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Chuck Norris Jokes

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by sokka101, Apr 30, 2010.

  1. manaseater

    manaseater Well-Known Member

    100. Chuck norris told the dinosaurs to be quiet. They didn't listen.
  2. robofingers

    robofingers New Member

    Complete waste of ten minutes of my time
    101. Chuck Norris doesn't breathe, he holds air hostage.
  3. quickcaster

    quickcaster Well-Known Member

    102. chuck norris doesnt need to tell what time it is he decides what time it is
  4. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    103. It was not an atomic bomb US dropped on Hiroshima, it was Chuck Norris diving out of an airplane then punching the ground with this fists!
  5. muddymaster

    muddymaster Well-Known Member

    104.the world isnt spinning, Chuck Norris is walking
  6. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    105. Chuck Norris is so strong that he can slam a revolving door.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    chuck norris made a typo while writing a computer program once. Realising this, the language's authors quickly amended the language syntax, because chuck norris is never wrong.
  8. manaseater

    manaseater Well-Known Member

    From then on HMTL was known as HTML.
  9. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    108. Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming that Law and Order are trademark names for his left and right legs.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    chuck norris will win the above mentioned lawsuit.
  11. muddymaster

    muddymaster Well-Known Member

    110. chuck norris can kill two stones with one bird.
  12. Corriger

    Corriger Well-Known Member

    111. Correction to the above statement:

    He'll kill two BOULDERS with half of a bird.
  13. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    112. Chuck Norris' mom has a tattoo that says "Son".
  14. Arron_zero

    Arron_zero Well-Known Member

    113.According to physicists, the energy produced from the big bang is exactly 1 CNRhK(Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick)
    114.Cloning is outlawed because if Chuck Norris is cloned, it would be possible for a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to meet another Chuck Norris roundhouse kick. Scientists predict that it would end the universe.
  15. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    115. Chuck Norris doesn't need to take over the world. If he wanted to he could have taken over the Universe without breaking a sweat, and all he needs is to-
  16. Arron_zero

    Arron_zero Well-Known Member

    116.Chuck Norris can run so fast he can run around the earth and punch himself in the back.
  17. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    117. Chuck Norris has been known to be able to finish 1st in the Mushroom GP on Super Mario Kart, much to the chagrin of his menagerie of imaginary friends.
  18. robofingers

    robofingers New Member

    chuck norris roundhouse kicked the sun 6 minutes ago... we have about 2 minutes of light left
  19. manaseater

    manaseater Well-Known Member

    ^ was 118

    119. When Chuck Norris played FFVII, he used a pheonix down on Aeris.
  20. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    120. Chuck Norris has never finished FFVII, he has however finished Barbie Goes Shopping on the Nes.