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creationist vs evolutionists debate, the big one.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 21, 2008.

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  1. desaze

    desaze Well-Known Member

    Go ahead and say it. I'll join in!

    I'll just say that my jug of milk is actually God.

    Hey, it works. Who knew?
  2. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Haha, I've seen that video on YouTube, makes sense :D
  3. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    True, caused by the moving of population to crowded cities, at least partially caused by the movements of refugees, caused by the ravages of war. That's where I was coming from on that one, sorry if I didn't make it too clear. :p
  4. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    Well I believe in science, and science gave me theories and backup evidence for support. Creationists, haven't given me any real good arguments.

    I think evolution did take place, mainly because fossil evidence and genetic eveidence. It's all here, you can't deny that there are similarities.

    The only one thing I have a problem with is why only us? Evolution is equal chances right, so by that rule our world should look more like Ivalice, with Lizard man, Dog like man, and other wacky loony looking things with equal or better intelligence. But it's not, only us. why? This is also something the creationist hold on to for dear life. God created everything, but how do you explain fossil evidence, because there is evolution counteracts god.

    So I like this theory, we evolved because of aliens. Think, aliens came long time ago, took chimps for research, bred these intelligent chimps and then when all data is collected, they left. Without a trace. That's why lizards didn't involve to be so smart, and we are the only ones that are this intelligent on earth. And this group survived because they became intelligent. I think there is a name for this type of theory, but I think it completes the evolution story.
  5. desaze

    desaze Well-Known Member

    To be honest, this is just our perception of what 'intelligence' is. What if the creatures we see are the true manufacturers of our lives. It's like Wolf's Rain, only understandable.
  6. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    No matter how much I want to believe that, I can't. Why let us take over the world and ruin their habitat when they are our manufacturers. It's not doing them any good keeping us around.
  7. desaze

    desaze Well-Known Member

    There is that perception again.

    My theory is that Humans are a virus created by pure accident on earth and the only job we have is to slowly destroy Earth. Every technological leap we make is a huge strain on the earth and it's living species, therefore it could be argued that Humans are in fact a type of 'bacteria' or 'virus' on the Earth and Earth is trying it's hardest to kill us... with human exclusive diseases and ailments.

    Or, we just happened to strike gold due to random selection, what with the thicker tongue, a thumb, the adaption to standing straight up on our legs, the ability to adjust to many different types of environments, and our eventually gained ability to use tools just made us more adaptable... OR it could just be that because we gained a specific new ability, we quickly used it to stop the evolutionary process of another species and as we developed, we slowly stalled another species after another to the point where we became the unstoppable super developer of Earth.

    Ore, we are just one part of history. It took millions of years to make us, therefore it's totally possible that another species on earth will one day evolve into a sophisticated species in the next million years after we all die.

    Humans being able to record history is a tiny spec on the Earth's life cycle. I'm sure we just THINK we are special and that we took Earth over because we are just so damn arrogant in our own thousands of years of existence.

    ...Or, God did it.
  8. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    I think Agent Smith came up with that theory in the first Matrix movie, lmao.
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to go to in to it so I'll give you a summery

    Africa once like a forest
    big climate change turned to desert
    nothing but roots and other animals to eat
    the "monkey type original" split in to 2 groups
    one carried on eating roots the other started eating meat
    the meat eaters became more intelligent and started making tools walking on 2 legs etc.
    then (and we're talking a long time here so don't get confused) the intelligent monkeys split in to 2 evolutionary groups again the "modern human" and the Neanderthal.
    so at one point there was two "intelligent species"
    the modern human killed off the Neanderthal and then sped its self out through Europe.

    so there you go a quick guide to the evolution of man.

    the difference between animals and humans is not intelligence it the fact that animals live perfectly within nature and live with their surroundings (can't think of the word I'm drunk), and we change are surrounding to suit us

    oh and we think we are smarter but i think we are allot more stupid, we rely to much on technology, i think someone who can hunt and forage for their own food and make their own tools is allot more intelligent then someone who can pass an exam and go to a shop
  10. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    but the truth is we are more intelligent as in our brain size increased and creases in our brain increased allowing us to store more information and process more information. We were able to invent and utilize our environment too but in a different way. If we weren't intelligent we wouldn't be such a big population of 6.5 billion or more. All our inventions are proof of our intelligence. Animals can't process things like we do, so they rely mostly on the 5 senses and instinct.

    We however, have not completely lost our animal instinct, our facial expression, or emergency thought process, our eating habbits, are all proof that we still have the instinct to survive. It's our living envrionment that has dulled our other senses. People who still live in the natural forests still have much of their ancestors instincts.

    You can train your five senses and get them back working properly.
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    RIGHT ON the money!
    equally baseless.

    what if the Bible, and other religious works were written by random people that just wanted to write up some stories?
    Then someone comes along and makes a big deal out of it, takes the meaning of the stories literally, not metaphorically, and decides it is religious based on what is written, and not what is proven.

    How many people have taken the Illiad literally?
    or the Odyssey?
    granted, paganism was already established before these stories were written.

    if I were to pick an equally baseless religion, I'd pick the Mormons.
    reading two golden plates out of a hat, that is translated using seer stones.
    Joseph Smith, was a prophet, dum dum dum dum dum.

    I find religion obsolete in society. Religion teaches you morals, values and cultural traditions, but most of that can be learned without ever stepping into a church or mosque or whatever.

    I don't see why that when "God created the earth," the age of the earth and the "time of God's creation" are two completely different numbers.
    4.5 billion years to 5000-50000 something, certainly not even a billion.

    If God created the earth AND humans around the same time, well then I wonder how the hell dinosaurs ever existed?
    (sorry, some religious fanatic is gonna have to confirm when exactly did He create the earth, and the approximate year He created humans)

    If He created humans, well then anthropology seems like a bunch of BS, and neanderthals never existed either.

    Has anyone ever seen a demon? or a witch? (oh yeah, we killed a bunch of those back in the day, through TRIAL and error...mostly error).
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    the bible does not mention anything about demons, I'm quite sure it doesn't talk about hell.
    those are ideas put in peoples heads buy those of power.

    I'd just like to say that for intelligent people some of the things that are said about the god subjects are lacking in knowledge of the subject.

    i used to be like that spouting my mouth of because i thought i was almighty in that i knew science.
    i think that if you (and by you i mean everybody this applies to) make a comment you should at least know both subjects well enough to make an informed judgement.

    sorry for my rant but i always need to mix it up a bit and get people thinking seeing as we are meant to be an intelligent species that evolved to use are brains.

    a very good example of this is Scientology it was a story written by a fiction writer and now is classed as religion
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    scientolgy is an intentionally created religion, the story was written with the intent of becoming a religion. The author spent the rest of his life laughing all the way to the bank.
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    LOL scientology does not help religion's case at all. It acts as a negative coattail for all other religions.

    and of course they use the word science in its name.

    i should make my own religion, be exempt from state and federal taxes claiming that the religious body is "nonprofit" by donating at least 16% of revenue to a charity. Hmm, that's a no-brainer. Pay 16% of revenue to a charity, or pay well over 33% of revenue in taxes. So by being "nonprofit" you are more profitable.

    i might add that back in the day, priests would travel around the country claiming that they could "save" people from their sins. People would flock to these events in hopes that they could indeed be saved. The priests (or religious heads of the church) would have someone in the audience pretend to have a disease or disability, and would instantly be cured. The acts were staged, and they went from town to town taking people's money for a religious scam.

    The Bible does no good if there are no people to enforce or uphold its teachings. Just like law, what good is it if there is no enforcement?
  15. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    the bible is fine, there is no problem with the book its self, it is a group of stories. the problem is the people who "uphold its teachings" as they translate it in there own way.
    a large amout of people that belive in it have never even read it for them selves. nor have the people who don'y belive in it. there is alot of it that isn't even about god.
  16. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    i agree that it is the people that are the problem, not the book, because it is just a book. A book can't do anything without a person to read it.
    just like in "My Life Had stood, a Loaded Gun," by Emily Dickinson, a gun has the power to kill but is useless without someone to use it.
  17. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    Religion is man made. Any religion is man made. You can believe in any god without religion.

    However, what I really don't like is religon taking over your life. When you force your kids to follow strict rules, rules which they don't understand. Some of my friends really hate the fact that they can't read Harry Potter because of witchcraft and such, some can't celebrate halloween and christmas.

    Religion can be scary, especially when a person with ill intent enforces it.
  18. rodney

    rodney Active Member

    Arrrrm but is that evolution in the true sense of the word. or is it genetic dominence?(bad spelling, sorry) The white didn't evolve and change into black, the black genes were the only ones left in the gene pool.

    The eyeless fish found in caves deep under the sea however are evolution as they started with eyes but changed over millenia to eyeless as the eyes were superfluous.

    I grew up a baptist (in england), I believe that there is a god or some higher being out there, but I believe that 6 days lets face it for a god could be a million years each, who knows, and when it says he created the animals, I don't think they had to be the animals of today. It's been great reading this as it brought back the heated debates we used to have at church youthclub all those years ago ;D
  19. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    someone finnaly with an openish way of looking at things
    i'm not a believer but this is the sort of thinking i like, not looking at things like they are black or white but looking at a bigger picture
  20. Sionolann3

    Sionolann3 New Member

    Gen 1:1
    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
    don't see what you guys are squabbling about. :)
    and buddy
    about the moths.
    its called adaptation
    thats different that Darwanism
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