid people like you that make it really hard not to say things like that.
  15. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    im not liek them! im not liek anyone..... dont compare me, but bullying is just crap, before people bully someone why dont they go jerk off......... always picking on some weakling
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Well the way you write, the way you think, the general way you come off is irritating

    Do you not get angry at people and say mean things?
  17. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    no, i dont get angry and thank you very much for the compliment, as i said i just ignore and walk
  18. sonyuser333

    sonyuser333 Active Member

    Pretty sad but people need to learn how not to take the internet seriously.
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I expected that kinda arrogance from you...

    People are stupid-and at one stage you would have been too, I tell you, as much as you "liek mudkipz" you piss me off!

    I agree with your post better than cjbitcher up there...

    It's hard at times-humans are emotional beings-something will set them off...

    For all we know-this might have been happening for a long time-one session can't do this surely?

    Prehaps it started at school and it followed the poor girl online-prehaps like I said before it may have been a school remour that once pased around enough, destroyed her...

    We can't all be heartless machines...

    In real life I am preety much emotionless-but online is where my true shelf shows...and I will not stand for anything that de-means me!

    Everyone does-and the way you go on is "never take anything seriously"...

    It's people like you who bug me the most-I would advise you take dhanash'es advice-keep on walking on...
  20. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    thank you mds!
    ignoring them would do alot....
    violence is not the answer.... its just stupid..
    and if anyone thinks like that then i guess something is wrong with them
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