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COP: The Recruit

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by shackol101, Nov 4, 2009.

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  1. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    GTA Chinatown Wars will play on ysmenu without patching it!

    I wish this game was more GTA Chinatown Wars, where you can kill people by runing into them with your car lol!
  2. SpecterM91

    SpecterM91 Well-Known Member

    I dunno, I kind of like the fact that you're just a cop in this. I always preferred True Crime to GTA a while back. I just think a sandbox game where you're a cop, going around actually stopping the chaos rather than creating it is just really fun. Now, if they'd combine the two and let you choose, possibly have a multiplayer mode where one group are the criminals and the others are the cops, that'd be pretty sweet. :p
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I kined of a agree, but in real life if you make a mastake by running some one over, your ass is grass, anyway that's the hard part if they where to put this into this game, So that where you don't make that mastake... are you should not!
    Post Merge: [time]1258146453[/time]
    All i can say is Thank you SUXXORS team!
  4. serpentile

    serpentile Active Member

  5. OmegaFlare2

    OmegaFlare2 Well-Known Member

    wait, so does the fix on mininova.com work on R4v1.18 with YSmenu?

    If it doesn't, how can I set the stuff in my SDcard to play other games like PSzero with YSmenu and switch to COP without YSmenu smoothly without having to go onto the computer and put in YSmenu?
  6. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure you can get ysmenu to just play as an .nds file like you would a game, homebrew, or moonshell. Except from there you can then select a rom to play.
  7. OmegaFlare2

    OmegaFlare2 Well-Known Member

    ok, but then somehow I need to get my firmware unpatched and get ySmenu seperate. But not yet.
    First: Does the mininova.com one work on R4v1.18 with YSmenu?
  8. rmystq

    rmystq New Member

    All I see here are R4s... Is there any fix for the TT DS??? T T
  9. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    This game works on R4 1.18 + YSMenu, but you don't have to load it with YSMenu! Understand? Don't load it with YSMenu, or you'll see a black screen. Just do it normal! :D I want to drive over civillians and kill them when I want.... :( But this game is still damn awesome!
  10. indianCHAN

    indianCHAN Well-Known Member

    How do you load something without YSMenu?
  11. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Use the normal firmware I'd assume.
    You can choose to create YSMenu as a .nds file or as a firmware that will replace the old firmware.
    (I did the latter)
  12. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    See page 2

  13. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    What groh says! That's the way, load it with the normal firmware :D
  14. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    This game really isn't that good. I haven't played it when AP was up to 19, and I start now, it's really a disappointment.
    1) The cars max speed is like 20km/h?
    2) Walking around, turning view = shit.
    3) Guns etc. Touch screen? Very poor.
    4) Cannot kill people.
    5) Unrealistic. I hit a car going at 20km/h twice and it blows up. The blowing up is like On the run.

    I know if they copy everything from GTA, they'll get screwed, but there's no reason to simply make shit changes, and rely on graphics for successful sales. The AP's aren't worth it.
  15. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    You're right and not, lol! The cars are very slow, shooting isn't that good, I want to kill people. But the good things about this game are the grapichs! The best grapichs I've seen on a DS game... So it's 50/50....
  16. Waverley73

    Waverley73 Member

    Yeah, but what good are great looking graphics if the gameplay is disappointing?

    I think sometimes people actually forget why games are made. To entertain people. Not to look nice.

    I had really high hopes for this game, and although I have had some fun playing it there's a lot about it which disappoints me.

    Cannot interact with ANYONE on the street. You can ram your car straight into a police car and nothing will happen to you. You can pull your gun out, aim it at people and start shooting like crazy and they just stand there looking into space like you're not even there. It looks good but the lack of any interaction with the environment is what I'm disappointed with. And the fact that if you don't catch up with a speeding driver within about 15 seconds it can be 'game over'.
  17. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    i actually agree with your disappointments!
  18. lonelycatz

    lonelycatz Well-Known Member

  19. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    What you say is true. But games are to entertain AND to look good. When you shoot at people, they run away screaming "HEY!" or "AAAAAAAAH!" So stupid!
  20. thomas9790

    thomas9790 Member

    I totally agree with almost everyone on this page: this game should be better. Because when you drive, sometimes you can
    just drive through people like they are dust.
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