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Carrots cause Swedish bomb scare

Discussion in 'General News' started by 1prinnydood, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    @mds64 Don't assume you can speak for the victims of terror, one of the things that keep people going through the bad times is humor. A prank is a prank, no harm done, you do not understand how resilient the survivors of terrorist attacks become. Talk about what you know and not how you imagine people would feel. Read my post #13 to see what I know and sadly don't have to imagine.

    @branraf, you are so wrong in this, you are handing the real terrorists victory when you start arresting people for being stupid. When your country begins to arrest people for being silly your country becomes terrorist. Remember who was responsible for the fear in this report. It was the police who created the panic by handling the situation very badly, they are either stupid, badly trained or lily-liver'd pricks who are in the wrong job.

    Indeed, well said Krusha. If things keep going they way they are just thinking about saying 'boo' will be enough to land you in trouble soon.
  2. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Well, a prank has similarities and differences from terrorism. I dont know what laws are about terrorism in ireland but its different in many countries. A prank should not try to hurt people, and supposed to have a laugh at it in the end. But terrorism is different, it tries to scare you to the point that it hurts/kills people.

    so the carrot incident was a prank, but why did it have to be something that looks like a bomb- something that destroy/hurt something or someone? why didn't they just put a carrot in the middle and eggs in its side. then thats a funny prank and only conservative people would have a rant about it.

    Yes, humor is the best medicine. The carrot-thing creator's intention was not to get humor, he wants to create panic and he gets it. Hoorah for him, he won. Victory for terrorism. But he got caught, so, let his peers judge him if it was funny or an act of terrorism, and from what i see from that news, his peers see that prank as an act of terrorism for being scared and called the police.

    good for you that you have survived and not scared with those that you experienced. you should be a speaker to people who have survive the same incidents. but the problem, with most of us that are scared about experiencing it, we can see it, and we can feel it. And the only thing we can do is report something like that carrot thing to the police or people who handles the same situations. Also, i cant seem to find any wrong about what the police did in that situation according to that news. Can you enlighten me how did the police handled that situation?
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    A prank is only similar to terrorism if that prank had the potential to endanger life, in this case there was no potential for harm. Fear is very sortlived once you realise there was never any real threat, most people will have a good laugh about the whole thing later.

    I understand people are scared, but we have to keep things in perspective, the chance of most people being involved in a terrorist incident is tiny. See this http://www.sixwise.com/newsletters/05/07/13/the_six_most_feared_but_least_likely_causes_of_death.htm Most of the fear people have is formed by the media and certain members of government who have a vested interest in promoting fear so that they can inact legistlation to achive one of the very aims of terror, namely reducing your freedoms.

    The police in this situation did everything wrong as soon as they spoke to the press. They obviously did not call a bomb squad, why not if they thought there was a real threat? It does not say if they even made any attempt to secure the areas where these things where placed, is this because they identified what these things where within seconds like anybody else with eyes in their head would do? I suggest that the police have overreacted when speaking to the media in order to cover-up the fact that no protocol was followed when the initial reports came in. These police have used people's fear to divert attention away from the reality of the situation, the police got pranked, got embarrased, and could not handle the fact that people were laughing at them.
  4. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    This is like another piece of news I read about here in Kuwait.

    There were two Canadian comedians who entered the green zone in Baghdad riding Canadian Embassy limousines. The guards just let them through the gates. When they arrived near the US embassy I think, they came out of the limos dressed up as Osama bin Laden. The security and the secret service were stumped!
  5. failtorespond

    failtorespond Well-Known Member

    They should have shot them.

    "Jokes on you!"
  6. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    just reading through the article Prinny posted...
    It also listed a few ways that can commonly kill you... this one made me lol: Sexual behaviors (20,000)

    Back to the carrots
    Lets say someone got a bowling ball and a cork with string, and placed the cork into the fingerholes making it looks like a cartoon bomb.
    Need they be arrested/shot? well according to some idiots, yes
  7. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Hilarious news post.

    I'm still laughing!!
  8. Misguidance

    Misguidance Active Member

    I think the artist was pretty stupid, to be honest, but I don't think they should be arrested. Maybe cautioned, because clearly they did upset a lot of people and they ended up wasting police time.

    Also, a bunch of carrots with tapes and wires could look a lot like a bomb if you only saw a glimpse of it or saw it in passing. If I saw something that looked like a bomb, I wouldn't go back and double check that it wasn't just carrots. ;)
  9. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Who was upset apart from the police?
  10. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I remember a great person in history said that vigilance is a duty of a true citizen. The carrot bomb, i must admit, was a prank, not as a advertisement like the artist admitted. The people who reported the incident showed vigilance, and are the true citizens of that area. Concerned with the welfare, safety, of the state, it was their civic duty to report incidents like that to the authorities. The police, as their mandated duty is to preserve the peace and order to the society, should have done the highest possible way to handle the situation. And from that news article, its best to use the out most procedure to handle the situation.

    Its better to be silly but prepared, rather than a stupid-unprepared dead. Good thing he was not spotted by the police cause they would have an excuse to shoot him on sight. Caught red handed.
  11. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    thats hilarious. image wearing a piece of supposedare and be told to take it off at gunpoint. how fun
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