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creationist vs evolutionists debate, the big one.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 21, 2008.

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  1. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    It wasnt aimed at you, it was generally aimed at anyone offended by what ive said. Like all arguments over the internet, they hold no body, empty threats if you will. So i was just making myself clear that I couldnt give a damn.
  2. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Alright, now that that's cleared up...

    Religion isn't the worst thing that has happened to mankind. True, I don't believe in a great spirit in the sky, but if you think about it, religion holds people together. If someone gets hurt, say, a family member or a friend, the first thing the family/friends would do, if they believed in a god of course, would pray to god. By doing that, these people feel that god is watching over them and everything is going to be okay. Religion keeps people happy and content. It males people happy "knowing" that there is something good for them after death. If we didn't have religion, people would truly go nuts. All in all, scientific prof is the only answers any of us will truly get out of life.

    I'm not saying religion is all good of course, conflicts have started only because of religion, and war is never a good thing, never (unless it's a defensive war :D ).
  3. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    What if that member then dies? Wheres god then?
  4. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Exactly. The only thing people can say is "God needed him in heaven for some purpose" thats just prof that Christians rely on faith more than anything to justify what they believe. You can't corner a Christan or anyone one of any type of faith and think that you can get a strange answer from them. Faith doesn't need prof, and thats why it's so hard to have it.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes, exactly, although if their god is so powerful and mighty, what does he want a bunch of dead humans for?

    ...unless he's a necromancer... ::)
  6. desaze

    desaze Well-Known Member

    Necromancer? Nah, he's just imaginary.

    Read the bible with the mindset that he is imaginary and the whole thing makes perfect sense.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I have indeed read the bible, and I thought it was the greatest fabrication the world has ever seen. But that's just me.
  8. desaze

    desaze Well-Known Member

    I just thought that if you take it more as Aesops fables or a story book with each chapter giving some type of lesson to apply to your life INSTEAD of some ridiculously contradicting rule book, then it can help society clean itself up.

    Oh, and if they take into consideration that people of that time were writing in their own perspective. So selling their daughters, stoning non-believers, and sacrificing lambs so it doesn't rain wasn't wrong in their time when they wrote the bible, you'll realize that it has become outdated. And if God told them to write something, and he planned for it to become outdated, then he is a massive jerk. And a multi-multi-multi-time murderer.

    Course, only a small percentage of the Christians weren't drawn into religion due to some horrible life changing event in their life or because they were born into it and raised by their irresponsible divorced parents... or whatever.

    It's hard to stone a dog some new tricks.
  9. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I had a teacher that once asked that class if anyone wasn't a Christian..... I know they're not supposed to ask those types of questions, but it was a small town, what can I say...

    Anyways, I told him I wasn't, at the time I haven't practice the religion for years. He told me one day I would understand what a stupid decision I had made, and I was just a kid and didn't know any better and would fall down on my knees and hope god would forgive me.....

    First off, it was extremely hard not to laugh. Second off, he told me that he wasn't a Christian and some life changing event just miraculously changed his direction in life. God spoke to him for the heavens or something like that. Are these people just trying to get others to join the religion in anyway possible or what? Of course I know some really cool people who happen to be Christan, and they don't seem to "push" these kinds of ideas on me.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    And you told said teacher that he was there to teach you things specified in the school curriculum, not criticize your choice of spiritual path, which is probably an illegal thing to do?.
  11. desaze

    desaze Well-Known Member

    Those people make me wonder...

    Are they really truely into religion... or are they just trying to convince everyone that they are?

    After some 'mystical' life changing event, having something to cling desperately to is vital... thats why we have family and friends... but some people find a book and the stories it tells... then they start judging others more harshly, separate themselves from friends and family and put themselves into the church to find a 'new' family that aren't sinners ect.. ect...

    It can be rather depressing... how pathetic they can become just to convince you that you are going to hell unless you do as they do.

    Oh, and Separation of Church and State ect... It's like trying to get schools to teach Christian lessons in public school... guess what? Creationism is just an officialized term used by religious lobbiests to give themselves more credibility instead of just screaming "GODDIDIT!" over and over again through a loud speaker.
  12. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Like I said, it was a small school...... they kicked my brother out because they said he was selling pills..... of course I know my brother would never do that, he was obviously framed by another student.... Small school can get away with anything, as long as I was a good little Christan and did everything they asked I wouldn't get kicked.... of course after my brother was kicked, I was as well.
  13. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    I've been trying to stay away from these topics but I'm just going to talk a little.

    has no one figured out that the largest faiths in the world are fairly modern compared to human history
    before that people believed the sun was god or the past king was god but those people are dead and there faith a myth so if so many past faiths that now we see as a way of having power over the people what make the new ones any different.

    80% of the world is Christ loving bible bashers why? no its not because its true its because it was thrust in peoples faces, from war or mostly from missionaries "here you go poor man you want some food well belive this and you can have some"

    OK lets say god is real and started it all wether it be making us from play-doh or starting the big bang that led to our how ever many billion year creation from that point. what difference does it make its not a caring god and i have fact of that.

    OK lets say he... it does care and hangs over every thing we do what faith do i pic, I'd be pretty screwed if i was a christian my hole life and and only some other one got it right and i was dammed.

    I'm not going to completely damn peoples belief, god does help people and work in so many ways but its the placebo of god not the work of god

    and at the end of the day if it is all real i can't wait till judgement day when i can ask the bastard if he had a good laugh at the world

    have a read of this its genius http://www.fullmoon.nu/articles/art.php?id=tal
    proof that something well written is very believable
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    organised religion is mass brainwashing and mind control.
  15. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Isn't it? Look at all the wars that have been going on in the last century and notice how many have religion as their basis. Israel and Pakistan have been at war for years, Muslims are bombing Christians and Christian are remaining true to their faith and turning the other cheek like christ thought them, by carpet bombing and invading those countries. If you go back furthur, you can see even more deaths caused directly and indirectly by religion. The great crusades caused the deaths of millions of europeans and middle eastern people, not to metion the fact that the poverty caused probably resulted in the outbreak of the plague and other diseases. Sure you could hit me with the argument that most religious people don't do this kind of thing, but I'd say to you that those same people probably wouldn't do that kind of thing, religious or not.
    Sorry if anyone finds this offensive, but gods know I'm sick of tip toeing around the religious groups, noone says a whit about any posts that are anti-science, even when the religious people damn the scientists' immortal soul to Hell, I mean that's the equivilant of me calling a born again christian an uneducated idiot. That person may or may not be an idiot, their religious beliefs have no bearing on their intelligece, just as my religious beliefs have no bearing on what will happen to my immortal soul, in my opinion anyway.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    False, the plague was caused by poor sanitation and hygiene.
  17. desaze

    desaze Well-Known Member

    Both of which are factors that occur due to poverty of course... not to say that Loony is wrong... just that some side effects of poverty is poor sanitation, hygiene, and habitats... which lead to infections, disease, and death.
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It wasn't so much poverty back then as a lack of knowledge. people had no idea how important sanitation and hygiene were. they tried all sorts to stave off the plague; incense, killing cats and dogs, prayers, you name it. They just did not know what caused and spread disease in those days.
  19. desaze

    desaze Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and God didn't help them any. Pork, wool linens, and gays were the least of their problems...
  20. duderedux

    duderedux Well-Known Member

    I'll just say that God made the Caveman.
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