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Curious about AR codes... (stardust accelerator)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Tigerkun07, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. Tigerkun07

    Tigerkun07 Active Member

    i see that... now, its still not activating... i had it set to activate using select, but it didnt... i am trying something else...

    in the cheat option, what all should be checked other than enabling the 2.. does real time have to be checked?
  2. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    No,real time doesn't matter.

    Press the Y button on the game to open the cheat.Make sure there is something like a tick or round thing to enable it on upper screen.Also make sure the Cheat Enabled is on in the lower screen.
  3. Tigerkun07

    Tigerkun07 Active Member

    so wait... the words "Cheat Enabled" should be on the bottom screen... or should there be a green tickmark on that spot? and what about the "Game Enabled" section too...
  4. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Well,the game enabled is to make you can play that game on R4 and make sure both have green mark on the spot.
  5. Tigerkun07

    Tigerkun07 Active Member

    well then the cheat is still not working... this is so confusing... sorry if im driving you insane... this is the first time ive ever used, or wanted to use cheat on r4.. and well, im not sure why it isnt working at all...
    Post Merge: [time]1245137556[/time]
    what about on the r4cce... should "cheat enabl" be checked?
  6. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Okay,this time I'm grabbing my DS.You want to use what cheat in Yu-gi-Oh!5D's?
  7. Tigerkun07

    Tigerkun07 Active Member

    Just the Max DP cheat... the code for it according to the GBATEMP file for "usrchear.dat" is 02120DD8 05F5E0FF, that is without adding an activator... with it is

    94000130 FFFB0000
    02120DD8 05F5E0FF

    im using the american rom...

    thankyou ahead of time..
  8. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    That's why!R4DS use Cheat.dat not UsrCheat.dat.
  9. Tigerkun07

    Tigerkun07 Active Member

    ... if thats all it is i swear ill hit my head off this keyboard... lemme go test run this... god damn me...
  10. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Well,I use Cheat.dat and it is not a problem but remember edit your Cheat.dat with R4CCe and delete all the Japanese region cheat(Like I do to make the cheat work) and I also delete other's that I don't use.
  11. Tigerkun07

    Tigerkun07 Active Member

    ok... i have nothing but the Max DP cheat ok... and its CHEAT.DAT... do you have it set to activate on select, or what? mines still not working... i dont have japanese region cheats at all, and what do you mean edit the cheat.dat...?
  12. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Well the same thing happen.:p Like you but I don't mind.There suppose to have what button need to press to make it work,for that wait for other's to tell or ask Anand.He might come.
  13. Tigerkun07

    Tigerkun07 Active Member

    well thankyou for what you have done... i mean, im close, i can feel it... but im unsure... i may just sleep on it for the rest of the night and hit at it tommorow after i wake up... i dont see why this is so hard... im betting its something very simple thats in front of me...

    so here... this is the full update for whoever reads next...

    R4DS kernel 1.18, running the yu-gi-oh 5Ds stardust accelerator - world championship 2009 (U).

    The cheat option does show up now, and the ID's match. Im using an R4 so its CHEAT.DAT, and all i want is the Max DP to work.

    I have it on, to activate using select, but it wont activate... im unsure why, weather it be a simple situation like "where, and when do i press select" or if its something more confusing... do i need to have something checked on the r4cee program that isnt checked?

    anyway... if anyone can help me get this cheat to work, id greatly appreciate it... since this is the first, and probably last time ill use cheats for a game in a long ass time.
  14. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Use usrcheat.dat. The Game Enabled box must be ticked as well. The Cheat enabled box only needs to be ticked if you want it already enabled, without having to do so manually in the firmware. And it's best to have the Title of the Game in the database, as the same as the ROM filename. But this doesn't really matter as I see that it does pop up as a "Cheat Y" on your ROM?
  15. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Wait Anand the max DP suppose to work but it doesn't work.I go to the shop in World championship and my money is 1700 Dp(I use the DP before).Well it suppose to become Max but it don't.
  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Worst case it's the code that is at fault. Any other codes work?
  17. Tigerkun07

    Tigerkun07 Active Member

    not to mention... is it CHEAT or USRCHEAT, cause forte and i are using CHEAT
    Post Merge: [time]1245139616[/time]
    and its still showing up before booting the rom
  18. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    It doesn't tell to press what button as I checked with R4CCe nothing needed to press.
  19. Tigerkun07

    Tigerkun07 Active Member

    hey guys, i have to go to bed more or less... its 4AM here, and i have some things i gotta do earlier... so i hope you guys figure this out... if you do, post here how you did, thanks guys... i appreciate this greatly.
  20. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Well Anand,other code worked.
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