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CD's vs Cartridges

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Light_Of_Darkness, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    also not all SSDs are created equal. Some have much better real-world performance than others. The Intel ones are some of the best, but also they're much more expensive than others.
  2. Light_Of_Darkness

    Light_Of_Darkness Well-Known Member

    figures. in the PC world, you get what ya pay for.

    on topic: isnt a hard drive kinda like the in-between of a cartridge and a CD?
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    not really.
  4. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    I think we're going to be stuck with CD-type games for the foreseeable future. It's still just Nintendo holding out on carts, while all the other companies moved on as soon as the CD became a workable upgrade technology-wise. Some even made the switch a bit too soon, back in the day. I prefer to get a game with better graphics, sound, & all the other things a larger storage medium offers, with my money than the feeble & expensive cart can offer anymore.
  5. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I don't think nintendo will ever go to discs with their handhelds... more than likely, the cartridges are going to get smaller.
  6. rchuncleskeleton

    rchuncleskeleton Well-Known Member

    Well if we can play roms via a flashcart with a micro sd card(that are up to 16GB at this point) what's to stop nintendo from developing games in a cartridge that can store just as much information, making it better than a disc by having a large capacity and not being susceptible to scratching.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  8. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    I'm with cartridges till they make a CD that can't be scrathed...
    So probably a damned long time ^^
  9. rchuncleskeleton

    rchuncleskeleton Well-Known Member

    If it cost's me $20-$30 to buy a flashcart and microsd card what's standing in the way of nintendo developing carts that would cost the end user the same price, the companies that manufacture the flash carts and the memory cards are making a profit so why would it be any different for nintendo or another game company, I mean they're already creating cartridges and I'm sure technology has advanced far beyond the point of what they're developing now, they started creating these ds carts back in 2004 so it should be easy to expand the memory capacity without much of a cost difference.
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Blah blah blah, it's what? 2009 now? And the max capacity of their cartridges are 256 MB? My little microSD card holds more than that, and it's even smaller than their cartridges.

    Nintendo has memory capacity issues, not just CD issues.
  11. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    Yeah, a flash cart plus a micro-SD card do not an official game make. Carts will always cost more than disc based media of comparable format, unless something dramatically changes. And if Nintendo makes games smaller than the DS carts already are, I'm going to tear my hair out in frustration.