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creationist vs evolutionists debate, the big one.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 21, 2008.

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  1. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    as with all Christians who disappear from this thread, if it makes sense and it means so much then you should be able to "debate" it.
    but no one can back up their own belief.

    i know what you mean, you silly sausage. your comment didn't really have any sustenance to it.
    and anyway its not just a monk, its an entire sect of Christianity.
    and its British people as 1. we tend to have more common seance then anyone else 2. because we teach evolution in schools and thinks its absolutely stupid to teach creationism in school as its a step backward in intelligence.

    i used to love the trips to the dinosaur museum when i was little
  2. jinja

    jinja Well-Known Member

    wow people are still posting on this topic...why? the last six pages havent proved anything accept that different people have different beliefs and will stand by those beliefs...

    lol seriously you arent doing anything constructive by debating about this...so go cure cancer or something...
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    debates further peoples understanding of differing views and opinions, and widens their tolerance of conflicting beliefs. That is highly constructive as it improves cohesion and understanding.
  4. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Your right, I should make it more clear for people to understand better. And i'm interested in changes in DNA, as evolution and mutation happens, perhaps if we could change DNA and force evolution then maybe it would strengthen the Science side of the argument.
  5. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    we can, there have been many discoveries made but no one is allowed to take it any further as A. it is deemed unethical and B. it would cause religious hysteria
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Oh... Ethics ::)
    Where's the ethics on animal testing?
    We should be able to change ourselves, I would like to have my DNA changed if it's possible to change already living creatures...
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Possible, but impractical.
  8. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Then I would volunteer, i'd be happy as a test subject as long as I still lived a free life...
  9. asibrycec

    asibrycec Member

    Hmmm I found some pictures guys tell if you already seen this @_@

  10. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    No, I hadn't seen it, but it seem to explain things in a very clear and concise way. I like it.
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I sawz it... Itz a guide to the universe :3
  12. lakreqta

    lakreqta Member

    ok look at what you said, believing in god would also mean that the exitence of huamans (fallible creatures of an infallible God ) would be impossible. Another point; there is a difference between tuth and the discoveries of scientist, what is fallible is scientists discoveries, cosmic laws which men discover to make science are absolute truth but human perception of them or fallible. In his time Newton was a great discoverer but Einstein proved he was wrong on certain point. Truth is like an infinite sea an human a fish exploring it
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    But what about the Bible, it's only a story, no evidence at all, the longest trace back to Christianity is ancient Roman times therefore that story was made up then and wasn't all time, therefore that is proof against various stories e.g: Adam & Eve, how could they know? Huh? So that means that others must be wrong as well, so that Christianity part just falls apart, so what about the Old religion that it originated from? No, we have evidence of history before that religion, so it hasn't been all time, it was made, and it didn't originate near Egypt either, so that Mosus thing is also incorrect, so that falls apart...
    Insult Dogs dare you? :p
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    science can be changed with the discovery of new evidence. Religion ignores evidence entirely.
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    And that's why I hate it...
  16. nekosabre

    nekosabre Active Member

    Okay....well, first of all. I am a Christian, and I would have to say that it's really quite unbecoming to say that religion is all about blind faith. The way I was taught, you're supposed to question the existence of God and Jesus and take into account everything. I've had this debate many times before, and it never really ends in a good way. The main problem is that there are so many out there that like to represent religion in what my uncle would call 'bible thumping'. This is not how I live my life. I do look at the 'facts' and use that to form an opinion. And, yes, faith is quite reliant on imagination. Yet, I could argue that science itself is reliant on imagination.

    Can you really, seriously, truly prove that what you use to determine the age of the Earth is actually correct? How could you unless you could test something for the same amount of time that you were trying to predict? Also, how can you prove to me that what is, is? Science really relies on faith as well. One day, we'll break the laws of physics, then everything will be completely different. Yet we use physics and similiar 'laws' as our basis for what determines the origins of our planet and our selves. The same 'laws' that one day will have to adapt to new advances. Religion also relies on a set of 'laws'. And these 'laws' have also been adapted. Which is what many on here consider the 'changing' of the Bible/other religious books. I won't get too much more into this though, as the talk is about creation vs evolution.

    I believe in creation because of many things I've seen and experienced in life. Get prepared for scenarios which make no logical sense:
    When I was young, there were two points in my life where I floated down stairs. I literally picked up off the ground and landed softly at the bottom. Until quite recently, I never truly understood what happened. But, now I remember something that I always was forgetting, I was about to trip and fall down the stairs each time. With my age I could very well have died from a fall like that. But, I didn't. This also happened to my brothers.
    There was also one time, my brothers and my closest cousin were in our house, and the lights were off. We suddenly saw what looked like to be a blurry blue glowing family of four. They were smiling and looked really happy. At first I was completely confused about this. But, later on I realized that it was God letting me know that we would be happy one day. We were going through really stressful times back then, and they continued on for a while. But, recently, we really have gotten to the same point as that family.
    Next, much more recently, my parents were getting ready for church, and I had this horrible feeling when I woke up. A feeling that I just couldn't shake. So I told my parents I wasn't going. Well, they ended up in a crash on the way back from church because of hydroplating. That feeling saved me another car crash. And I realize it was God letting me know what was about to happen. This has happened a couple other times.
    There are many, many, more reasons why I choose to believe in something that defies many current laws of science.

    Now, about a support to creationism that involves more than just my personal experience. First of all, yes the Bible does date back really far and it has been translated and adapted over time. But, what history book hasn't? That being said, the reason I believe in creationism, is how could such a perfect and synchronized system as the ecosystem of Earth be a product of random chance? I realize that this requires believing that time doesn't exist, and throwing out many levels of common sense. Because, how could someone exist, before existence existed? I find this easier to believe, because I've watched so many anime and played so many video games. Those really open your mind up to unheard of possibilities.

    I probably did not explain myself very well, but, basically, I believe in creation because it makes more sense than evolution :p
  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I'll say something to you nekosabre; you haven't got the full story like most religious people and many atheists. And if 'God' is what created everything then what created 'God'? That logic is fail to believe that there needs to be a cause to the start as the cause would need a cause in that case.
  18. nekosabre

    nekosabre Active Member

    I warned you, it's not logical in any aspect. But, I have the ability to understand what it means to never not have been. This is a very confusing subject for many, as we, usually, cannot comprehend that something could have always been there, and always will be. In my opinion, 'time' does not really exist except for being a way to organize what has happened in such a way that humans could wrap their heads around it. But, I'm just a rambling eccentric, so pay no mind to me.
  19. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    'Time' is just the position of the sun's light hitting a specific point on our earth, hence why there are time zones. When I was a young lad (and a Christian) I would always wonder, "when did God start, eh? Wasn't there something before God that existed?" That's quite a brain muncher for a kid to fathom. After a while, you could say I lost my faith. I do, however, believe that Jesus was a living person and a prophet, but I don't believe he died for sins that I did over two thousand years later. The fact that the date of Jesus' birth wasn't determined until after three hundred years after he died is a little strange to me. Also, if you could talk to any of the writers of any version of the Bible they would tell you they had never even met Jesus, and the Bible is the word of God? I'd like to believe I'm an Agnostic, not an Atheist. I'm sure you all know the difference.
  20. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Carbon dating. Proven science.There is knowledge here.

    Read this and learn something that isn't speculative.
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