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click here if you're 13 years old! (honestly :P)

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by DSaddictforever, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Dude, I'm 13 and I already broke like 12 laws or something :-\
  2. jevejo777

    jevejo777 Well-Known Member

    only 12?
  3. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    haha yeah waylonn thats not that impressive :p lol im fifteen and i have "two strikes" one more and i go to juvie
  4. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Does trespassing? All I got is trespassing, breaking an entry, light vandalism, avoiding the cops, "petty theft" (I thought the fire extinguisher was... free! The place was burned down (ROFL!!!!!)) and a few more by age 13. Oh, destruction of private property. The roof of my school wasn't as stirdy as I thought.
  5. ICE-X

    ICE-X Well-Known Member

    Ha, I'm guilty of like 150 counts of piracy!
    (I'm 14 just to stay on topic lol)
  6. warriorblade

    warriorblade Well-Known Member

    i'll be 12 in a couple of days :p i'm out of here >.>
  7. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    If I didn't disclose my age online, no one would've thought I was 12 (two years ago when I started posting) through the grammar I use.

    My social studies teacher accused me of plagiarism on my report because the language "didn't sound like me" and that I copied Wikipedia verbatim. Apparently, I am chastised if I use overly sophisticated English and also if I use overly simple English.

    It's not my fault for winning the class spelling bee...

  8. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    Im 13 plus the year of 5 and Im 13 right? lol. I miss my childhood days.
  9. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    yeah me too i remember it like it was yesterday ahh.. goodtimes goodtimes
  10. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    I'm 13! xD
    But I act like I'm 8 sometimes... Or 15 :S
  11. DSaddictforever

    DSaddictforever Well-Known Member

    woah.. 0.o i am shocked and amazed. that is so awesome. :p
  12. im 13 4 years ago. haha
  13. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    wow another 13 years old(4years ago) pinoy!
  14. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    wait that would make you... 43? im so right :p
  15. noitenshi

    noitenshi Well-Known Member

    I'm 13 8 years ago. But, I'm a kid at heart. :D
  16. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    So you're on of those 13 year olds that can drink and buy lotto tickets?
  17. DSaddictforever

    DSaddictforever Well-Known Member

    some 13 year olds can get away with things and actually drink and buy lotto tickets even if they're really 13. especially those that look like they're 20 or something. I have a friend of mine who's really tall, like 5'8, and they often mistake her as 20 and i get mistaken as her little sister. and i'm supposed o be older than her. :p haha.
  18. sdqn

    sdqn New Member

    i´m getting 14 on tuesday
  19. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    I'm small for my age.
    And even I can get beer and stuff
  20. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    gah i feel old =( im 19. i wish i was 13 again lol