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christianity vs satanism, the truth about these religions.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by santino_manyak, May 1, 2009.

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  1. lokiden

    lokiden Member

    Listen, if 20,000 pagans are threatening to wipe your village out, what would you do? Talk rude to them?

    There is a big difference between murder and killing.
  2. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    what i meant about rituals is the killing stuff, not about the pharaoh stuff.

    What? specify yer religion, AND SAY THE "LOT"
  3. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    sorry fer another double post.

  4. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    From what I know about satanism, which isn't much, It's more of a worship of yourself. I read the satanic bible in college and it seemed like a simple opposite to all religious policy. Like the most important holiday of the year is your own birthday. I also remember the last page of the satanic bible pretty much saying it's all a satire on the actual bible. Sort of a joke. I'm atheist btw so the actual bible is equally a joke to me, just better literature.
  5. @ Lechong Baboy, answer pan chan's questions he may have some ideas.

    some of the facts i found about christianity:

    Awhile back, THW wrote a post examining the theological significance of the fact that Jesus actually ate. After the resurrection, to prove his physicality, his carnality, he eats roasted fish with disciples. His body was and is a real body, a tangible quantum, and his incarnation affirms that finitude is a good and proper thing. The limitations imposed upon us by our creatureliness are meant to be there–we are meant to eat and take joy in eating, we are meant to sleep and enjoy sleeping, and we are meant to cycle through seasons of rest and work. And this also means that redemption is as much physical as it is spiritual. The redemption wrought by Christ in his incarnation, life, cross, and resurrection is full-orbed. When he opens the scroll of Isaiah in Luke 4 and reads that he has come to break the yoke of the oppressed, he really means the physical yoke of the oppressed. And it is the failure of Constantinian Christianity that it has spiritualized these missional impulses. It has spiritualized poverty to the extent that the “cultured despisers of religion” (who are regarded as the spiritually poor) have become the primary audience of Christianity’s gospel, and it has relegated concern for the poor to the “hyper-spiritual”–the religious orders in Catholicism, the Shane Claibornes and the William Booths in Protestantism. But the spiritualization of salvation has had some unfortunate effects, not least of which is that it has opened Christians to the critique offered up by the “masters of suspicion” (Paul Ricoeur’s phrase) that Christianity, like other religions, is simply a projection onto the abstract of humanity’s greatest longings and fears. It transposed humanity’s longing for rescue from temporal maladies onto the realm of the infinite. This statement by Feuerbach is typical:

    “Christianity set itself the goal of fulfilling man’s unattainable desires, but for that very reason ignored his attainable desires. By promising man eternal life, it deprived him of temporal life, by teaching him to trust in God’s hlep it took away his trust in his own powers; by giving him faith in a better life in heaven, it destroyed his faith in a better life on earth and his striving to attain such a life. Christianity gave man what his imagination desires, but for that very reason failed to give him what he really and truly desires” (Lectures on the Essence of Religion, Lecture XXX).

    But this critique only addresses a kind of Christianity that has lost sight of the material dimension of salvation. In our working, in our eating, in our dancing, in our playing, if are Christians, we are ushering the kingdom of God into the realm of the everyday. And so obedience in everyday things becomes exceedingly important. Who we feed, how we talk to each other, how we build our cities–all of these things matter, because the kingdom of God is a physical thing, not an abstraction. As THW said in her earlier post, “Dualism and docetism be damned. We worship a God who eats!”

  6. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    Hell so ye can be saved and your will be fullfilled by these


    # We are predestined by God to go to either heaven or hell. None of our thoughts, words, or actions can affect the final outcome. 1:4-5, 11

    # God had his son murdered to keep himself from hurting others for things they didn't do. 1:7

    # The bloody death of Jesus smelled good to God. 5:2

    # Those who refuse to obey will face the wrath of God. 5:6
  7. what's wrong with these statements? i can't seem to see you're point.
    more facts about satanism and paganism coming up:

    There are also missinterpretations of Pagan being the same as Satanist(or one being Satanic) it is not however, Pagans and Satanists are very different, though some simmalarities may be this does not make them the same. Many Pagans of this modern day society are about positive energy(though balance with the negative is sometimes practiced to keep in what is believed by some is healthy) and has nothing to do with dwelling in evil thoughts, desires, actions, etc. where as Satanist is where it is of evil, and focusing on the negative.
  8. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    are ye even reading the site throughly? do we say that we focus on negative? read the whole site again and you'll understand.

    "It has served us well, this myth of Christ"
    -Pope Leo X (1475-1521)
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    wicca has both positive and negative focuses, thats what white and black magick are. White magick is used for positive outcomes, black for negative (though it can depend on intent).
  10. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    how can you post that topic when ye did not read everything on what was posted in the site topic maker.
  11. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    oops double post x3!

    This is the site page:

    There are different sects of Satanism. Joy of Satan Ministries is Spiritual Satanism.

    Satanism is not a "Christian invention."

    Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions.

    Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities.

    Satanism is not about "evil."

    Satanism is not a "reaction" to Christianity.

    Satanism is not about death.

    this clearly contradicts what ye said topic maker
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I seriously doubt it predates 'all other religions', to my knowledge there are older pagan religions.
  13. well, i wasn't the one who thought of that. just got it from some references about paganism and it states that. so, focusing about the positive that's what satanists do? then why bother mocking Christianity? why not question Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism? and other religions?
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    because christianity spends most of its time attacking pagans. The satanists are merely returning fire.
  15. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    The older pagan religions are of satan and his demons, for example inana is astaroth.

    This is the site page:

    There are different sects of Satanism. Joy of Satan Ministries is Spiritual Satanism.

    Satanism is not a "Christian invention."

    Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions.

    Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities.

    Satanism is not about "evil."

    Satanism is not a "reaction" to Christianity.

    Satanism is not about death.

    this clearly contradicts what ye said topic maker
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Not all of them.
  17. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    This is the site page:

    There are different sects of Satanism. Joy of Satan Ministries is Spiritual Satanism.

    Satanism is not a "Christian invention."

    Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions.

    Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities.

    Satanism is not about "evil."

    Satanism is not a "reaction" to Christianity.

    Satanism is not about death.

    this clearly contradicts what ye said topic maker

    Tell me what the others are not.

    Enki is satan.
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Just because you've named two pagan gods that are allegedly satan, doesn't mean they all are. there are thousands of pagan gods and godesses.
  19. they werent attacking pagans, for them pagans are like country people. paganism is the blanket term given to describe religions and spiritual practices of pre-Christian Europe, and by extension a term for polytheistic traditions or folk religion worldwide seen from a Western or Christian viewpoint.
  20. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    There are manyof gods, there not satan, they are one of his demons, and A high ranking one.

    Inanna is astaroth - one of the four crown princess of hell.

    Gods have a cycle, especially the one when aton (the one that replaced the major egyptian gods for sometime) was worshipped by the people.

    nice copy and paste from wikipedia lol. And fer that religions we were banished and killed....

    This is the site page:

    There are different sects of Satanism. Joy of Satan Ministries is Spiritual Satanism.

    Satanism is not a "Christian invention."

    Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions.

    Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities.

    Satanism is not about "evil."

    Satanism is not a "reaction" to Christianity.

    Satanism is not about death.

    this clearly contradicts what ye said topic maker
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