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creationist vs evolutionists debate, the big one.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 21, 2008.

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  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    When I was at school, pluto was a planet.
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    same here but its been declassified because the now know its a shitty chunk of ice and there are a load more that are closer and bigger so rather then making all the shitty bits of ice planets the just slapped Pluto with a new title
  3. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    It's a dwarf planet, I think and there's scientists who think it should still be a planet
  4. Ohvid

    Ohvid New Member

    I'm not religious but I don't know about Almo's logic. I mean if there is evolution, then fine I can also observe it, but where did the that evolved creature came from at the first place? I'm not talking religious here. I'm pointing out that the two things aren't really of the same level. Creation talks about the beginning of everything while Evolution talks about something about changes. Evolution needs a thing in order to start, but where would that thing come from? From a void? C'mon give me a break. Big Bang? Now where did that Ylem (sorry if misspelled) came from?

    Also...pointing out words of others is simply illogical that's why I'm asking. Its a bad practice to pursue your belief to others when you only see their mistakes. In short, you're not making a point to pursue others, but just shouting whatever you want.

    I'll go for Creationism. Sooner or later you'll know that there is a God.
  5. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Creationism stems from man's beliefs in the bible. According to the bible, if you add all the years from start to finish or vice versa, the world is about 6000 years old. I recently took a walk through a dinosaur museum, for the world to be 6000 years old +\-, where did the dinosaurs come from? Through carbon dating, a proven scientific field, dinosaurs lived over 65 million years ago. Do the math. If what the bible says is true, there should be no dinosaurs. Another example, look at the moon. See all those craters? So over the last 6000 years there have been hundreds of thousands if not millions of meteor and asteroid impacts on the surface of the moon, and no one has seen them happen? Did everyone in the world fall asleep and it happen overnight while no one was looking? No. How about the large Chicxulub Crater that is in the Gulf of Mexico that extends all the way into the Yucatan peninsula. The crater is over 110 miles (180 kilometers) in diameter. The object that made a crater that size on the earth would have been over six miles wide. No where in recorded human history has such an event been recorded. Not that there would've been anyone to record it, the human species would have been destroyed.

    World created in 6 days, only 6000 years old. I just can't see it. There's just to much that contradicts it.

    I'm not saying that there is no "God", for I do believe in a creator...... to a point. I think that "creator" created the first simple amino acids that all life sprang from, just to watch it grow. In my opinion life has flourished since the first microbe formed on this planet, and has evolved into more complex beings. Life will continue to thrive and grow, unless we destroy ourselves first.

    I think that creationism and evolutionism go hand in hand. I think that life was created on the earth, but it was created to evolve. We all have to learn to become more than the sum of our parts, and learn to coexist as one species, for we all have the same origin, and we all share the same planet.
  6. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Contrary to popular belief, of course, creationism DOES NOT equal having to follow a certain religion. Creation and evolution aren't mutually exclusive. The "6000 years" / bible version of creationism, however, IS.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    science points to the earth being about 12 billion years old.
  8. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    I never said that you had to follow a certain religion to believe in creationism, I just said that's where it origins are.

    Exactly my point. I don't see after all this time how organized religion still has any credibility. I guess they expect us all to be like like sheep, and follow blindly while they dangle the proverbial carrot in front of us.
  9. Classic-wolf

    Classic-wolf Well-Known Member

    Ahh... arguments. Evolution? Creationism? They seem so opposite, yet so together from other perspectives. I am not making an argument for or against either. But, there is the matter of the creation and evolution of the universe itself. They say via creationism that "God" or "The creator" or "The other half" in other religions, but whatever it is called, made the universe. But that is just the most basic idea that is found in all examples of Creationism, and usually are WILDLY different; the biggest variation of which is who said god is.
    On the other side of the coin we have Evolution in which we sprang forth from Eons of development. Now if you follow one science, in the generality you usually follow all sciences in matters of opinion along the lines of how the universe was made, but even then we are severely split on this issue. Some say that we as in this very universe is a one time event, never before and never to occur again. The other side of the argument is that this universe, and sometimes this third dimension and fourth dimension detection did not occur only once, but an infinite number of times before, and will an infinite number after. And here's the argument for that (which is the one I know better): We began as a singularity(Black Hole) in Big Bang theory, which is the currently most widely accepted theory among scientists on the origin of the universe, and we will, (according to The Second Law of Thermodynamics(Which I spit upon!) which states that all matter in the universe is in a state of constant entropy, which means we're constantly cooling down, is pretty much standard fare as well as fact among scientists,) according to physics, in this universe be eventually smashed into one singularity.
    "So where or how is this continuation occurring?" I'll bet you're wondering. Well, if we begin and end in one singularity, where's the disconnect here? There is none, and it's a continuing cycle, (and that's why I spit on The Second Law of Thermodynamics,) which this singularity of all and nothingness is THE scientific representation of god, as it up-heaves ALL basic science and ALL physics but makes much common sense when it comes down to the very concept itself, as it absolutely nullifies and/or inverts all Laws in science when it comes to the numbers. So what's my verdict? Well honestly, neither and both, not to mention the ridiculous numbers of differing and contradicting answers in both schools of thought.
    Whew, just needed to get that off my chest. Don't bother to reply as I've read quite enough forum posts on this topic as to "Make my decade". Unless of course you are sending a Private Message.
    And why is the word Generality a frick'n'frack'n ad? Does it pay for this oversized monster of a post?
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    interesting how you don't believe the second law of thermodynamics, yet your statements support it.
  11. lancelotdulac

    lancelotdulac New Member

    i'm a Creatiolutionnist! Is it imaginable? :eek:

    A+ Lancelodulac
  12. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    I don't know about imaginable, I can think of it as "imaginary".
  13. BlogMan

    BlogMan Active Member

    i beleive in god, but i beleive that he made the big bang and controlled evolution
    to shape us, just because you beleive in creationism or evolution doesn't mean you can't beleive in both. I can't imagine a life without God. I would become immoral and have no need to be civilised or kind to anyone, i would also be alone and scared. I would especially be scared of dying, because if there is no God, then there is no heaven and what would happen if you died then? All i can image is nothingness. not even darkness, or just white all around you. No colour, some sort of unimaginable feeling. In fact i don't want to talk or think about it.

  14. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    that's why allot of people embrace god, so they have something to guide them and to fill the void of everything they don't know or understand, that's why god works.
    i'm glad it works for you and your not totally stupid as you are one of the very small amount of "believers" that can see what has actually happened and work there faith around it even if it actually destroys thier faith (so not having a go but god is meant to be infallible but if evolution happened and good did not make it in 6 days 6000 years ago like he said then he is a liar and thus fallible)

    i don't see how heaven is a nice idea, to me its a horrible idea. i don't want my sole to live forever (well i'm not getting in to heaven anyway)
    this life is taking to long as it is, forever would just be boring
    i'm not scared of dying, its not nothingness as you no longer have any brain function so you won't have a conscious thought thinking oh no its nothingness aaaahhhhgghghghghghgh you just don't, like when you sleep your brain doesn't spark thought.
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I hate how that monk has twisted the science idea around and tried to use it in his favour! That contradicts his religion as the Bible says it was different! Idiot monk! Science still beats Religion as there is fact and evidence that isn't just "Everything that exists is evidence", that's an excuse i'd expect to hear from a 4 year old.
    Oh no... I think i'm getting into a rant...
  16. BlogMan

    BlogMan Active Member

    God did not write the bible, the disciples did. Thus God did not lie.
  17. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    it is meant to be true to gods words and it was god that told them what to write otherwise if he didn't how were they meant to know what happened (could the bible be wrong????)
    also the deciples wrote some bits of the new testiment not old testiment with the creation of the universe and the world which is what this is about.
    you need to learn more about your own religion man!

    that made no sense? whats your point?
    I'm sorry to say this but i feel like you lose the battle for us and you make other non believers look just as stupid as you, back your shit up, you don't seem to have that much knowledge ether subjects, read some books and read the bible or if all else fails go on youtube and listen to some intelligent people.
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    either way the bible cannot be trusted.
  19. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    The Cosmological argument, haven't you heard of it? A christian monk said that there was a big bang but 'God' caused it which caused everything, but then Christians also believe in the Adam and Eve story. The Cosmological argument is one of the main parts of the Creation V.S Evolution argument.
  20. BlogMan

    BlogMan Active Member

    Ok. I'm finished with this argument, I beleive in God, but i also beleive in evolution. Because it all makes sense to me, God makes sense to me and evolution makes sense to me. They are both pretty plausible. Nobody can say if there is a God or if there isn't,
    all we can do is wonder. So to be honest this thread has become pretty pointless to me, all we are doing is having a
    'peaceful flame war' as i like to call things such as this. So i am no longer partaking in this discussion, i bid you adue.
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