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Could you get any lower than that?!?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tapwatah, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. Winterreise

    Winterreise New Member

    Well, if there's not enough room for my piano, I'm afraid the deal is off. :)
  2. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Ok, yeah, I do think that to use certain emulators is fine, such as a virtual boy emu, but the creators have to make a living off you, just like everyone else that sells things. The emulator hurts the company more then the games. And for low-income people, using a emulator is also Ok, as long as you don't go overboard. But, the same thing is with torrents and everything else. It doesn't really matter if your $15 or 5 pounds or whatever is not spent, but It does matter if millions of people "just" download a rom, creating millions of dollars in losses.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You still assume that people would buy a product if they couldn't download it, I highly doubt that. They're much more likely to simply just live without it, God knows much of what I've downloaded I'd never have bought no matter what.
  4. realg187

    realg187 Well-Known Member

    Do the ppl that make deez games are about you or your finances? They get paid to do what they love while you pay to do what you love? Dont think so...
  5. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    They get paid because a game sells. And that is my point. True that they wouldn't buy the game even if they could, but still, that does not give the company support. See, like everything else, if you like a game you support it. If you don't like a game you don't support it. If you like a console, you support it. If you don't like a console, you don't support it. If you don't have enough money to support a company you like, you either A. keep playing the rom wishing you could do something to help them, or B. Wait until you save enough money to support them. But playing a game, liking it, beating it, having enough money to support the company, and still not giving, that is very... low-brow.
  6. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    ...WHAT?? Could I get a translation, anyone? Please?
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    'do the people that make these games care about you or your finances' I think
  8. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    ...I still don't understand what they're trying to say...
  9. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    People are putting so much deep thought into this situation. I've read all the posts and I just come back to the same conclusion...I don't care about the company. I'm supporting them, not the other way. If I were to stop buying, they would go bankrupt, while if they were to stop making I'd still have the plethora of games that were released years before.

    All in all, they aren't going to stop making games, and I'm not going to stop downloading the games I want. -_-

    I've supported those idiots enough, most of the roms I download are old ass roms anyway that I feel are pretty good games that I didn't have the chance to play when I was younger. Aren't these the kind of roms that we download anyway? Old ass roms, seeing as the pretty new ones don't work because of poor emulation(seems to just be the DS at the moment). By the the time the "new" roms are playable there will be even newer games and those that were "new" will now be OLD. Get it?

    I'm just going to go full circle and say I don't care about them, I really don't. I buy what I feel will have long-standing value in my life, years of ownership...which is just consoles and select games that I feel I'll be playing for months and months to come. You'll have to stab me 12 times to get me to walk into a store..buy a game that I have mediocre interest in and know nothing of outside of the corny commercials for THIRTY or SIXTY dollars. Then the game gets put on the shelf 2 weeks later...yeah money well spent. And what do these bastards do with my money? Raise the prices of the games of COURSE!

  10. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    I`m going to repeat, there is no problem with playing that old NES title that was released when you were 3. In addition to that, there is a rule posted on most ROM/emulation websites that declare that you must delete the rom in 24 hours if you don`t own the actual game. Fair?
  11. mrstealth

    mrstealth Member

    This is getting to be a scary topic... :'(
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    The 24 hour rule is a load of bull that was invented to make users feel "safer". There is no such rule ANYWHERE.
  13. poiujkl

    poiujkl New Member

    That's good, I don't have to delete them now.

    (EB in Australia does not sell games that are worth it, Tamagotchi Connection Corner Shop, Peter Jackson's King Kong, blah blah blah)
  14. GameAW

    GameAW New Member

    The way I see it, I'll only buy games if they're good. since we don't get a demo of every game out in whatever system, the best way is to download it. For example: I downloaded Kirby: Nightmare in dreamland shortly after it came out. I liked it, I bought it at gamestop. I downloaded Mario vs. Donkey Kong when it came out. I thought it sucked, I avoid it to this day. Plus if you already have the ROM, why wait until you buy it to enjoy it fully. Just enjoy it fully and when you actually get the game, enjoy some more. And for those with their sniper guns aimed at my forehead, I'd like to point out I am merely stating my point of view, not saying your point of view is wrong.
  15. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Exactly my point. If you like a company, you support it. If you like a game, your support should go to the company that made it. Demos were not invented for the GBA, so getting roms for that cause is fine. And, if you browse shops for a certain game and no shops hold it, it is also fine for that cause because you could not support the game or the creators but you just want to enjoy some good retro entertainment. Well, the DS is kind of different, because there are download stations at different places that allow you to download demos, but sometimes you can't tell if you like the game or not, and you can only keep up to 3 demos, and there are not demos for some games. But that is assuming you own a DS.
  16. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Oh, wait, "users"? How would that rule make users feel safer? Don't you mean the creators?
  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Um no, it was created because some users was thinking "isn't this illegal", the internet wasn't very old when the first ROM sites appeared and downloading wasn't as trivial as it is today. So the 24 hours rule made users feel that it was okay to download ROMs. Thus making sure the sites got more traffic.
  18. EmuBoy

    EmuBoy Well-Known Member

    dude what are u talking about like are u messed in the head i download roms cause when u buy the games for real for like 35 to 50$ and then u finih it u have no use to it anymore but whit roms u can delete them if u dont want it anymore and it doesnt cost anything
  19. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah but what about the people who created the game? How will they be paid so they can put food on the table?
  20. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    Geez Seph I dont know...maybe from the billions of dollars the industry gets EVERY WEEK. A few people..not even a few hundred...well crap not even a few THOUSAND people downloading roms will stop this industry, it would take a ridiculous amount of people to download roms for an even more ridiculous amount of time. It would have to spread like AIDS. It isn't going to. ROMS are always behind the real thing. We as humans KNOW what interests us and what doesn't. The roms I download are roms that I KNOW I wouldn't be interested otherwise. What I mean is I would download a rom I have a little interest in for whatever reason, but at the same time I know that despite that interest I will stop playing that game a few days later. Because of that little fact, I wouldn't even consider buying that game. On the other hand...games that I have alot interest in are games that I will automatically buy, period. What are we really downloading anyway? We aren't downloading the 60 dollar products that are out there now, no way. What we are downloading are the old products, that wouldn't help the company anyway if we were to buy it in real life. ROMs aren't as big a deal as pirating real PC games and movies. These things are stuff that can be downloaded practically on the release of the product. What are roms? Games that are downloaded literally years later of the products actual release.

    Sure..you can download it within weeks or months of it's release but you won't be able to play it or enjoy it because of the current emulation.
    You have to understand, look at the bigger picture. The current gen consoles...will not be played on PC's as massively as the old consoles were...why? Because the average PC was able to play the old consoles. As time goes on only the most powerful PC's will be able to emulate these more powerful systems, thus the whole ROM/Emulation scene becomes distant for the mainstream consumer.

    Frankly, the companies are "acting" worried right now, they just want to cause a scene. They know that a few years from now emulators on PC's will be something exclusive..that only the most hardcore/richest people can afford. If you think about it this is practically just a fad in a sort of way. It's done by many many people, but a few years from now only a few people will still be doing it.

    So why don't we just enjoy this fad while it's still "cool"? What's the real point of the whole "why don't we support them?" deal? Do you really think the video games market is in danger because of people downloading roms? That the individuals who make these games don't have cash to feed their families? Honestly, NO. The video games industry is now doing better than the music industry...can you comprehend how big that is? Considering music is something so ancient and games is something that's been around for what...20-30 years? Like I said before..what would need to happen to crash this industry would be the equivalent of the next "Big Bang"
