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Could you get any lower than that?!?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tapwatah, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I really do agree, my job as the admin though is to provoke discussion. Apparently I'm a really good admin. :D

    I'm inclined to agree that most people who download wouldn't buy the product anyway so the amount of money they lose is negligible.
    With that said though, we have on average 11.150 downloads per day. If we say that a NDS game is around $30 that's $334.500 USD. If downloading wasn't possible at all, would some of this money go to developers? Yes I think so, and the gaming industry would be even more financially viable so we'd get even more games.

    I still believe in the service RomUlation provides though, I've been disappointed with a game I purchased too many times before.
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well the way i see it....

    I agree that people who download the rom and /or emulator dont support the game dev company...

    but i ask you one question....are they worthy to support?

    I currently downloading rom and i will buy the original games if the game is really keep me going...but so far...beside for Pokemon, i didnt found any game that is worthy to spend cash on it......

    rom for me is just a test play...if i like the game, i'll buy it.....else forget about it....
  3. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Well, yeah, I'm not accusing or implying of accusing the site of anything, but the creators DO deserve money for their constant entertaining us. Well, yeah, your download or thousand downloads isn't going to change much, and you are right about that. This isn't really if it affects the industry, though. It is about supporting people whom you like, it's about giving them their credit they deserve, and it's about keeping your vows to people who you like.

    Oh, and Tek, emulation has been around for awhile and I don't think is going to die anytime soon. Emulation is not a "fad", because the mainstream does not support/ know about it. Companies, as far as I know, are not acting worried, and if they were, it would be because of A. They need support, or B. They are very greedy.