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creationist vs evolutionists debate, the big one.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 21, 2008.

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  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    But evolution is obvious, it's happening now, even to humans, small genetic mutations...
  2. DMpunk

    DMpunk Member

    The stuff in the bible about creation is NOT literal because it was written according to the understanding of the people of the time it was written. i mean, over 2000 years ago, no one would have known what the word evolution means. however, in the year 2009, we know that evolution occured. the key thing to draw from the bible is NOT that god created the universe in seven days, but that God created the universe.

    so evolutionists are correct in saying that people have evolved from apes and creationists are correct in saying that people were created exactly as they are
  3. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Okay, I'll just shoot this out here, first, this seems to be turning into an argument instead of a debate, second take a look at this
    That is an insult to Christanity and all faiths really, even to the Faith of evolution, which indeed is a Faith. Faith is defined as the belief in something that cannot be proved, evolution, even with their evidence still has not been proved, not to fill the half of humanities wants anyway. All, people tend ingnore condradicting evidence. Say you and a Friend get into a fight, and it get's in way of your friendship of course. Now the point of the fight is irrelevent. He places another piece of evidence and you place another, not really knowing just how flimsy your so called "evidence" is. Yes even if Jesus himself came down right now and a replay of that movie Left Behind would come, scientist and aithests would deny that that was jesus and everything was happening for some "Logical" reason. Now if a christain literally saw a monkey turn into a man he'd fall to his knees and pray to god for bringing him the miracle of seeing this. The whole point of this post is to basically say that other than broading our acceptance of other cultures and all that crap, this post is utterly pointless. This debate has been goin' on for seemingly and eternity. Okay, fine, evolution has more evidence, I'm a christain myself, and I'm not shooting down any other faiths when I say this I personally have a lot of aethist friends, I've even got a pagan friend (or so she says) Every one has doubts about their faith, even aethists, yeah, I've seen em' at church.
  4. DMpunk

    DMpunk Member

    The stuff in the bible about creation is NOT literal because it was written according to the understanding of the people of the time it was written. i mean, over 2000 years ago, no one would have known what the word evolution means. however, in the year 2009, we know that evolution occured. the key thing to draw from the bible is NOT that god created the universe in seven days, but that God created the universe.

    Catholics and most christians accept this as true. they believe that not everything in the bible is literal and look for the meaning in the writings. why it is possible that moses never parted the red sea, and that he just crossed through a marsh and the horses got bogged down. however, this comes down to language and translation differences. so its important to remember that the bible, particularly genesis, is not literal but has a very important message.
  5. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Hmm, intresting. I've never really though of that. The concept of a guy parting a sea, always blacked out all other thoughts. I really need to think about that more. But you very well could be right. Of course I know it wasn't literal just never thought about it, but everything posted here is governed by what our parents and pastors and everyone close to us has told us. But anyway, no one can prove either side no matter how long the two sides argue
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i was raised a christian and i started thinking for my self at about the age of 6 i guess since then i have asked question to every one (not just academics) like i had a conversation with some Mormons the other day but that's another story i have made up my own mind about what i think not what has been taught by a bias side.

    actually evolution has been proven, its actually the most proven thing we have ever proved and is undeniable unless your an idiot or refuse to look at the facts because it makes the bible look fallible but you don't need science to do that the book + history does it to its self.

    this if you are a christian is a very healthy way of looking at things, it means you can have faith and not be a moron
    i posted something similar in another thread

  7. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    True, evolution has been proven, but not to the extent that people will accept it, I'm a christian and I can personally say that the world of religion will have to see complete and indeniable proof before anyone of any faith will accept it, it's what we've grown up with and it's our entire world, It'll be hard to just shun it all. And the same vis-versa, scientists will look at everything in a scientific way, like i've already said even if Jesus came from heaven, Scientists would try to come up with a scientific way of explaining it.
    And it seems to me that scientists look at the Bible literally. If I remember correctly they tried to come up with a way that the red sea that moses supposedly parted. And they said that wind or something did it and God was just a manifistation of a psychotic mind. If everyone looked at things like this guy did, things would be a whole lot easier
  8. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Ha, you Christians do change your story alot.
    One day you christians thought the bible was as it said and there should be no questions asked and then you say that you have to interpretate it different. Make your mind up folks
  9. googolplex1234

    googolplex1234 Well-Known Member

    Not all Christians will agree with each other when it comes to the Bible. Also, not all Christians share the same beliefs, so they wont be "making their minds up" any time soon.

    I believe in God and I believe in evolution. I believe that God created the world but I doubt He did it in 6 days. Really, how long was a "day" back when the world was first created. Nobody said it was 24 hours. ::)
  10. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    it has been many many times, its just the people who would rather it not be real don't look at the evidence.
  11. googolplex1234

    googolplex1234 Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying that you are wrong or anything, but do you know of any websites or anything that can share some of this evidence?

    I just want to read a bit more into it. :)
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    google it

    here you go i'll google it, here is one seems to have some info http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/
    it also seems to have a debatey thing linked on the main page with interviews from people with creationist opinion and scientists opinion

    i haven't read much but it looks ok i just hope its not one of those fake site made by creationists to misslead people cause there are a few of those (just shows the lengths apparently good people do to keep some in the dark)

    a set of videos i found very good that explains very well how the creationist idea does not work and how they lie.
    they are the Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism series.

    they are very good trust me and do shed some light on the whole subject. just watch all 17 videos whether you agree with it or not but this is the mans field of study so he knows quite a bit. open your eyes and ears and take in the info then think for your self and decide on what you want to think.

    (p.s. cj i think you will really like them)

    do get back to me on what you think about them.
  13. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Umm, holy crap. I've never noticed that before. Does it seem like I do that? Who am I kidding, I just did. Oh, crap your right! not that that's a bad thing, but wow. Your right, we do do that. woah
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Haha they are quite funny and logical, I think i'll watch more later
  15. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm going to put my beliefs simple. Discuss.

    God exists. God created humans. The humans God created are stupid. The end.

    Here's how it works. God isn't a human with wings on a cloud raining down infinite benevolence. Grasping the concept of what God is isn't possible. It's easily comparable to describing site to a blind person. You can give them the gist of it, but they'll never truely understand. God is the same way. People, because they can't comprehend something higher up, naturally give him the stature of a human. An elderly man in the clouds throwing down puppies on parachutes and candy. NO!
    Here's another thing Christians as a whole do wrong. The bible wasn't written by God. It was written by humans, on what they THINK about God. And, well, why would God interfere? He's given us the intelligence to determine what's right and wrong, so if they wanted to put something wrong in the bible, then God has no reason to stop them. Also, the understanding of what is written is wrong. Did you know the hebrew word for "day" is the same as "period of time"? Well, it turns out that Earth was NOT made in 7 days. It was made in seven phases. First, there was light (big bang) then the ocean (the earliest thing on earth) bla bla, you get what I'm talking about. A few of you have noticed OMFG HE BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION!!!!111oneoneoneeleven and, yes, I do believe in it. God created us... through evolution! Adam and Eve were the first humans that were evolved into a state in which God could call them "humans" like we are today. There are a few reasons why I believe this is after Cave men and all that crap, but whatever, details arn't important.

    TL:DR: God exists. He created us through evolution. People are stupid.

  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there's no mention of dinosaurs in the bible.
  17. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i don't know quite what to say apart from you don't know what your on about as if you accept evolution you can't have Adam and eve going hand in hand with it if you know any thing about how it all works.

    the only thing stupid about humans is the fact that they still persist in believing in a concept that fails them every time and when it does and some one says "hey your god fucked up explain it" they can't and come up with bigger and better excuses.

    if you think this why worship god as all you have to go on is what men have written. why take some of it as truth and some as bullshit whats to differentiate between the different parts. this is why that argument never works cause the more you explain it the more it unravels its self to show what it really is.

    i also pose this question to you or to anyone from any religion

    why do you worship god and don't say because you want to go to heaven. why do you worship god. why do you worship something that made you.
    why worship something that says love me unconditionally no matter what shit i throw at you or what you do as long as you bow down to me you will sit beside me in heaven and if you don't love me even if your a good person and help people and love people and still take the shit i throw at you you can burn in hell fire.
    do you worship god because he cares for you (although he doesn't give a shit about you unless you devote your self to him)
    do you worship just because he made the universe (and it was not to create man, do you really think we are the purpose of it all, we are nothing and insignificant)
    do you worship from fear as he will hurt you if you don't (sounds a bit sadistic to me)
  18. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Makes a lot more sense than anything I've read in this thread
  19. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    then no offense but your stupid cause that entire statement contradicts its self. if you think it makes sense then you know nothing of the bible or real life or how the two work.
  20. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    i also pose this question to you or to anyone from any religion

    why do you worship god and don't say because you want to go to heaven.
    I don't

    why do you worship god.
    Because I consider my existence something that in-debts me to God
    why do you worship something that made you.
    Because I really don't see myself having anything without life itself. Every enjoyment in my life would never of existed if it wasn't for God

    why worship something that says love me unconditionally no matter what shit i throw at you or what you do as long as you bow down to me you will sit beside me in heaven and if you don't love me even if your a good person and help people and love people and still take the shit i throw at you you can burn in hell fire.
    This I don't believe. God started the earth then stepped back. God isn't throwing these horrible things at us, more or less we are most of the time. I believe if you didn't have a chance to learn about God and you're a good person, you're as welcome in heaven as anyone

    do you worship god because he cares for you (although he doesn't give a shit about you unless you devote your self to him)
    Your statement is incorrect. It's much like a nature documenter. They step back and don't mess with the animals, they just keep their camera rolling and hardly save the baby that's getting attacked. If that baby devoted himself to the documenter, he still wouldn't be able to save it, it's not his place. God made nature to do exactly as it does, why would he mess with it?

    do you worship just because he made the universe (and it was not to create man, do you really think we are the purpose of it all, we are nothing and insignificant)
    I do worship him because he made the universe and myself. Both are in existence because of him. I can't help but care about his creation of me more, though.

    do you worship from fear as he will hurt you if you don't (sounds a bit sadistic to me)
    I used to. I used to be afraid of hell, but then I realized that my life can't be determined through my fear of hell, and I decided that the entire "WORSHIP OR HELL" thing was, again, a fear ploy by stupid humans.
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